Chapter 150: The Nine Towers Academy

Name:Casual Heroing Author:
Chapter 150: The Nine Towers Academy

I wish I could say I enjoyed the travel, that I saw amazing things on the road, and so on. But the truth is, I didnt. I absolutely loathed every moment of it. You know that thing about some characters not getting along with horses? Well, thats me. I had no idea we would ride horses for something like ten days. Even Stanimal was flabbergasted at how much animosity the equines could muster toward me. So much that we even bought a goddamn cart along the way. We had horses provided by none other than the Royal Guard, and we had to attach one to a coach.

After that, the sickness came. Oh yeah, sickness.

I had not had time to heal quickly enough from the soreness in my nether region when I started puking my guts out. And you might wonder, Well, Joey, why dont you ask the [Supreme Archmagus] for help? He helped a woman with goddamn ninth stage cancer; cant he do something for you?

Which is a wonderful question.

To which the answer would be:

Joey Luciani. You might not be a Vanedeni, but you are being taught by one. Stop being a child and learn how to tolerate the []

You get the gist.

So, yeah. No. No, we are not describing my awful travel. I am not telling you about the beautiful sights I saw or the weird animals Stan presented to me. Why? Because I was puking and feeling sick every other minute. How can a person on a coach feel sick? Beats me. But I was. And I really dont want to think about it.

When I was thinking about me hitting the academy, I thought about a grand welcome, about [Archmages] lining up to see me, and God knows what. Was there any basis for such a thought?

Not really.

What happened was that I ignored all the majestic architecture to check myself in an inn where I could use the toilet. Then, I kept feeling sick for almost the entire day. Admittedly, one of the reasons I felt so ill was because I kept doing magic math and running simulations in my head. And listen, if, on the one hand, the stupid hat is very powerful and helpful, on the other, it messes up your internal balance and overall perception. It amplifies everything. Thats why I kept puking my guts out during most of the trip.

But I had no other choice.

The clocks ticking. Lord Juler told me something very interesting about this stupid academy, and thats the only reason Ive actually come up here. I couldnt care less about any duels. Antoninuss mother has to be healed.

As I finally fall asleep, I ponder the nature of my latest findings. I might have finally managed to recreate something close to gamma rays.

Waking up, I find myself staring at a massive snout.

What the hell, Grigio? I pull myself up, and the dog looks at me with contempt. What have I done to this animal is beyond me, but he really seems to dislike me. Whatever. As I move, I hear a squeal from my side, and I notice Princess Bianca rousing from her royal lay.

Looking out the window, I notice that its still day. I must have slept a couple of hours. I look for a clock on the wall, but theres nothing in my immediate vicinity. To be honest, I dont even exactly remember which inn Im in, if we all checked in here, or if I talked with anyone else from the group.

I mean, our group is actually pretty small. Its me, Lucillus, Stanimal, and Princess Laura. Oh, yeah, and Domitilla, my new student. Before, I had thought about bringing along either Tiberius or Quintus to open a shop here, but now that weve got Camilla and Clodia with us, I needed someone to keep them in check.

Would two veterans suffice?

Only God knows.

Getting out of my room and into a wooden corridor, I instantly notice that the overall quality of this building, a simple inn, is nothing to scoff at. The wood is polished and has a luster to it. Plus, I can feel a slight tingle on my skin. There are enchantments all over the place.

I look at all the doors, and I instantly decide that its better I dont start randomly knocking on strangers doors. Instead, I make my way downstairs. Grigio, the dog that apparently magically entered my room, almost trips me on my way down he runs to a table where I can see all my escorts.

Yo, wassup, I wave at them. What time is it?

Lunch, Lucillus grumbles.

Lunch? Huh. Well, I think I lost twenty pounds on the way here. Better order something.

I look around, hoping to find a waitress. When my eyes land on a cheery, hairy, fat man, I feel my appetite fade. He instantly scuttles over to me, almost tumbling. Its one of the first very fat Elven people Ive seen. Even though they dont respect the canons of fairness created by fantasy writers, Ive rarely seen very fat Elves. And I deal in sweets. So, I should be the prime expert on the subject.Read latest chapters at Only

Hello, dear customer! Welcome to the Drunken Pyromancer!

Wow, an inn in a magical citadel named after something magical.

Hello, there. Lovely establishment, I nod to the man. Im a bit hungry, and I need to put on somefood in my stomach. I managed to bite my tongue before saying, put on some weight.

Sure! We even have Human delicacies here! Would you like a plate of steamed snail buns?

Come again?

Steamed snail buns! Humans love them! Its one of the most popular dishes from the Almiri cuisine! Even if we are at war, it doesnt mean we cant share some of the great food our enemies make

My brains fuse goes out for a moment.

