Chapter 76 - 52 Rubik’s Cube

Name:Catastrophe Card King Author:
Chapter 76: Chapter 52 Rubik’s Cube

Translator: 549690339 1

Three days later. nove(l)bi(n.)com

In the gloomy underground palace, a blue lamp illuminates a corner.

Leonard Churchill is still engrossed in the documents in his hands, muttering something from time to time, “In Taren’s Classics, the symbol ■<‘ represents space, t represents a mechanism, represents a secret passage, ‘y represents a cursed seal, and ‘Q’ signifies a hallway or a confusing passage... This ‘C seems to point to something of great importance and supremacy?”

Not only was he studying the materials, but he was also taking detailed notes.

Within these two days, he had memorized the roughly hundred thousand characters in these documents.

But in reality, excluding the recurring ones, there were less than a thousand characters, with only a few hundred commonly used.

Whether it’s pictographs or alphabetic writing, a single symbol represents a certain idea. Any symbol that appears multiple times can gradually be deciphered in its context, revealing its general meaning.

The higher the frequency of occurrence, the greater the chance of deciphering

This applies to any text system.

The content Leonard Churchill previously remembered from Space 407 provided him the most direct help.

Upon asking Camilla, she also recalled some things.

The two complemented each other, and many sentences could be directly translated.

For three full days, Leonard Churchill spent all his time translating the Taren Classics on the documents, except for when he took a break to meditate.

There’s no denying that a high level of grasp, coupled with the ability to remember everything he reads, is an excellent combination for learning languages. His focused demeanor helped him to work at a translation speed a hundred times faster than any normal person.

Although he had deciphered only a few and wasn’t entirely accurate, he had already grasped the general meanings of hundreds of texts from Taren’s Classics.

Even if there were still symbols that he didn’t recognize, as long as there were connections with the characters before and after, he could roughly guess some meanings.

Leonard Churchill thought it was enough.

Three days had passed, and no fighting sounds could be heard from the labyrinth.

It seemed there was nothing alive left in the labyrinth.

The creatures and other things should have been pretty much cleared out by Governor Miller’s men.

With Camilla’s strong senses, the risk had been minimized.

The three of them still chose the passageway with signs of battle. As they walked along, Leonard Churchill’s eyes were carefully searching for something among the piles of skeletons.

As expected, not long after, they came across the body of the second Frost Knight.

Seeing human corpses killed by the secret keepers for the first time, the two women wore serious expressions.

Looking at its shriveled state, Camilla murmured, “A curse method?”

Tracy Garcia also said seriously, “It seems like it. The flesh and soul have been drained.”

Leonard Churchill had already studied corpses and wasn’t interested in looking more.

He swiftly collected the Storage Ring and equipment from the corpse.

There was no room for politeness.

The three of them continued to follow the path littered with skeletons towards the unknown depths of the labyrinth.

As they went along, Tracy Garcia left marks behind.

This saved some effort for Leonard Churchill.

The three of them continued further into the labyrinth.

Leonard Churchill found three more Frost Knight corpses one after another.

Including the previous ones, that made a total of five.

Five excellent armors, five ice swords, and five storage rings along with numerous potions, supplies, iron armor, leather armor...there were plenty of good things.

These spoils of war could be considered a fortune overnight for an Apprentice Card Master like him.

Regrettably, they didn’t find the main army of the Frost Knight Legion.

But they didn’t have much hope for it anymore anyway.

That Governor Miller must have definitely died last, the place of his death would definitely have the most guards but would also definitely be filled with “secret keepers”.

Along the way,

Just as Leonard Churchill had expected, with Camilla being the “Human Radar”, the dangers of the Underground Palace were reduced to the minimum..