Chapter 593 He's not alone

Name:Celestial Bloodline Author:
Chapter 593 He's not alone

Nine was not the only one in disbelief when the chains wrapped around his body. As the chains made of pure spiritual energy held him captive, he dropped to his knees and stared at the floating silver-haired man. In that moment, a realization dawned on him – Kyle had never intended for him to partake in the impending battle!

"You lying piece of crap! You promised we would fight together!"

He refrained from attempting to break the chains because if the formidable woman who attempted to halt Kyle couldn't, how could he, a mere divine rank?

Nine clenched his fingers into fists, frustration evident on his face, as he observed identical chains that had tightly bound his body now swiftly enveloping every individual around him.

His gaze paused on a familiar face amid the clamor of struggle echoing all around as the ones bound by the chains tried their best to break free. It was Jian. The red-haired man too was striving to free himself from the chains, wearing a shocked expression. Nine breathed a sigh of relief, comforted by the fact that he wasn't alone in facing the repercussions of Kyle's deception.

He cast a glance skyward, where Old Hal, the shadow generals, and numerous others were floating, striving to destroy the array but unfortunately were unable to.

Ceano peered down at the silver-haired human floating below, watching everything with a hint of amusement in his eyes. He extended his hand towards the array, all set to obliterate it just like he had previously done with the white symbols.

However, when he clenched his fist, the array stayed firm and unscathed. Instead, a blend of pure spiritual and divine energy intertwined to effortlessly deflect his power from the array as if it were insignificant. T/his chapter is updated by nov(ê(l)

Anger blazed in the second shadow general's eyes, who does this human think he is? Does he believe he can harm him by casting an array all around the arena? No, he can't, even if he were to deploy hundreds of such arrays because Ceano's strength exceeds even his wildest imagination.

He was about to mock the human's efforts, but stopped when Kyle waved his hand, and familiar chains swiftly emerged from all directions, ensnaring Old Hal and the robed figures. They vociferously demanded the human to halt his actions if he valued his life, yet despite their shouts, like Elizabeth and the others, their bodies plummeted to the ground, rendered motionless.

Initially, he believed that with the powerful array, the human could easily restrain him and Ceano, similar to what happened with Elizabeth and the others. However, all his worries turned out to be needless because they had already won even before the human could lay a hand on them.

Alec and Carcel, who were astonished to find themselves not bound by the chains, looked at Kyle, who retrieved the familiar silver spear from his mind space.

"It's time to end them."

Alec and Carcel locked eyes. The duo sighed and drew their weapons. It seems among everyone, Kyle had only chosen the two of them to fight alongside him, and they were certain now that they had been given a chance, they wouldn't let the shadow generals escape.

Kyle looked at the two shadow generals, and Ceano's smile vanished because unlike Will, who was initially at the middle stage of the supreme rank, his strength decreased and reached the final stage of the supreme rank under the human's gaze.

Ceano stared at his hands with wide eyes and whispered in disbelief.

"How...? No, it can't be..."

Will felt his strength waning and gasped in shock. Ceano turned abruptly towards the array with a furious expression before redirecting his gaze towards Kyle.

"I will kill you! You bastard!"

"There's nothing I despise more than someone who can make me feel weak. I, the second shadow general who cherishes strength above all else, will finish you with my own hands."

Kyle's eyes twinkled with a hint of a smile as he glimpsed the firm, golden pupils fixed on him, shaking for the first time. He vanished from his spot and materialized opposite the two shadow generals.

"Already riled up? I haven't even revealed the real surprise to you two yet."