Chapter 42

Name:CEO Above, Me Below Author:姜小牙
[the fourth person will be turned by ten thousand people, and it's his turn to die. 】

to send a text message, she puts the phone back.

The wedding ceremony ended right in front of her. She didn't watch the whole process.

When the music of wedding happiness starts, the flute takes mu qianchu's arm and goes out with a smile. Step by step, they only see each other.

We applauded and sent our best wishes. There was a lot of envy.

Mu qianchu suddenly faltered under his feet, but he soon stood firm and walked forward when nothing happened.

No one noticed the episode, everything was going on step by step.

The most popular wedding will be held on cloud island for seven days, so that the guests can enjoy themselves and carry on the romance to the end.

After the ceremony, Shi Xiaonian was dragged to take photos before he had time to eat.

It's time for reporters to interview.

When the flute has changed into a purple tuxedo, hair has changed, people look more charming and beautiful, arm in arm to sit down on the sofa.

"Come on, let's take a picture."

A reporter called.

When Xiaonian was pulled by his adoptive mother, a group of people stood behind their sofa, smiling at the camera, showing a scene of happy star family style.

Knowing that she was Shidi's sister, reporters asked the two sisters to take photos.

"Sister, come here." When the flute immediately chuckled to pull out of the small read, pull her to one side, intimate behavior.

"Does my sister need make-up?" There is a photographer looking at Xiaonian.

Shidi immediately smiles and looks at shixiaonian. Shixiaonian still knows what the smile represents.

"No, I'm allergic to make-up. Let's take a picture like this." When small read light tunnel.

When flute in the side echoed a way, "yes, but you want to take my sister beautiful point oh, otherwise I don't forgive you."

There was a burst of laughter from the reporters.

The two stood by a floor lamp to take pictures.

It's the first time for Shi Xiaonian to see that Shi Di smiles so sweetly at her. It's worthy of being an actor. Shi Xiaonian reluctantly cooperates with her.

When flute to the camera, from time to time arm her hand, and hold her, but also raised his face to kiss her face, all kinds of sisterhood movements.

Shixiaonian didn't have such good acting skills as her. She could only smile at the camera all the time, making her face stiff.

"You are quite smart today. It would have been better if you had been like this for a long time, and you would not have been betrayed by all the relatives. You can't compete with me, so why not?"

When the flute kisses her face, it says in a voice that only two people can hear.


When small read still to the camera smile stiff, a word did not say.

She has never been fighting with her sister, just want to Mu qianchu to recover her memory, but she doesn't understand the flute.

"Well, Shidi, now it's your interview time alone. Can you tell us how hard the wedding preparation is?" Asked the reporter.

When the flute was pulled aside to do a separate interview.

Friends and relatives were busy taking pictures.

When the small read finally can breathe a sigh of relief, to the side of the corner, pour a glass of water, Yu Guangzhong, a figure towards her fall.

She quickly reached out to help each other, fixed an eye to see, is mu qianchu face some ugly to stand there.

"Are you ok?"

When small read not to show traces to pull back his hand.

"Maybe I haven't taken the quantitative medicine recently, and my headache is heavier than the previous two days." Mu qianchu said, pressing his forehead, his voice was weak.

"Then sit down for a while." Shi Xiaonian said and handed him the water cup in his hand.

"Thank you."

Mu qianchu smiles at her, and her lips are white.

May be to see she really no longer entangled, he no longer spoke to her before so cold.

"Nothing." When the small read to the other side of the relatives and friends area look, turned to go, she does not want to stay with mu qianchu cause gossip.

To give up is to give up completely.

She wanted to leave, but mu qianchu suddenly said, "excuse me, can you pour me another cup?"


When Xiaonian had to turn back, he took the empty cup he had drunk and poured another one. Seeing his frown, he could not help asking, "how long have you had this headache? It really doesn't matter?"

"It's been like this since the craniotomy. Nothing's wrong."

Mu qianchu said that his voice was weak.

After the operation? That's not for many years. It turns out that he has been taking medicine.

Shi Xiaonian sipped his lips. "By the way, have you been taking this medicine? So Doesn't it affect children? "

Shidi is pregnant.

Is male medication OK?

"The doctor said it had no effect." Mu qianchu said that he took the cup and drank water. The pain was relieved a little. He raised his eyes to see Shi Xiaonian, and suddenly gave a low smile. "I didn't expect that we could talk so peacefully."In his memory, what he saw most was Shi Xiaonian's obsession and disgust.

He also prevented her from making trouble at the wedding, but so far, she didn't show any signs of sabotage at all He doesn't like it.


When small read low Mou, didn't speak, she looked there one eye.

