Chapter 363 Don’t speak

Name:Celestial Bloodline Author:
Chapter 363 Don't speak

"He's become strong in such a short time. And it's not just him, the kids around him, they all have promising futures."

A calm voice resonated through the air as a pair of golden eyes observed the battle against a bat-like monster. The person in the purple robe floated mid-air, their gaze fixed on the silver-haired man who burst into laughter when the red-haired person beside them began to cry for some reason.

"It's strange... When I first saw him, I didn't sense anything extraordinary."

The golden eyes remained devoid of emotion as they continued to witness the unfolding scene below.

"What a pity. Just blame yourself that out of all the people on this planet, you were the one I picked as the host for the soul-eating crystal."

He shook his head and reached out to retrieve the nail-size crystal from the other person's body. After spending so many years on this hidden planet, he had healed his injuries. He wanted to leave two years ago, but then, like that strange tower, the kid ended up in another mysterious place where his presence couldn't be detected.

The man thought that perhaps the divine bead was lost, but the moment Kyle emerged from the secret realm, he once again sensed the presence of the divine artifact. It was the same artifact that would help him increase his divine strength, the strength that had been stagnant for the last fifty years.

There wasn't even a bit of hesitation in his eyes when he ordered the bead to tear the young man's soul into pieces and devour it completely.

"I know that with your soul devoured, you will never be able to enter the cycle of reincarnation, but I hope your consciousness rests in peace."

He raised his head to stare into the distance. Above the clouds, a vast shield covered the planet in its protective embrace, but then a tiny crack appeared on its surface.

"I need to leave. They are here. Well, at least, they won't pursue me for a while because they'll be busy with this beautiful planet."


The monster lord was flung backward by Carcel, but then Alec appeared in front of him. He had a deadpan expression as he stared at Jian, Carcel, and Kyle, who were determined to deliver the finishing blow to the monster lord. Alec widened his eyes when Yue, Lara, and Mia joined the trio. In the next second, everyone else also joined, all wanting to be the one to kill the monster lord.

Alec raised his hand and stopped them all in their tracks.

"Guys... let me kill this one. I promise-!"

His sentence was cut short because Jian, who had been weeping beside Kyle, raised his head with a furious expression.

"You think I'll trust you this time? No chance! I'm the one who's gonna finish off the monster lord, no matter what!"

The red-haired man raised his chin and crossed his arms over his chest before looking at Kyle, who sighed with a faint smile.

"Well, just let him do it. It's not a big deal."

After Kyle spoke, Carcel shrugged his shoulders and took a step back. In the next second, almost everyone else stepped back with a sigh. Now that the strongest person had spoken up, who would dare to disobey?

Alec fixed his eyes on Kyle with a serious expression.

"You sure you won't interfere and Jian will be the one to kill it?"

Almost everyone had gathered in front of the King, but Kyle had his back turned towards them. He floated mid-air at the same spot where Jian had left him.


Han called out slowly and furrowed his brow when Kyle didn't respond. After Han, Yue also tried to get Kyle's attention, but he remained silent.

Alec moved to grab Kyle's shoulder when a piercing scream echoed through the air.


All eyes instantly turned towards the two men with black hair, who just emerged from behind a boulder, completely soaked and covered in dirt. It was evident that the duo had traveled on foot to reach this place.

Elder Han instantly recognized the new arrivals. How could he not? He had visited them a few times before.

"Neon and Ray, why are you two here?"

His voice echoed through the air, but instead of replying, the duo stared at Kyle with fear written all over their faces.


Neon called out, and a sense of foreboding filled everyone's hearts. Alec quickly grabbed Kyle's shoulder, but he and everyone around Kyle were pushed backward when a dark red aura enveloped his body.

Kyle lost his balance and plummeted towards the ground at lightning speed. Bia, who was sitting on Mia's shoulder, looked at him with wide eyes. She didn't sense anything, it was too sudden. The phoenix cried out and swiftly flew towards him.

However, before she could reach him, Yue and Jian grabbed Kyle. They called out his name repeatedly, but his eyes were unfocused as if he couldn't comprehend what was happening around him. The red energy surrounding him grew more intense with each passing second. The trio landed on the ground, and Neon and Ray rushed over to Kyle. Bia's eyes were filled with tears when she landed beside his neck, gently nuzzling her beak against him.

-'What happened? Kyle! Kyle, wake up!'

Kyle blinked as a warm tear fell on his cheek. Through the pain, he saw a few blurry figures. He felt Bia's presence beside his neck, a gentle touch behind his head, and a hand holding his hand.

Amidst the clamor of voices, he sensed a liquid being poured into his mouth, probably a healing potion. Kyle reached out his hand and caressed the little bird that was crying by his neck.

'I...I'm fine. Just a little sle...'

His eyes cleared up a bit, but the dark red aura around him became even more noticeable. He wanted to scream, but he stopped when he saw the beautiful elf sitting beside him, eyes filled with tears, and his brother's worried expression. Elder Han was shouting, holding multiple glass vials in his hand. Jian, Alec, Carcel, Mia, Lara, and nearly everyone gathered around him from every direction.

Another tear dropped onto his cheek, and he let out a soft sigh before weakly raising his other hand to wipe Yue's eyes.

"I'm... fine."

Yue's eyes widened, and she shouted at him with a faint sob.

"Don't speak!"