Chapter 327

Name:CEO Above, Me Below Author:姜小牙
So easy to believe?

Can't she feel his presence? No, I believe in good things.

Gong Ou is going crazy about his own contradictions.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Gong, did I do it wrong?" When Mr. Gong asked her to cheat miss, did he say that the ambulance rescued her in time?

Gong Ou's face is livid. "No, nothing. I'll hang up!"

"Wait a minute, Mr. Gong. I want to let you know something in advance."

"Say it Gong Ou's cold voice.

"Although Miss Shi's health is not seriously affected, I can see that she is in a very low mood. I am worried that her psychological endurance is not very good, which may also affect the fetus." Doctor ye said truthfully.

"What do you mean?"

"Pregnant women's mood swings are bigger than ordinary people, so it's very important to keep happy, but Miss Shi is not very good at it." Ye said.

"All right, I see!"

Gong Ou coldly said, hang up the phone, put the mobile phone aside, a handsome face is full of gloom, with tired eyes.

I'm down in the dumps.

Of course, I was depressed and stimulated by him.

Psychological endurance is not good, she encountered too many things, she is good, no reason, she can't pass this pass. She must be able to make it! She has to make it!

Gong Ou's eyes are low. His eyes fall on the piano. His slender fingers slide over the edge of the piano.


Is he doing right now?

He couldn't get through his heart, but also for her safety, so he pushed shixiaonian out, but when he pushed out, he was uncomfortable, and when she was sick, he was even more uncomfortable.

Gong Ou walked out step by step, his black eyes swept around. Before, he never thought how big the castle was.

Now Xiaonian is gone.

He found out that the place was so big and empty.

Gong Ou went to the balcony and looked coldly at the forest in front of him. He pressed his hands on the balcony and his dark pupils were full of gloom.

"Young master."

Feng de came forward with a cup of steaming water in his hand. "I think you have a few coughs these days. It's specially prepared by the clinic. It helps to relieve cough and remove phlegm."

Gong Ou didn't even turn his head, as if he didn't hear it. Suddenly, he jumped onto the balcony with one hand on the pillar, and then sat down on the balcony armrest, his slender legs dangling in the air.

"Young master!" Feng de looks at Gong Ou in shock. What is he doing?

"Go away, let me be quiet for a while!"

Gong Ou is impatient.

He was fed up with the noise.


But this is the top floor.

Feng de looked anxiously at Gong Ou's straight back, unable to dissuade him, so he said, "yes, young master."

Instead of persuading the young master here, it's better to go down and let people fill the air cushion, just in case.

The young master was not like this before. Since Shi Xiaonian once climbed the balcony, the young master also began to do this move. He didn't know how frightening it was.

Thinking about this, Feng de turned around and was about to leave. Gong Ou suddenly called her, "Feng de!"

"Yes, young master."

Feng de immediately stood still.

Gong Ou turned his eyes and looked at him. His black eyes were deep and his voice was cold. "You've soaked so many women..."

"Young master, I have normal communication, normal and benign." Feng de couldn't help interrupting him. He had a black line and argued for himself.

How come every time the young master has emotional problems, his opening remarks are all like this.

"How dare you interrupt me?"

Gong Ou's face sank.

The old man is tired of living.

Feng de bowed his head, "don't dare, young master, you say, I listen."

"You've been to so many women, have you ever broken up with anyone who's still sad?" Gong Ou sat on the balcony and asked coldly.

He's not normal, is he.

He knew that he was not a normal person.

"Of course there are." Feng de nodded and said politely, "I've been drunk for a woman, and I've been sad for a relationship for two months."

Gong Ou stares at him coldly, "why divide?"

"Because I can't afford what she wants, naturally I want another man to give it to her." Feng de said.

"You are very generous." Gong Ou snorts coldly. He can't do it. If there is a man beside Xiao Nian now, he will go crazy.

"It's for the good of that woman. If I can't afford it, I can't get in the way of others." Feng de said clearly, "if I can't afford her better, she is willing to follow me and think that she is happy with me, then I will not break up with her."

The relationship between him and women has always been a peaceful beginning, and a peaceful ending, never red faced.

“……”Gong Ou gave him a disdainful look.

"Women need to be respected." Feng de said, "young master, if I talk too much, I'll go down first."

Gong Ou let him go. Suddenly, his eyes were cold. "Wait a minute, what did you say just now?"