Ill take some meat. Even better, some meaty soup. With some bread on the side. If you have magical meat, Ill take that. No organs, no bones, please.

Im not a picky eater, but these goddamn Elves would scare even Bear Grills away with their ruthless chewers.

The server nods and starts rolling away toward the kitchen.

I notice dark faces on Lucillus and Princess Laura. The first is not a surprise, the second a little more so.

Archmage Marcus, Stan laughs. Still behaving like a child, I see.

King Tiberius, always sulking.

After a moment, the two hug each other.

I dont go by that name no more, Marcus. You can call me Stan now. I want to leave my role in this country to younger generations. Im done interfering.

Oh. Was that a [Ghost Assassin] who dethroned the current Queen and raided the court, then?

Almost done, Stan says with a light smile.

And thats the Princess, the Archmage turns toward us, looking straight at Princess Laura with rainbow-colored irises. Not bad. She has a decent magical aptitude.

And is this thing about a Human wanting to marry her true? Wait, is that the Human?

Suddenly, Archmage Marcus frowns. Then, he sniffs the air like a hound.

A stray thought hits me.

Im wearing a hat whose inner lining is made of Dragon skin.

Oh, here we go again.

Aborted generations, the Archmage swears, widening his eyes. Is that Human wearing Julersstupid hat?

Stan turns to me with confusion in his eyes, but then he widens them.

Thats it! I could recognize the smell anywhere! And its lined with Dragon skin! That cheeky bastard! I was barely a kid when I met that idiot! He made that hat on purpose to irritate Witches and Dragons!

Someone still remembers the greatest [Archmage], I see.

I can hear Lord Juler gloat at the irritation I can now spot on the composed Dragon [Archmage].

I raise a hand in salute and try to smile. To be honest, Im so close to soiling my pants. Im stupid, yes. But Im not so stupid as to mess with Dragons.

Joey? Is what Marcus says true? Is that the Relic the most famous [Archmage] created to spite an entire Class and race?

Its [Supreme Archmagus], you fools.

Do I have to answer that question? I ask, grimacing.

Is he a Vanedeni? the Archmage asks Stan.

No, just a normal Human. I dont actually know where he comes from, exactly. But I vouch for him, Marcus. Keep your claws to yourself. He will also duel with your best disciples.

Will he, now, I can sense some enmity from the Dragon and his blazing gaze pouring over me.

Fear not, student. They might have practiced longer than you. But they are neither made of the same cloth nor have they a teacher worthy of their name. I shall be long forgotten by history the day an untalented Dragon shall instill fear in one of my disciples.

Am I a student or a disciple, now?

You qualify for being my disciple. But Id rather make it official with a proper ceremony. We will take care of it at a later date.

Tiberius, why is your student not answering my question?

I come back to the real world, noticing that I apparently missed a question from the big bad Dragon.

Hes not my disciple, Marcus. And please, call me Stan. He daydreams, sometimes.

How can a person so distracted be worthy of dueling my disciples, Stan? Does he even have any magical aptitude? I cant see his talent. Is he taking magic seriously, or did he just find a Relic, and now he thinks he can lord over others? And whos teaching him? If he doesnt have a teacher, how can he demand to challenge my students?

The chatty Dragon is still talking, and I have no intention of interrupting him. However, thats not so true for the person that can randomly take control of my body.

Disrespect has always run thick in Dragons blood. Like Hydras, your lot has always felt superior to the rest of the world. Even if, time and time again, you have been humbled by history. And also, once again, the Nine Towers Academy looks down on those not taught by their clique. But I carry both Lord Julers, the one [Supreme Archmage], will and Relic. The only thing that stands between me and a weak Archmage like you bowing to me is a few years. So, Dragon, be careful with your words. This body does not have the blood of a Vanedeni, but it carries all its will, and its wrath shall descend onto you if you intend to insult me any further.

Everyone fucking freezes at my words. I can feel a hint of piss coming out of me. I have rarely been this scared in my life.

Well, thank you, Lord Juler. I really wanted to die. I mean, why not.

Suddenly, a huge magical pressure envelops my body. But Lord Julers currently in charge of it, and he simply laughs at it. The Dragon narrows his eyes, but he relents after a second.

He talks like that madman, Tiberius. I cant call you Stan, Im sorry. Bear with me. Habits and traditions die hard with a Dragon. I will host you as my honored guests if you agree. Your descendants are in my tower, under my people. I think you want to check on them. Ill have a report drafted for you as soon as we cross the entrance.

The Dragon ignores my words even if Lucillus, Princess Laura, and Domitilla are as frozen as I am.

Oh, and you, Human. I shall test your words. If you are found lacking, Im sure many would be after the Relic you wear on your head. And just as many would gladly take it off of you, with your head still attached to it.