Chapter 543

Name:CEO Above, Me Below Author:姜小牙
"Even if we save them this time, will they still leave a shadow of childhood?" Shi Xiaonian asked in a low voice.

When they were young, they were kidnapped and trapped in a cage. In the face of strange and vicious people and strange and cruel environment, Holly was calm and didn't know what happened to Xiaokui.

"In the UK, one in five of my peers has been or nearly been kidnapped." Said Gong ou.

Shixiaonian looked at him in amazement, "then you..."

"No Gong Ou said in a deep voice, "I've had personality problems since I was a child. I don't have much contact with outsiders, so I can't talk about the risk of being kidnapped."


"My brother was kidnapped." Gongou indifference tunnel.

Smell speech, when small read immediately ask a way, "is that he paid ransom to put a person?"

"Yes." The head of the palace.

"Did you suffer? Is there a shadow? " When small read to ask a way, the palace Europe turns Mou to stare at her one eye, the vision is tiny heavy, he draws back the vision for a long time, the voice is deep, "have no, at least I see have not."

Hearing this, Xiao Nian was relieved. The twins are also descendants of the palace family. They are genetically related. I hope they can have no shadow.

"I hope the kidnappers are just asking for money, and they won't mess around." Shi Xiaonian whispered, "when they come back this time, I will never be separated from them again."


Gong Ou was silent and didn't say anything.

He drove smoothly to the suburbs.

Slowly, the car into the western suburbs, western suburbs on the map is too big, when small read looking at the hands of the mobile phone, no call.

She was in a hurry again. "What do you mean, kidnapper? We are already in the western suburbs. Why don't you call us? "

Gong Ou looks at her mobile phone, frowns slightly and continues to drive forward.

There are not many vehicles on the roads in the suburbs. Occasionally, there is a car passing by. The trees on both sides are tall and tidy. On one side of the river, there are fields.

The car drove aimlessly along the road.

When small read more anxious, some can't sit still, holding a mobile phone way, "is there no signal, we will not miss the kidnapper's phone?"

"Calm down."



When small read bite lip, heart uneasy, but no way, she wants to see the twins, now want to bring the twins back.

The mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

When small read a surprised, immediately connect the phone, turn on hands-free, Gong ou will stop the car.

Gong Yao's calm voice once again sounded in her mobile phone, "very good, you can stop now."

When small read can't help looking around the open field of vision, "how do you know where we are?"

Gong Ou reaches out and taps on the display screen of the car. When Xiao Nian comes to understand, he should have installed a locator on the car, so he can always know where they are.

"Looking out of the car window, do you see a self built residential building?"

Gong Yao said that his voice was like reading. It was obvious that he had been reading according to the content on the paper.

When Xiao Nian looked out of the car window, he saw a very beautiful small foreign building, which was in the field, a little far away from them.

"Do you want me to put the ransom in front of this building?"

It's a good location with a wide view and a ransom to protect against ambush.

"Of course not." Gong Yao said on the other end of the phone, "I heard that Miss Xi is very good at painting. I want you to go to the south wall of the western style building and draw a 2-meter-high wall painting, which children like."


When the small read think that he heard wrong, lift eyes, to the palace Europe lift dark eyes.

Gong Ou sat there quietly, with a strange look in his eyes and thin lips.


"I'll give you two hours."

Gong Yao finished, and the phone over there hung up in an instant. He didn't respond to her half sentence. When Xiao Nian looked at Gong ou, he frowned and asked, "what does the kidnapper mean? Isn't he paying the ransom? Why do you want to draw?"

Where can the kidnappers have such leisure.

Gong Ou's face was cold and said in a deep voice, "kidnapping is like a prank."

"If it's a prank, I have to draw. No matter what I'm asked to do, I have to do it before I see the twins." When Xiaonian untied his seat belt, "however, where can I get the tools for painting?"

"Since the kidnappers mentioned it, there should be one over there."

Said Gong ou.

"Then I'll get there in a hurry." When small read quickly push open the door down.

Two hours.

Two hours is not enough for a two meter high wall painting. She has to speed up. If children like it, it's good to paint in colorful colors. Children like it.

Shi Xiaonian ran to the field path. He gasped after a few steps. He was very weak.

I don't know if the traffic accident aggravated her condition. Now she's exhausted after walking a few steps.She gritted her teeth and ran on.

Her hand was caught from behind. Shi Xiaonian turned his head. Gong Ou walked up to her indifferently and bent down to carry her on his back.

When the small read the whole person to lie on his back, arms against his shoulder, she looked at him unexpectedly, hoarse said, "I can walk."

"Save some energy to draw. You only have two hours."

