Chapter 204: Refreshments

Name:Casual Heroing Author:
Chapter 204: Refreshments

Can you refresh my memory? I dont remember agreeing to any of this.

The white Elf with a midlife crisis written all over her face, Amelia, is dragging Zahra, the Human black woman, by one arm while Alba and Anneus follow a few steps behind. I have to admit that for a guy with crutches, Anneus is quite fast.

Oh, come on! We have to eat the green together! Amelia says.


We have to eat together! Its a tradition among Elves!

Tradition for what?

For when you meet new friends! Its the law of hospitality, dummy! Didnt your mom teach you?!

God, please, stop me from arguing with this woman.

I didnt know that either, Anneus says. But if its truly a tradition, Gioeius, shouldnt we all go to your place and eat something together? You wouldnt mind, would you?

I actually have something to take care of

Oh, dont be silly! Amelia immediately releases Zahra to make a clutch at her next prey, Alba. We are all going! No one will be left behind! Come on, chop-chop! HA! Ive brought up two male Elves. Do you think I cant handle you just because you have longer ears? Come on, lady, lets go!

I mean, since Im already accused of treason, couldnt I just add a little murder on top of my counts? What difference would it really make?

Thats how we ended up walking to my place, a cozy apartment I bought with some of the money from my bag of holding. I asked Lord Juler and Princess Valarith to help me with a little ritual to pay for the rest of my expenses. I had never performed one, so it was more of an excuse to learn some cool magic. The fact that the royal treasure is now much lighter is just a side-effect, a little bonus, a sweet cherry on top. Learning is the real reward in life, of course.

You live here? I can hear Alba's slightly guttural voice from over my shoulder.

I look at the two-floor establishment I purchased thanks to some shenanigans and smile.

Just my humble abode.

For all the rotted roots, Anneus swears, you must pay dozens of golds a week to stay here!

More like several thousand to buy the place, but lets keep that under the rug for now.

Please, I say while fiddling with a key in the hole. Its just for show, though. The real lock is magical, and I had Lord Juler guide me through a complex enchantment for the whole place. Its not a Tower, but its impenetrable unless you are very skilled. And most of all, there are so many enchantments to hide the magical signature and energy leaks that it must look like the most boring house in the city.

Hello! Amelia says, stomping inside, almost throwing me to the ground. Hello, there!

No ones home. I live alone.

She suddenly turns to me, mouth wide-open.


Cool, right

All alone in this big house?! You must be super-lonely!

Im doing quite fine, to be honest

Dont worry! Well keep you company whenever you want! We can even study together! A study group! Amelia is probably a few seconds shy of jumping up and down in excitement. I can see the impractical shine of a housewife who doesnt know much about social events in her eyes.

Wow! Thats a lot of food! her eyes widen when she takes a better look at my living room.

I actually forgot about it.

The room is a huge mess there are two couches with a coffee table in front of them and, on the other side, a dining table. On top of everything, you can find trays full of food, casseroles, and pans. Anything, really. Its unreal.

Yeah, I bake when I need to relax. I went a bit overboard.

Thankfully, there are preservation runes all over the place. Otherwise, we would be talking about several dozens of pounds of food that would be rotting. Yeah, yeah. I know. Ive gotten a bit neurotic while waiting for school. I didnt exactly sleep much. What can I do about it? Thankfully enough, I have one of the spells that Lord Juler taught me.

[Induced Insomnia]

And tonight, I will pair it with a nice [Sleep].

Suddenly, the woman freezes. She was snooping around my house when an innocent question stopped her dead in her tracks. Im not clear why she would react like that, but theres clearly something more below the shallow surface.

I just have a lot of free time on my hands since my boys are always out. And my husband died a while ago, so Im mostly here to spend my time productively. My job as a [Caretaker] was a bit boring, and they always told me my talent for magic was good.

Thats cool, I nod. I also feel a twinge of guilt in my guts. I should be less of an asshole to this poor woman. She is probably very lonely, isnt she?

What about you, Zahra? Where are you from?

Zahra, unlike Amelia, has remained stationary for the most part. And, Ive noticed, close to the door.

I was a soldier. I come from Sobek.

Laconic, huh? She is definitely running for Lucilluss positionno. Lets not frame things like that. I dont want to dwell on the past. Whatever happened, happened, and I cant change it. These are different people with different stories. I shall not be unfair just because Im not satisfied with what happened in the past.


The continent of rivers, Alba murmurs.

The what?

You dont know Sobek.

Zahras words do not pose a question. Now, she is looking at me with more interest compared to before.

Im not big on geography, I smile.

Six big continents all around Sobek is known for its rivers, Epretos for our towns. Teiko has the big bad Humans, Foresta the illusions. Carilia has all the different masses, but Kome has the ground-gashes, Amelia says in a chopped-off nursery rhyme.


Didnt they teach you the rhyme when you were little? Amelia asks, confused.

Meh, I had a particular upbringing. I spent most of my time abroad. Weird stuff. My family is in the [Merchant] business, you know? My education has spots all over.

Does it? Zahra is now looking at me with even more interest.

Did she pick up on something? Is she suspicious? Are all people on Sobek black?

These refreshments are of the highest quality, Marcellus says while stuffing his mouth and probably risking suffocating himself with every chomp.

You dont have many personal objects, Anneus says while shuffling around with his crutches.

Heh, Ive moved here very recently. And my parents have taught me to travel light. You dont want things you cant sell in your bag of holding, you know?

But you still cook enough for dozens of people. And nothing to remember them by? Anneus ask while looking at a preservation rune Ive drawn myself.

Not really.

This rune is very well made. Who drew it for you?

I did it.

Liar, Anneus doesnt even look back.

Prick, I reply with a smile.

This time, he turns back with a frown.

Did you really draw that? A preservation rune is like a tier-three spell. But we arent even proper first-year students yet.

Some people come to the academy having already studied a lot of magic, Alba intercepts. Ive studied it myself. I could draw some basic runes. Nothing like a preservation one, but I could draw some heating ones.

And you seemed very good at [Telekinesis] or whatever space movement and displacement you were doing at the ceremony, I say to Anneus, hoping to change the topic.

Well, he returns to the rune and doesnt finish the sentence.

Anyway, about the study group thing, I say.