Chapter 227: Clothes

Name:Casual Heroing Author:
Chapter 227: Clothes

I went to the center of this city, marking the way over here in my head. There were a few signs down the road, but nothing that could really help me trace my way back. I walked for an hour already, making my way over the plaza. My first order of business is buying some new clothes. The looks Im getting for all the blood Im covered in are not conducive to the kind of business I want to establish.

Or maybe they are.

Not yet. Not now. Blood is not poured lightly. It makes no sense to just kill without a reason, without a purpose. And I want to know what kind of war Ill be fighting here. Is it going to be a civil one, one of defense, or one of conquest?

A group of thuggish-looking half-giants suddenly steps in front of me, right in the middle of the market.

Humans come to Leggiadra, now? Little infesting rats. Whats next, Elves? Swarms of dogs?

Speciesist attitude. Not just toward Humans, also toward Elves. Could it because of the size of people?

I stare at them, waiting for them to do something else. If I show weakness, they will pounce; thats how it usually works. I dont suppose that just because they are bigger, its supposed to be any different. And being plain daylight, they will limit themselves to intimidation.

Hydras got your tongue, Human?

Whats up with the blood, you tripped on your small feet? Another asks.

I maintain my calm and give them the hint of a smile. Meanwhile, I imagine myself blowing their heads with the rifle I have in my bag. I picture those huge figures cranial extremities exploding like watermelons during some silly contest. I add some classical music to such a scenario, making it even more relaxing. Seeing them explode in sequence, on the crescendos rhythm, that would be just perfect.

What song would be the best? A classic, maybe. Hymn of Glory. Yes.

Thats the business.nove(l)bi(n.)com

I walk around the thugs, ignoring them. I still have to discover what is a staple of this magic world aside from health potions and truth stones. Ill just try to remember a few of their faces and have them killed at a later date. People say that grudges dont do any good sure, they are no good for the people I have them for.

Im talking with you, little

I whirl on my feet, putting on the most furious snarl I can muster on the spot. I shift my body posture in the most aggressive display and raise my voice at once.

I know Cordius from the Watch! Do you want to bother me more and call the Watch?! Are you trying to hurt me?!

The scream doesnt go unnoticed and now many half-giants, some bigger than the thugs bothering me, are looking at the little group. Suddenly, the petty criminals seem very aware of the daylight that has been shed on them. The sun is repelling their dark deeds and forcing them in hiding. Like vampires who have lost the cover of anonymity and have been exposed to the deathly rays, they scatter. A few [Merchants] look at me with wide eyes; some others, instead, watch me with interest. As every action with a goal, this should help. I dont want these people to know just how clueless I am. The blood is part of the act, of what gives away that I know what Im doing even if I dont. The scream, the quick resolution, how I handled the idiots, is the part that was missing.

In the end, the thugs have been useful. I didnt plan for it, obviously. I dont have supernatural powers. Just a womans capability to adapt to any situation.

Lady Human! I hear one of what will be many [Merchants] voices today. You look like someone who needs new clothes! Meliuss selection is what you want to browse if you need small peoples clothes! You wont find many elsewhere!

Shut up, Melius! A woman says from the side. Im a [Tailor], I could custom-fit anything for the Human! Come here, Lady! Us women know better than a cheap haggler like Melius!

Sortina, stop messing with me! You are a disgusting generalist! Just pick one class, would you? And you might be able to put together some rags, but here I have clothes made by [Tailors] who are over level 20!

Oh, come on, Melius! We all know how cheap you are! I bet that it was mostly their assistants work and then you got them to do some of the stitchings to pass the truth stone inspections!

The half-giant named Melius stutters for a second, clearly an indication that the woman named Sortina knows what shes saying.

Sticking with women?

That would be perfect, Sortina. And Id like to have you make a copy of my top in green, if you can. Maybe some a shirt with the reddish material. Throw in some golden buttons for it, if you can.

What are you, a [Duke]? Humans and their weird taste. But ok, ok. Do you always wear things that leave your belly on the open? Thats a bold move if youll be eating half-giant food. Dont men find it a bit daring? You know, wearing this sort of thing, you could give people the wrong idea.

Shes asking me if people have confused me with a prostitute before.

Its my business. If they have a problem, its their problem. Not mine. And if they want to bring me trouble, Ill give trouble back.

May I fall in my ancestors footprints, those are some words! I like you! Sortina slaps my back in common understanding.

We have come in the back of her shop, where she has walls and I can comfortably let her take all my measurements.

You sure you dont need any pants?

Give me something simple and matching for the green top. And if you could wash this as well.

I take out my beautiful fur coat, now full of dried blood and a couple little holes from the gunshots.

Giants legends, she swore. Thats one high-quality fur.

She almost snatches it from my hands, examining all the blood that I lost inside of it with wide eyes.

Didnt know a little Human could bleed this much.

Do you think you can clean it?

Without a doubt. I can also mask the holes. But the craftsmanship here who did this? Wait, what is thiswriting? Never heard of this person.

Its a custom made piece from fur artisans. Few people are still working with real pelts after the whole problem with activists for animal rights. Price tag, around 9.000 euros. The lab that creates these pieces puts a very small tag on the neck with the name of the main artisan who worked on it; its not conventional, but they do make things that people order from all around the world.

Ok, can you clean up my top now? I cant just go around in my brassiere.

She looks at the contraption that is holding my chest up and clicks her tongue.

Never seen that thing covering your tits.

We could maybe work together on reproducing it for half-giantesses, Sortina. I bet that with a bigger chest comes a bigger back pain. But could you, please, clean my top?

The woman looks confused for a second before she comes back to her senses and gets a stick out of her small bag. She points it at my top and whispers: [Cleanse].

And just like that, the blood starts dissolving, the stains slowly disappear in front of my eyes.


A world full of magic.