When I saw the flute being interviewed, I fiddled with my hair from time to time. Every time I fiddled with my hair, I looked towards them once. My expression was a little ugly.

When small read see in the eyes, what did not say, a person quietly walk away.

When Xiaonian went back to the wooden house of the resort and fed the pigeons by the window, he didn't go out until the evening.

First, she should keep a low profile;

Second, she should keep a low profile.

It's not good to meet them when you go out. It's even worse when you go out and meet Gong ou

The adoptive mother was happy and sad about her initiative to shut herself in the room, and secretly wiped her tears several times.

"You don't want to go to dinner. I'll bring it to you ahead of time."

The foster mother came into the room with the plate.

"Thank you, mom." When Xiaonian sat down after washing her hands, it was a delicious steak. She picked up the knife and fork and cut it. "Mom, please contact the yacht for me. I'll go first in a moment."

"Go now?" The adoptive mother looked at her in surprise, "but today is the first day of the wedding."

Starting tomorrow, they also arranged a series of activities.

"Well." Shi Xiaonian said with a smile, "I've already stayed to take photos. I can deal with the media. Tonight's dinner is only for my relatives and friends. It doesn't matter whether I'm here or not."


"Please contact me. I still have work to finish. I want to leave early." Shi Xiaonian said that she didn't want to stay on the island any more.

"All right."

The adoptive mother nodded.

When small read eating a row, on the side of the mobile phone kept shaking.

"Your cell phone is ringing." Said the foster mother.

Shi Xiaonian had to put down his knife and fork to get his mobile phone, and his fingertips slipped. Well, it's Gong Ou's text message again, and she hasn't read several of them -

[Shi Xiaonian, you're finished. You've given me medicine, and you'll be killed in the next life. 】

[dead woman, don't return my message. 】

[which room do you live in? 】

[if you don't return, I'll send someone to check one by one! 】

this man is so boring. When

, Xiao Nian could not find the right adjective to describe him. He was too busy to text her.

She simply turned off her cell phone, ate steak and urged her adoptive mother to go to dinner after contacting the yacht.

It's getting late.

Outside the window, the dark night in the fog, do not have a scene.

Shi Xiaonian simply packed up his bags and went out, pedaling the bicycle in the resort to the seaside in the moonlight.

Far away came a burst of music, is the direction of the hotel.

The whole building of the Grand Hotel lights up the words "I love you" with deep affection. There is a lively blessing for a new couple.

Shi Xiaonian looked at it from a distance and left by bike.

There are dozens of yachts, of different sizes, parked close to the shore. The light is like a diamond necklace tied to the beach at night, which is gorgeous.


Shi Xiaonian put his bike aside and looked around with his bag.

The adopted mother said that the yacht she contacted was No.23, so she could leave by yacht. 23. Which one is it?

When Xiao Nian looked over one by one, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a yacht with the words "Princess 23" printed on it. She was so happy that she pulled out her legs and went forward.

"My yacht is here. Where is it going?"

A chilly sound came down the wind towards her.


Shixiaonian's body suddenly froze and turned around slowly.

Not far away, an orange Lamborghini open top sports car was parked there. Gong Ou was sitting in the driver's seat, holding the steering wheel with one hand. His shirt was dazzling white in the night, and his black eyes were looking at her, his lips slightly crooked.

"Gong, Mr. Gong..."

Shixiaonian pulled a smile at him with difficulty.

Isn't this man too haunted.

I can't get out of here.

"Stuttering what? "Guilty?" Gong Ou was staring at her with sharp eyes, penetrating everything, and chilly voice.

"Why, I have nothing to feel guilty about."

"For example, you're not here on my yacht, you're going to leave in another one." Gongou broke through her ideas.

"How could..."

When Xiaonian laughed more emptily, the man walked toward his car, "I was just looking for your yacht, I thought it was over there..."

“……”Gong Ou sneered and looked at her step by step, but he didn't retort, but his eyes clearly said: you pretend, you pretend again.

"I don't know which one Mr. Gong's yacht is?" When Xiaonian stood beside his super run and asked.

"Come with me!"

Gong Ou Dao pushed the door open and got out of the car. He took her arm and dragged her forward.

Approaching, Xiao Nian finds that Gong Ou's yacht is the biggest and most exaggerated one of all. It's white, and the light is especially bright. Feng de and a row of bodyguards stand on it, bow to them, and stop there. It's clearly in chiguoguo's wealth.

"You came here on a yacht today?" Shi Xiaonian asked.

She knew it wasn't Mu's yacht, because there was no sign of Princess

"Go up."

Gong Ou read it as he dragged it.

As soon as people go up, the yacht will start slowly, leave the sea, and go to the deep sea. The sea turns white waves, which stretch out a long line. , the fastest update of the webnovel!