Chapter 189: Serious

Name:Casual Heroing Author:
Chapter 189: Serious

You are an idiot!

She repeats the words.

What did I do? I just said that I forgive you?

How can you forgive me?! II betrayed you! I took your magic and brought it to [Archmage] Titus!


You should hate me! You should be disgusted by my sole presence!

Meh, come on, now. Everyone fucks up sometimes.


Lucinda looks at me with narrowed eyes and trembling in pure anger.

Look, Lucy, its not a problem. I should have been more upfront with you. You fucked up, yeah. But I was hiding stuff, testing you. I was setting you up to fail. If I had been honest, told you all I could really do, and that I was really talented, would you have betrayed me?


She shouts and flips the table we were sitting at. Like flip. Wow. She also kicks a chair, and then she looks at me so fiercely that I feel like running away to avoid being kicked as well. I look at the truth-stone on the bracelet on my wrist with a stealthy movement. Its something I had Claudius enchant according to Lord Juler's directives. The [Enchanter] said it could be a revolution in truth stones. Its basically impossible to evade the truth with this. And now, its not reacting. Not an ounce of a lie in that statement. I wasnt really being honest in putting this on when I got my hands back on my bag of holding, but Im also not inclined to be fooled again.

We could

Her speech is fragmented and pained when she looks at me.

We could have been a power couple. The secretly great [Mage] who poses as a [Baker] and the hot big-boobed [Archmage] of wonders.

As her gaze moves to the counters, I start going for the door. I recognize that stare. She wants to throw something at me. It has happened in the past already.

You! she grits her teeth and starts walking toward me with a dangerous glint in her eyes.

I give her my signature wink moments before she grabs me by my robe and stares dead into my eyes.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

I do.

You dont.

You are a child.

What? You dont know what I was going to ask!

She looks at me pointedly before sighing and putting her hands on her sides.

Come on, ask the question.

No! Now you tell me what you think the question is! I say, putting my hands on my sides as well.

You wanted to ask me if we could have a bath together.

Ha! I wanted to ask if we could


How did you know?!

Joey, you love asking stupid stuff when you act serious. When you talk about serious stuff, you act like an idiot. And vice versa.


Well, thats true. Anyway, are we still on for the bath?

Lucinda scoffs and goes for the door, leaving the kitchen without looking back.

As Im starting to get depressed about the missed occasion, a robe hits me in the face.

Are you coming or not?

I look at the garment in my hands and run for the door.