Gong Ou spoke coldly.

“……” When Xiaonian heard the speech, he would not speak any more. He would lie on his back and let him carry himself forward.

The path in the field is so long that it seems to have no end.

Gong Ou's shoes were stepping on the withered grass and dirty his trousers.

His back is very broad, very stable, although he is just to save the twins, but he can accompany her in this way, she feels very relieved, as if she is not so afraid.

For the first time since Gong Ou came back, they have been awake for such a long time.

When small read quietly staring at the side face of Gong ou, her eyes fell on his ear, there is a thin scar on it, so obvious.

No matter what he becomes now, the injury he once suffered for her cannot be completely erased from her heart.

"Here we are."

Gongou stops in front of the south wall of the western style building. When Xiaonian stops, he looks up and sees an open bag on the floor beside the wall. There are all kinds of painting tools in it.

"The kidnappers are really ready to draw."

Shi Xiaonian slides down from Gong Ou's back, goes forward, squats down, opens the bag, and paints graffiti.

That's great. It'll speed up a little bit.

When Xiaonian took a can of spray paint and handed it to Gong ou, who looked at her inexplicably.

"You help me spray it from the left, in a large area." Shi Xiaonian made a request to him.

"I can't draw."

"I don't have to. I'll just paint the simplest. I'll spray a large area of green grass, and then draw some kites, white clouds, children, rainbow houses."

The pictures children like are very good.

Gong Ou took the spray can and twisted his eyebrows. He asked in a deep voice, "how high do you start spraying?"

"About a meter."

When Xiaonian took away the spray can, expertly from the left began to spray on a section of obliquely, has gone to the right.

Gong Ou stood looking at her, pale, but calm eyes, her eyes always have a bit of brilliance when she meets painting.

When Xiaonian finished spraying a diagonal line of concave arc, he handed the spray can to Gong ou, "just fill the bottom, I'll draw the top, which can save time."


Gong Ou took the spray can and began to spray as she said.

Shi Xiaonian picked up a bigger brush from the bag and began to draw the rainbow house.

The foreign house stands in the field, the wind is very strong.

When Xiaonian was drawing, she coughed. She reached out and pressed her heart. It was very uncomfortable. Her back was chilly. After drawing a few strokes, she stopped breathing. The more she breathed, the more uncomfortable her lungs were.

When small read bite teeth, don't let oneself stop, continue to draw.

Suddenly, she was turned by Gong ou. Gong Ou stood in front of her, staring at her with black eyes, and put on the hat on her down jacket.


When small read Zheng Zheng ground to look at him.

Gong Ou takes off his coat and puts it on her. When Xiao Nian dodges, "no, you don't wear much inside. It will be cold."

"I don't have pneumonia. Don't worry about it." Gong Ou said in a deep voice and put on her coat.

Like dressing a child, he holds her hand through the sleeve and rolls up the long sleeve. His fingers are clean and long, which is very pleasant.

When Xiaonian looked at him, blurted out, "in fact, you are not paranoid, like holly, are cold outside and hot inside."

He would give her a coat.

That's something she didn't even think about before.

"I think too much." Gong Ou gave her a cold look. "Continue to draw."


When Xiaonian nodded, he turned to face the wall and continued to draw. One by one, he outlined the rainbow house and drew flowers and grass.

Time goes by bit.

The kidnapper's request is to draw two meters high.

But the top of the kite, white clouds that she can't reach, reach the place can't draw, hands can't open.

Shixiaonian looks at gongou in difficulty, "what should I do? Ask the family to borrow a chair? "

Gong Ou looked at her speechlessly, "this is the wall of other people's house. They draw without the owner's permission. Do they still borrow your chair? It's good not to beat you. "

At that time, the painting will not be finished.

When the small read pursed lips, "then how to do?"

She looked down at the time on the watch. Two hours later, she couldn't finish the painting. She handed the brush to Gong ou, "you are tall. I'll teach you. You can draw.""If you teach me, I can't draw."


That's not out of the question.

When small read frown, think where to find something can step on high things, think of her look to the palace Europe, "you squat down."

"For what?"

Gong Ou frowns.

"You squat down, I can almost draw with your back." Xiaonian stood there and whispered.

“……” Gongou is silent.

“……” She was silent, too.

They stood in front of the colorful wall, their eyes facing each other. Gong Ou looked at her with gloomy eyes. "Xi Xiaonian, do you want to climb up to my head so much?"

"I didn't mean that." Shi Xiaonian said, "I'm just making a suggestion. If you don't want to, it's OK."

Anyway, he always stressed that in their relationship, it must be him and she. , the fastest update of the webnovel!