Chapter 259

Name:CEO Above, Me Below Author:姜小牙
When small read holding a cup of hand some instability, her lips close to the cup along, low eyes to see palace Europe.

I saw Gong Ou half kneeling there, a pair of black eyes staring at her, eyes unfathomable, people are hard to figure out.


When Xiao Nian's face suddenly turned pale, he put the cup on the piano cover.

"Why not?" The tension in gongou's eyes flashed away.

"Is it medicine?" When the small read voice with trembling meaning, incredibly looking at the palace Europe, "palace Europe, you don't tell me, this is abortion medicine."

He won't do it. He won't.

Gong Ou stares at her with deep black eyes and soft voice. "Shixiaonian, you are good. Drink the water."

"Is it abortion medicine?"

Shi Xiaonian asked persistently, and his body began to shiver involuntarily.

"No, it's just ordinary Chinese herbal soup. It's good for your health. You drink it." Gong Ou's voice was as gentle as a temptation to her.

Chinese herbal soup?

She didn't believe it.

"Is it abortion medicine?" Shi Xiaonian asked again, his fingers trembling.

"Shixiaonian, listen to me."

Gong Ou noticed that something was wrong with her. He half knelt on the ground, grasped her with his slender hand, and passed the warmth of his palm to her. "This matter has passed. Drink the water, and we will treat it as if nothing has happened. Shall I take you to the sea?"

Smell speech, when small read heart completely cool.

When nothing happened?

So it's abortion medicine?

When small read stupidly looking at him, "Gong ou, are you crazy? You're going to kill your own child

"It's not a child, it's just a germ. We will have our own children in the future. It's nothing less than this one. "

Gong Ou said in a soft voice with a touch of deliberate bewitching.

"I can't drink it."

When small read to stare at his face firmly say.

She would never take this medicine.

"You are good!" Gong Ou's tone began to become strong. He stood up from the ground. Zhang junpang became cold. He reached out and picked up the cup. "Shi Xiaonian, it's only three weeks now. Drinking it will not have much influence on you. I'll take care of you myself!"

When small read still sitting there, stubborn way, "I won't drink."

"Shixiaonian, don't fight me!"

"I don't drink it." Shixiaonian's face is full of stubbornness and unwillingness to compromise.


Seeing her like this, Gong Ou's anger suddenly burst open. His eyes glared at her. He held her chin and held the cup in one hand to pour it down.

Shixiaonian opened his eyes in shock. He never thought that gongou would be so savage.


She closed her lips tightly and struggled desperately, reaching out to push Gong Ou's arm.


The water cup was smashed to the ground by her, and the cup broke in response to the sound. The water stains dripped all over the ground, and the fragrance of the medicine dispersed faintly.

Gong Ou stares at the broken glass on the ground, a handsome face is frightfully cold, and a pair of pupils become more dark. He stares at Shi Xiaonian fiercely and roars, "why don't you take medicine?"

"The child is yours!" Shixiaonian looked at him incredulously, "why do you have to kill your child?"

He wants a child so much.

It turned out to be like this.

"My child? Ah

Smell speech, palace Europe feel funny, he also so smile, eyes stare at her, "when small read, you don't dream! We didn't have a baby so many times before, but you got pregnant the day after that

How can he believe that this is his child?


Shixiaonian looked at him in shock.

"I'm not afraid to make it clear to you. I don't believe you! I don't believe the child is mine The palace Europe stares at her, the voice is cold fierce, "the medicine is many, I certainly will pour until you drink!"

"Gong ou, you are crazy!"

Shixiaonian can't help but step back. He leans on the piano and looks at the man in front of him.

Is he still Gong Ou?

Why is he so ferocious and terrible now.

"I'm not crazy, shixiaonian. I don't care if you've been insulted. It's not your fault! But I will never let you give birth to someone else's seed! "

Hysteria roared out, then turned and left, shouting, "Feng de! Make another cup of medicine! "

"Gong ou, if you dare to give me medicine again, I will hate you!"

When small read aloud tunnel, a pair of eyes red.

"You dare!"

Gong Ou suddenly turns around and black pupil stares at her fiercely. His eyes turn dark and red. He raises his hand. A handsome man has no sense and is full of crazy anger.Shixiaonian looked at his fist in shock. Instead of retreating, he stepped forward, and his voice became angry. "Do you want to hit me? Gong ou, if this child is gone, I will not finish with you! "

When small read without fear to stare at him, a pair of eyes are red.

"You -" Gong Ou was angry and glared at her. Her breath became heavy, her teeth clenched tightly, and her raised hand clenched into a fist.

"Gong ou, if you dare to attack our children again, I will hate you forever!"

