Chapter 252: [Archmage] Alonna

Name:Casual Heroing Author:
Chapter 252: [Archmage] Alonna

Nice spells, I say to start the conversation.

I used to consider myself an odd spellcaster before coming to your class, she says with a straight face. Boobs? [Archmages] of old are probably trying to climb out of their tombs to bury you along with them. But then, its also true that you have an [Archmage] of old by your side. A Vanedeni [Princess] that sent the world in disarray and then simply went back into hiding.

Valarith is worried about some higher magic, I shrug, shes a bit crazy, you know.

Its rare to find someone who speaks like that about their master.

Master? What? Valarith is not my master, I say with a little too much passion.

Oh, Alonna smiles, content with having pried more info out of me.

Yeah, yeah. Whatever. My master is stronger than Valarith. Well, was, at least.

Another Vanedeni, Alonna says, but thats not why I came here. I had people keeping an eye on you, and they told me the [Princess] had come to create problems for you. So, you have no intention of going forward with the engagement.

Still fishing? Yeah, who cares. No engagement. No marriage. No Elven crown. Is that a problem?

A problem? Its a smart decision. The court is no place for anyone with a brain, Joey Luciani. Im just not interested in meddling with their affairs more than I have to. And since our common friend told me you need someone to spar with, I wanted to work out a favorable arrangement for us both.

Sure thing, I smile.

Many decide not to meddle with the underworld, cutie, she says, going slightly off-topic and shooting a wink at me. Its rare to find practical mages.


Oh, right. This woman called me a cutie during the meeting presided by Ariostus as well. Right!

Well, thanks. But what do you want in return for having sparring sessions with me?

Friendship, she smiles. You officially started learning magic around a year ago. If that is true, then you must be a prodigy like we have rarely seen them. Magic has behaved differently for the past few years, Luciani.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

She says the second part with a more solemn tone, and her eyes shift from playful to serious.

Change is in the air. And when an era ends and a new one begins, people in my position die like flies. Ill not be committed to arrogance like Titus. And even he was present at your lessons. You are not yet strong as a proper [Mage] would be, but you have terrifying weapons at hand. That rose, in particular

And I still have to finish working on that spell, you know? Been busy with other stuff.

You should still be practicing Cantrips, Alonna laughs, and, instead, here you are teaching them to [Archmages]. Your advanced knowledge is only part of the reason you are strong, youngster.

All right. Ill be your friend, but what will you teach me?

Magic, fighting, love everything, really. You have such a distinct personality. Youre very talented, cutie.

Is she hitting on me?

But as far as magic goes, Im sure Valarith and your mysterious master have you covered. But fighting? I have been on Kome, and I met Lady Goldith. She and I have mutual respect. I was there last year, actually. She was planning for suddenly, Alonna stops speaking.

Id love to chat more, but I have other matters to attend to. Ill have someone deliver a message.

Why dont people use [Message] spells instead?

Too easy to snatch out of air. If you want to make them your thesis to become an official [Archmage] of the academy, though, thatd be welcome, cutie.

I glare suspiciously at the Wallorian Treasurer, a magical breed renowned for taking advantage of people, and sigh.

The idea of having someone living with me is weird, Alba says but suddenly adds, but in a good way! I never had siblings.

Oh, Ill be your older sister, then! Amelia beams. I can teach you how to cook and look for a good marriage!

I snort so loud I think I just hurt my nose.

Amelia! Alba says bashfully.

Dont worry; Ill take care of you! And you havent told me what kind of guys you like!

Amelia! Alba says again, sorrowfully, probably already regretting her choice.

I have an idea! Amelia declares.

Oh, pray tell, I say, very amused by all of this.

We should take a walk around the academys library and bring some food with us. I can strike up some conversations and get you to know a few more guys! That way, we can learn your type!

Anyway, well be out of your ears now, Amelia says, basically dragging Alba away with her.

You need help moving?

Oh, no, I didnt bring much to the academy. Maybe Ill go look for a job later.

Have fun, I say while waving at them.

As soon as they are out of the door, I kick awake both Marcellus and Anneus.

Aw, whats happening? Marcellus groans.

What are you doing?! Anneus screams, frustrated.

Shut up, both of you, I order, lets get something into your stomach. We need to talk. Also, I need to go for a walk and stretch my muscles. Lets get going.

You know, I would usually consider the morning a sacred time not to be disrupted by anything, not even myself. But this situation with Amelia must be discussed, and Id like to make these two little idiots more responsible.

So, what? What is it that you want to discuss? Are you a criminal mastermind on top of everything? Whats all this secrecy?

Anneus has been whining since he woke up. I dont know honestly, sometimes I wish he would remember I actually killed people. I know its a horrid thing to say, but cant a man who capped several [Mages], including a potential [Archmage], get a bit more respect? And, in a way, I am a criminal mastermind. I smuggled away so much money from the national treasury that its a miracle I didnt get a [Thief] class. [Magical Thief]. That would have been fun.

Should I start behaving more like an asshole? Like, how do you get people to fear you a bit more? But I just really want Anneus to be less ball-busting. How does that work without necessarily scaring everyone away?

Also, why cant I take [Archmage] Alonna belly-tackling me like Kung-Fu Panda out of my mind?

We have something very serious to discuss, you little prick, I say with a serious face. Remember, Anneus. I am the Human who killed Appius, the rising star of the Nine Towers Academy. Dont act like an asshole if I told you

Cant you just explain what it is instead of losing all this time? he completely ignores my threats.

I exhale loudly.

Okay, whatever. Lets talk.