Vanderton stopped and looked at him in bewilderment.

Gong Ou jumped down from the balcony. Feng de was so frightened that his face was sweating.

Gong Ou jumps down from the balcony, grabs Feng De's collar and stares at her coldly, "what did you say just now?"

Feng de looked at Gong Ou blankly. He was so scared that he said, "young master, I talk too much?"

"Not that!"

"Women should be respected?"

"No!" Gong Ou frowned and glared at him, "what did you just say that you won't break up with her?"

Feng de was so hard to breathe that he thought about it and said, "Oh, I said that if I can't afford to give her better, she still feels happier with me, then naturally she won't break up."


Gong Ou stares at him and asks.


Young master's EQ is really low. Why.

Feng de thought silently, and then said, "because I let her choose another way of life, and she will not be happier than following me. How can I let her reduce the quality of happiness? Women should be respected, shouldn't they? "

Gongou's dark eyes are deep.

Let her choose another way of life, no happier than to follow him

Gong Ou stood in front of Feng De, slowly released his hand, turned and left, with a complicated face and thin lips.

He walked in step by step, through the long corridor, to the study and looked in. There was a blanket in front of the large French windows.

Occasionally, shixiaonian would sit there painting, weaving a ball, lovely and pure.

The sun will paint her outline with a layer of illusory shadow.

Every angle is so beautiful that he can't shift his eyes.

But now, none of that.

Every day she leaned in the small rental house, using the dining table as a desk and drawing on it.

She used to laugh when she was painting, but now, he can't see her smile in the small monitoring screen. She takes painting as her livelihood.

Gong Ou goes into the study, sits down under the blanket, stretches out his long legs, turns on the TV, and plays the game maroon.

He picked up the game handle and manipulated the heroine inside to kill all the way. There was no expression on his handsome face.

"Gongou, you are here."

Mona came in from the outside in a short bra dress, with long curly golden hair on her bare shoulders. She walked to Gong ou with a smile, sat down beside him, and glanced at the game controller in his hand. "Are you playing a game? I'll fight with you. "

Finding more interests with your sweetheart and arousing common topics is also a step to attack your heart.

With that, Mona picked up the nearby game handle, raised her face and looked at the TV screen, her smile suddenly stagnated.

The game on the screen is very simple. It's just a small game.

But the protagonist is Shi Xiaonian.

Gong Ou is playing such a low-end game. He is the king of technology.

For a moment, Mona stares at Gong ou with a stiff smile. Her tone is as soft as possible, without showing jealousy. "Gong ou, this game is too low-end. Shall we play athletics?"


Gong Ou didn't even look at her. When she was transparent, she continued to play with the game handle.


Mona was ignored. She was embarrassed on her beautiful face. Her teeth clenched her lips. She watched him play the game seriously. There was sadness in her blue eyes. "Is this game so fun?"

Why can't he see her in front of him every day?


Gong Ou ignores her and continues to control the game handle. He looks at the ball woman on the screen with black eyes and kills the boss all the way.

Finally, maruzi won and rescued her husband.

The music of victory is on TV.

Hearing the ending music, Mona frowned and tried to squeeze out a smile. "OK, the game is over. Let's go out for a walk. How about playing golf?"

She can't wait to get his eyes off the TV screen.

Gong Ou looked at the TV screen, watched the woman and her husband enter the red tent, and said, "I regret it."


Mona was stunned and looked at him.

What is regret?

"You shouldn't have been there that day." Gong Ou said coldly, throwing the game handle to the ground, his eyes staring at Mona, "if you didn't show up, I wouldn't say so much to Shi Xiaonian!"When he doesn't stimulate her, she won't get sick, and she won't have a high fever. She's so confused that she's confused even when he appears.

If shixiaonian is not happy, what does he choose to let her live the present life for? Safe? safety?

But now she can't be safe. She has such a high fever.

And it's all his fault.

He meant the day it rained?

Mona was stunned.

Gong Ou stares at her with a trace of anger in his eyes. He gets up from the blanket and strides forward with long legs.


Is he going to see shixiaonian again?

Seeing this, Mona stayed for a while, and then immediately ran after her, with a panic in her eyes, "Gong ou, what are you going to do? Are you going to find Shi Xiaonian again? Are you crazy? You're going to hurt her, and are you sure you can live with a face like that? "

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