When small read hard to say.

"For an unformed thing, are you going to make trouble with me like this?" Gong Ou stares at her in a vicious way. He swims all over his body and gets into his every blood vessel. It's like countless insects biting him, which makes him unbearable.

An unformed thing?

He described their children as shapeless.

"It's you, gongou."

When Xiaonian stood in front of him, his eyes were sour.

"Shixiaonian, I ask you, in your eyes, is this shapeless thing important, or is my palace important?" Gong Ou asked harshly, and Yang put down his fist rigidly in mid air.

After all, he can't be cruel to her.

Smell speech, when small read Zheng Zheng, then say, "all important."

"Only one!" Gong Ou said with gnashing teeth.

"I want both."

"No way!"

"I just want them all." When small read stubborn stubborn said, eyes deeply looking at the palace Europe, no compromise meaning.

"Nothing so good! I will never allow you to give birth to other people's seed

Gong Ou looked at her darkly, suppressed her anger, and then said, "I can't touch you. I can't move you, can't I? Shixiaonian, I'll let you make your own choice! "

With that, Gong Ou turned and walked out of the door.

As soon as Gong Ou came out of the room, Xiaonian's strength seemed to be drained. She sat down in front of the piano, without any strength.

It's cold.

The unspeakable coldness swam all over the body.

When the small read low eyes to see the ground broken cup and water stains, eyes covered with a layer of gray, lips close.

Gong Ou is crazy about this child.

He wanted to give her the medicine.

She won't drink. It's him and her baby. She must be born.

If she is defeated, she will lose not only her innocence, but also her feelings for him.

That night, Gong Ou didn't go back to the bedroom. When Xiao Nian didn't know where he was, she held her breath and didn't ask. She didn't call, text or ask the housekeeper.

She cleaned up the mess on the ground by herself.

At night, Shi Xiaonian is lying on C with a pair of red eyes, not half sleepy. Mr palace stands aside and looks at Shi Xiaonian a little far away.

Today was the first day she knew she was pregnant.

Just last night, she was still imagining what Gong Ou would be excited about after the event, but reality slapped her hard and made her wake up.

When Xiaonian picked up the mobile phone to have a look, it was already 10 pm.

Gongou hasn't come back yet.

"Master, are you still up?" Mr Gong asked, standing in front of the piano. The voice is electronic, and there are not too many ups and downs.

It turned out to be Mr palace, the robot, with her.

"I can't sleep."

Shixiaonian sat up from C, with a lonely face.

"Does the master have something on his mind?" Mr Gong asked thoughtfully, "do you need me to help you?"

Shi Xiaonian has no one to tell him. She can only tell Mr Gong. She raises her red eyes to him and asks, "Gong Ou is not back now. He is really angry this time."

"Did the master quarrel with Mr. Gong?" Mr. Gong asked, putting a dance pose in place, and then said, "Mr. Gong loves his master so much that he won't quarrel with him."

Mr palace is set up to believe in the feelings between Gong ou and her.

If the feelings can really be like a pile of programs, there will be no change, one is one, two is two, love is love, trust is trust, there will be no accident.


Shi Xiaonian understood that Mr palace is just a robot and can't communicate with each other. She looked at it and said in a soft voice, "Mr palace, let's play" constant recitation "to me."

"Good." A row of light words flashed in Mr Palace's black eyes and asked, "what musical instrument does the master want to listen to?"

"The piano version of" reading from time to time. "

She only likes to listen to the piano version.

Mr palace immediately found the piano version of "constant recitation" to play, and the beautiful and romantic sound of the piano began to ring in the bedroom.

Shixiaonian leans back and listens to the beautiful sound of the piano. A shallow smile finally appears on her face on a lonely day. She remembers the way Gong Ou played this song.Handsome, charming and charming.

The music flowing from his fingertips is romantic, elegant and sweet to the limit.

Gongou loves her very much.

He opened his love affair to the world for her principles. He openly quarreled with his mother for her and drove her back to England He makes fried rice with eggs for her, and he plays the piano for her.

He did too much for her.

He just has paranoid personality disorder. He also said that sometimes he can't control himself.


When small read listen to the sound of Qin, reach out to touch the necklace on the neck, touch the cold beads.

Gongou said that this necklace is called Yinian Wannian.

It's 10000 years.

When the small read touched the hands of beads meal, teeth grinding lips.

She shouldn't have quarreled so violently with Gong ou. She knew he was irritable and irritable. She should have said it well.

Always quarrel between people will not have a good result, only cut a wound.

Like now, Gong Ou is so angry that he doesn't go back to sleep. , the fastest update of the webnovel!