Chapter 585 Did he work on his physique?

Name:Celestial Bloodline Author:
Chapter 585 Did he work on his physique?

Old Hal chuckled at the people behind him and let out a soft hum.

"That's why I always told you all not to judge a book by its cover."

He gazed at them with a amused expression and inquired.

"I reckon some of you might have similar agility stat as him, because his agility stat is equal to that of someone at the early stage of the supreme rank."

Ned and a few others expressed their disbelief at the old man who was comparing them with a divine rank... yet they couldn't help but glance at Kyle's figure with perplexed expressions because even though the human's rank was low, his agility and strength were very high. Just like Old Hal said, it was true; a few of them actually had the same agility as Kyle and were wondering if they could truly dodge if he had a skill to boost his agility.

Vexana checked out the human.

"Did he work on his physique? But seriously, having that kind of strength and agility at the divine rank is unheard of."

Old Hal smiled at her words.

"I'm certain he truly pushed his body during training and endured intense pressure to attain what he achieved today."

At the same time, in front of the demon statue, Will had both of his hands clenched together as he placed them beneath his chin with a solemn expression.

Nonetheless, the third shadow general's relief didn't last long because Ceano shifted his words with a serious expression after watching the silver-haired man's next battle. The people in cream-colored robes seated behind Old Hal were also left stunned when they witnessed Kyle using a very familiar and annoying skill that they had seen numerous times on the battlefield.

Kyle, who had no idea that his instant teleportation skill had caused a stir among the powerful people watching him, blinked and vanished from his spot once more to toy with his second opponent a bit, who belonged to the dark race.

He had to wait a long time with the illusionary figure hovering above the stage, supervising the ongoing battle below, as his opponent was still engaged in his first battle, and the stage designated for their fight was taken up by two others. Hence, he aimed to prolong the fight a bit to evade an extended wait for his next opponent.

Kyle's form materialized at various points on the stage at the same time as he utilized instant teleportation many times within a second, creating a trail of afterimages. But after a minute, he grew bored and delivered a decisive punch to his opponent's face, ultimately extinguishing the man's life and separating his soul from his body.

Old Hal's expression was nonchalant as he watched Kyle. The silver-haired human had yet again killed another of his opponents. In that moment, Ned glanced at Kyle with astonishment and exclaimed.

"Just how the hell does he have this skill? Could he possibly be the secret child of James and Elizabeth?"

Beneath the people sitting in front of the mermaid statue, the woman in the blue hoodie, who had been keeping an eye on Kyle and the others and wanted to recruit the group for James, spat out her drink when she heard Ned's words. An extremely speechless look crossed her face, which quickly turned into suspicion.

"Wait... don't tell me James betrayed me, and this silver-haired youngster is his secret kid? He does somewhat look like James."

She shook her head with a laugh.

"No way, that old coot wouldn't dare; he knows I would kill him if he even looked at another woman. So, who's this kid that has somehow acquired his teleportation skill?"

Her pale violet eyes shook slightly as she turned her head and looked once more at Zron, Susan, and Yon, the three old folks accompanying Kyle. Suddenly, the woman's old memories, somewhat obscured by time, were stirred, and she finally recalled where she had seen the trio before, grasping why they seemed so familiar.