Chapter 581 Don't worry, it will be your turn soon

Name:Celestial Bloodline Author:
Chapter 581 Don't worry, it will be your turn soon

The many individuals dressed in robes, seated by the mermaid statue, were a bit startled when suddenly, within one of the many projections lighting up the sky, a name shot up at lightning speed to claim the top spot in that projection.

Old Hal furrowed his brows with a serious expression because the battles hadn't even properly started; how could someone gain so many points so suddenly?

"What's happening?"

He blinked when he read the name that had just shot up to claim the top spot.

"The nature's favorite?"

Instantly, his eyes scanned the numerous stages in the center of the towering walls to find the human he had seen days ago. All the people behind him did the same.

Just like the people in robes, the two shadow generals, who were bored after spending so many days doing nothing, also noticed the abrupt changes in one of the projections lighting up in the sky.

Will raised his brow.

"This title looks kind of familiar..."

He and Ceano both glanced down and started searching for the human as well. However, no one could prepare them for what they witnessed and heard when they finally found the silver-haired man.

Kyle's hand was tightly wrapped around the woman from the dark race's neck when he locked eyes with the shadow generals. His lips curled upward as he exerted enough force to break all the bones in her neck and used his spiritual energy to separate her soul from her body before muttering towards the shadow generals.

"What are you watching, huh? Don't worry, it will be your turn soon."

Ceano's eyes flickered with a touch of anger, but he averted his gaze with a disdainful snort. In contrast, Will's eyes grew cold at the human words. The third shadow general chuckled and muttered in response with a sinister expression.

-"Like you haven't punched and kicked your opponents off the stage. I didn't see it, but I bet you were brutal."

Kyle's eyes widened at the accusations.

"What? How can you blame me when they're the ones too weak?"

Nox hopped down from Kyle's shoulder and settled on his lap with a smirk.

"Of course, little crimson phoenix, how could you fault the strong one when they are the weak ones."

Bia's eyes dangerously traveled down to the two-horned lynx and Nox flinched when he sensed a omnious gaze upon himself. A flash of anger flickered in the phoenix's eyes before she asked with a laugh.

-"What the heck did you just call me, you little piece of-!"

However, before the phoenix could speak more and swoop down to attack the lynx, who had darted off towards Zron with a fearful expression, Kyle grabbed her with a speechless expression.

"Just where on earth did you pick up so many curses, huh? I know for sure it wasn't me who taught you that."

Bia let out a loud huff and struggled to break free from his grasp. Her keen eyes remained fixed on the lynx, who seemed to be considering making a quick exit and leaving the area for a while, even though it was risky to wander alone in the crowd.

Kyle chuckled and gently caressed her small head to calm her down. His gaze wandered below the numerous hovering platforms where the combatants were fighting, and a smirk crept onto his face as he observed how the ground beneath was slowly but surely absorbing the excess divine and spiritual energy in the air.

"I wonder which brilliant mind crafted the Gladiator Arena. They designed it in a way that everything in this place stays alive with the natural divine and spiritual energy in the air. This means no one needs to use their strength to keep it powered up..."

Zron hummed when he heard his somewhat out-of-place words and glanced around to once again marvel at the massive arena he was seated within.

"Why do you want to know? It's not like knowing would benefit us in any way."