Chapter 180: Valarith

Name:Casual Heroing Author:
Chapter 180: Valarith

Excuse me, can I ask whats happening? I try to talk to the hooded woman with as much respect as possible.

You have an interesting relic on you. Almost as interesting as the soul inhabiting yours.

I think she can see you.

She is supposed to be dead! How is she alive?! Whats happening?! WHY ISNT SHE ON KOME?!New novel chapters are published on

Such questions will have an answer. But now, dont you have something to prove to these miscreants?

Am I supposed just to say yes, go on with the duels as if you hadnt just killed two [Archmages] and the people on the stands werent trampling each other to escape and yet another [Archmage] looks like she wants to kill you? I say all in one breath while pointing at the morbidly obese woman. Im terrified that this might kill me even if Marcus didnt.

It would be enjoyable to talk more, but again, I must encourage you to continue your duels. I might have an opponent to pit against you after the Elves are done with their pathetic treachery.

She turns to smile eerily at the obese woman, probably freezing her blood while casting some weird magic. And Im not sure if that was just a metaphor or a factual statement. The obese woman moves her rattish eyes from Valarith to me with plain disgust written on the creases of her oily skin. After a good, long look and probably considering killing Valarith, she simply [Flies] away, back to the podium.

Are you sure?

And with that simple question, the hooded woman, Valarith, convinced the obese [Archmage] not to attack her. Not that I blame her. If the two corpses on the ground are any indication of what would have happened to her, its better not to risk it.

Look, now that I can better see her face, shes actually you know. Its not like a simple scarred cheek can scare me off that much. Sexually speaking, that is. Magically speaking, Im obviously shitting myself.

But theres always that one question every time you see a member of the opposite sex through my eyes. Its always the same. Its probably deranged and sick, but

Would I tap that?

I mean, taking a better look at the woman, I probably would. My standards are high only when talking about love prospects. And tapping is not really about love, now, is it?

Yeah, sure. Completely normal. All good. Im not freaking out. This is justpeachy. All good. Cool-Cool-cool-cool-cool-cool. Tight. Perfect, even.

I sigh while the hooded woman disappears, and the arena slowly realizes that no one else will die. Probably.

So, if thats all, I scream while enhancing my voice, we could finish this here? I won?

It wouldnt be bad. It means I saved days of stupid fighting. Plus, after killing Adriana, who could be so stupid to think they had even the slightest chance of

Filthy worm!

Here we go.

Ok, ten bucks its the guy who has a crush on Laura.

Sidenote, Lauras going to be a rather thorny matter now, isnt she?

Yo, crazy, jealous non-boyfriend, I say to the man entering the arena.

This whole Ancient Roman vibe is kind of ruined by the idiocy of the people living here, honestly. I could have had some very cool fights where no one really got hurt. Instead, things got very real, very fast. I mean, wheres the show that makes me into a famous, hot, and single bachelor I think that single bachelor is redundant, but given the current state of things, it might be the most appropriate appellative for me.


And just like that, the arena erupts into wild cheers. Apparently, the ultimate hero has entered the stage. The wicked Human will be slain, and finally, justice will triumph over evil.

But man, for real, if you think about it, why didnt we just have a regular fight? If I had not had to risk my stupid life, I could have made [Advanced Light Lances] into any kind of element! How cool would that be?! Instead, I have to use the stupid invisible radiations literally to explode brain matter. I mean, not explode. Its more like ablation.


Wait, just to make sure before I do. Who are you, again? Some details on the background would help, too. See, my memory is quite bad. Thank you very much.