Chapter 296 - 125 Mechanic_2

Name:Catastrophe Card King Author:
Chapter 296: Chapter 125 Mechanic_2

Translator: 549690339 |

With that, they stepped onto the elevator.

The elevator started moving.

Originally, they planned to go to the eleventh floor, but when they reached the tenth, the elevator suddenly came to a halt.

As soon as the door opened, a fat man in a white suit came rushing in with a desperate expression: “Oh, Brother Seven, it’s so good to see that you’re just fine! I heard you were in trouble. It really worried me...

His expression was a bit exaggerated, but it seems genuine.

Leonard Churchill recognized him. This was the owner of the Great Ivan’s

store, probably named Lew Williams.

The fat man was crying and sniveling, looking like he was about to climb into

the elevator to continue talking.

But Seven Brown stopped him and kept pressing the ‘close door’ button: “Fatty,

just wait here. I have a friend with me.”


Lew Williams, hearing there was someone else, took a look at Leonard Churchill beside her, his eyes revealing a hint of silent scrutiny.

Only when the elevator doors closed did he seem to realize something. Brother Seven was heading to the eleventh floor with a strange man?

In the elevator.

Seven Brown shrugged and added, “That fat guy is the owner of the Great Ivan’s. His father was a friend of my father’s. He’s a decent person, a bit scared of death though. He’s particularly skilled in business. If you ever need any extraordinary materials or anything, you can go straight to him.”

Leonard Churchill raised an eyebrow as he listened.

Seven Brown, who seemed very proud of her creation, nodded, “Yes. The design and most of the mechanical parts were made by me. Although some high precision parts required factory equipment, I hadn’t been able to produce them. Thankfully, Lew Williams helped a lot. It took shape recently.

Hearing her words, Leonard Churchill’s look immediately changed.

Previously, he had assumed Seven Brown was just a hobbyist who knew how to use mechanical equipment.

After all, a gang gave the impression of people who knew only about fighting and killing, not about research.

But this girl turned out to be a researcher?

He definitely misjudged her.

A gang leader’s daughter turns out to be an amazing mechanic?

Leonard Churchill looked at the finely detailed hand-drawn blueprints, then thought about the capabilities of her battle armor, he couldn’t help but admire: “Miss Seven, you’re truly amazing.”

As a transmigrator, he knew science and technology had limitless possibilities. Looking at these blueprints, he got a sense of a prodigious young mechanic girl, spending countless days and nights sketching and creating, and finally crafting that armor.

For someone Seven Brown’s age, her accomplishment is exceptional.

It wouldn’t be exaggerating to call her a genius.

Seven Brown also noticed the difference in Leonard Churchill’s praise.

Unlike many traditional Curse Card Masters, who always regard machinery as low-end, not worthy of attention.

This guy genuinely admired it.

However, pleased as she was that someone understood her design, Seven Brown pursed her lips and said, “One more thing. Don’t call me ‘Miss Seven’. It sounds weird.”

Leonard Churchill: “Then what should I call you?”

Seven Brown thought about it but didn’t come up with anything better: “Forget it, whatever you want.”

Leonard Churchill didn’t care about these nitty-gritty details. He pointed to a state-of-the-art heavy mech armor in the room and asked, “What’s that?” If he guessed correctly about its functionalities, none of the available mech armors in the market were as good as this one.

Talking about her creation, Seven Brown’s eyes sparkled, she seemed rather proud- “That is the heavy mech armor ‘Thor Generation’ I’m designing. It’s a concept model based on my ideas. If fully realized, it could even pose a lethal threat to high tier card masters.”

She paused, then added regretfully: “The design inspiration and many technical resources came from ancient mechanical scriptures. However, due to the break in civilization, many scriptures and blueprints could not be translated. For example, slight inaccuracies in translating the power boiler capacity, armor strength, weapon system, et cetera, can result in a big difference in the final product. Therefore, this heavy mech armor has many defects and cannot yet be used in battle....”