Chapter 516 The Fruit of Fate II

Name:Celestial Bloodline Author:
Chapter 516 The Fruit of Fate II

Samara laughed at the words the old elven woman spat out with a dark face. She clapped her hands, and the snug dark fabric that hugged her body stretched over her enchanting figure as she stared at the multitude of elves surrounding her.

"What if I do touch it? It's mine to begin with. Do you have any idea how long I have waited for this day? Not even all of you combined can stop me."

In the next moment, several powerful demons with four expansive wings behind their backs arrived around the floating elves. The demons glared at the elves with menacing expressions. The atmosphere crackled with tension as numerous eyes locked onto each other, each side waiting for the other to initiate the first move.

However, the silence was shattered by an unexpected event. Before everyone's astonished gazes, some branches from the impermeable cage extended and began to form a staircase. The elven Queen's eyes widened in realization, but before she could speak, Samara interjected with a smirk.

"Oho, the tree of fate has chosen who it wants to give the fruit to. I wonder which unfortunate elf that may be, haha."

Meanwhile, completely uninterested in whatever the heck was happening on the planet, Kyle looked up at the massive tree that had been annoying him since he arrived on this planet.

He let out a snicker at the countless powerful auras he could feel in the sky without even using his scent perception skill. They all had gathered around the cage of branches the tree had just formed a while ago before his eyes.

"Seems like a big fight is about to start. I never imagined this useless tree had so much spiritual energy that even I am tempted to secretly cut some big branches to store in my mind space."

He shook his head and secured his hoodie on his head to completely cover his hair.

"Tsk, I really want to go and check what's inside the cage of branches that so many powerful people have gathered to fight for. However, even if I overlook the many pseudo-divine, divine, and transcendent rank individuals, there are just too many supreme rank individuals..."

"So it's impossible for me to get my hands on it without losing an arm or two."

"You bastard! I will sever you!"


Kyle's eyes darkened, and he muttered many curses under his breath when he sensed numerous elves surrounding the place he was standing from all directions. He so badly wanted to cut this tree. No, he would light the tree on fire and watch it burn to ashes with his own eyes if he was able to leave this planet alive.

But almost as if mocking his threats, the staircase landed in front of him just an inch away from his feet. He watched as a few branches nudged him from behind to urge him to climb up. Kyle's head throbbed, but then his eyes flashed brightly, and he vanished from his spot.

He reappeared a little distance away from the staircase when a layer of spiritual energy interfered with his teleportation. He attempted to teleport again, but this time he couldn't even teleport as a barrier of spiritual energy surrounded him from all directions.


His expression darkened as he clenched his fist and got ready to shatter the layer of spiritual energy, but he stopped when the old elven man he had beaton up began muttering frantically behind him.

"It's no use... the tree of fate has selected you; you cannot escape... you must climb. The tree of fate has chosen another instead of the elven race... it is displeased with us. Yes, it is upset with us because we can't help it clean the dark energy that's corrupting it..."

Kyle exhaled deeply and gazed back at the staircase with a calm expression. He could sense the many eyes on him, so even if he destroyed the spiritual energy barrier, he wouldn't be out of danger.

So, he decided to just go with it. After all, what's the worst that could happen, right? Would the many supreme-rank individuals feast on his flesh? No, he just needs to fight them to stay alive. It's not that bad, considering he had experienced worse in the No Mana Land.

He stretched his neck with an irritated scowl and disappeared from his spot, only to reappear above the staircase. He gazed up at the sky where the massive cage awaited him and began to climb up.

"I swear I will burn you to ashes if I don't gain anything useful from all of this."