Chapter 444 I am leaving this planet

Name:Celestial Bloodline Author:
Chapter 444 I am leaving this planet

Kyle glanced at Susan's shocked expression and quickly got out of bed to stand on his feet.

"Not just Nine, there were more people too, and I have a feeling Nine already knew this was going to happen."

He remembered Nine's words. The brown-haired man had told him that he would be going to a faraway place for a while.

"Also, Yue's strange behavior..."

Regardless, the one thing Kyle didn't understand was why they didn't tell him or anyone about it. If they were forced to go with that elven woman, they could have at least shared the situation.

After all, if Kyle and the others had known about it, they would have rushed to help Yue and Nine if the duo was in danger.

Yet, they both chose to hide it.

"Hmm, I remember Yue trying to tell me something, but she would always stop. It's like, for some reason, both Yue and Nine couldn't share it with others."

Kyle took a moment to check his body. He clenched and unclenched his hands a few times and moved around, making sure everything was okay.

Susan's expression turned grim as he approached him.

"Kid, don't push yourself too hard. That elven woman gave you some serious internal injuries, and even though they are healed, you still need rest."

Kyle shook his head and took out a pair of shoes from his mind space. He put them on and looked at Susan.

"I am good. I am grateful that you and Zron saved me and Bia. And you even took care of me while I was unconscious."

His voice echoed in the room, which had started to feel too silent.

"But... now I think it's time for me to leave this planet. Yue and Nine aren't my only reason. I have been meaning to leave for a while now because I have some scores to settle with a few people out there. Plus, I don't think staying here will help me increase my strength anymore."

Susan let out a big sigh, not sure what else to say to make the kid stay and rest.

Also, Kyle's unwavering gaze made it clear that he wouldn't listen or care about the danger beyond the planet's boundaries.

So he pointed at the room's exit.

"Alright, I respect your decision, but let's talk about it later. Now that you have decided to get up, please ask all the people outside to leave the tower of opportunity."

Susan looked fed up as he went back to sit down on the chair.

"They have been crowding outside the whole day because of you."

Kyle let out a faint smile. He had sensed the many familiar presences outside even before Susan told him. His tense shoulders relaxed as he quickly stepped towards the room's exit. Thi/s chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

He pushed the hard wooden door open and saw many people talking, sitting, or walking in the open area filled with grass in front of the room.

In an instant, all eyes turned to him, and the first one who jumped towards him was none other than Bia.

The phoenix left Mia's shoulder and climbed onto Kyle's head with a worried expression.

-'Hey, why are you always the one who gets seriously injured!? That damn woman, I am going to kill her if I ever see her again, even if I have to use all my strength! Ugh, I need to tell you a lot! Nine and Elli were behaving strangely, and so was Yue!'

Han let out a sigh.

"It's your decision, and nobody is going to stop you because you are old enough to know what's best for you. I also know you have become very strong, and staying on this planet would hinder your growth."

"As your master, I want to see you achieve an amazing future. So don't ever give up, no matter what goes down, no matter how hard it gets."

Kyle's green eyes brightened up as he stared at the old man opposite him.

"Master, I know what I want to do after that elven woman tried to take my life. I want to become stronger than anyone out there."

He chuckled when everyone started gathering around him and continued.

"I don't want to be vulnerable. I want to be able to protect myself and my loved ones. Nobody should have the power to harm me. So, I am going to go all in, push myself to the limit, and become the strongest."

"It might seem like a dream or maybe I sound arrogant, but I am going to try my best to make it my reality."

Alec clicked his tongue.

"You think you are the only one, huh? I'm also gonna become the strongest! Let's see if you can beat me first!"

Jian's eyes widened with shock.

"How can you two forget about me?? I'm sure I will be the strongest, and you two will be my underlings in the future!"

Sinon rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around Jian's neck.

"How about we have a one-on-one to see who's stronger?"

Regius smiled and folded his hands.

"You shouldn't forget about me, right? After hearing Kyle's words, I am super motivated to become the strongest too."

Lara and Mia raised their brows and glanced at each other.

"Do you really think we would stay behind?"

Carcel cleared his throat and surprised everyone around him by stepping into the conversation.

"I don't think you all should worry about who should take the title of being the strongest. I mean-!"

His sentence was cut short when Bian let out an evil laugh.

-"Of course, the majestic me has already taken it! Who dares to claim the title if not me?"

Ray and Neon glanced at everyone as they all turned quiet after Bia declared her claim to the title of the strongest.

The duo grinned at the proud phoenix, who held her head high and stared at everyone, daring them all to challenge her words.

Han let out a wry smile as he watched them all and shook his head. He glanced at Kyle and held his shoulder.

"So, when are you planning to leave the planet?"