Chapter 722

Name:CEO Above, Me Below Author:姜小牙
"Will Lancaster be afraid of your house?" The messenger said with a smile, "the palace Baron is dead. Who doesn't know that the palace family is relying on you now. Once you die, the palace family will become the most fragile castle and fall."

This is really a rare opportunity.

"Is it?" Gong Ou's black eyes glared at him coldly, "I don't know who will die first, you and me?"

His voice was cold to the bone, and there was a sense of cruelty in his eyes.

He stood there, the wind blowing his short hair.

The wind is blowing.

At that moment, it seemed that it was not he who was waiting to be executed, but this messenger.

The emissary stood there, stunned by Gong Ou's eyes, stepped back two steps in a row, and then immediately went to Bergler and said, "please execute the reclamation on them as soon as possible."

"Well, it's about time." Said Bergler, clinking a glass with him, and then looking aside at ekra, "untie all their ropes."

"That's not right. What if they can swim?"

Asked the messenger.

"There's nothing wrong with it. The sea is very deep. There's only one way out. If you dare to swim on the shore, kick it down!" Bergler drank all the wine in his glass and laughed excitedly. "I like to watch people dying. It's not fun to die without struggling."

Bergler specialized in the study of death for one hundred years.


Shi Xiaonian stood there in silence, and a guard came up to untie all their ropes. She looked at the direction of ekla.

He's still standing there.

It seems that he won't turn back.

Are they really going to die in the vast sea today? After thinking about it, Xiao Nian holds Gong Ou's hand tightly and stares at him with watery eyes.

Really born with Gong ou, she has nothing to fear, but there are too many regrets, really, too many.

A strong line of guards stood behind them, ready to push them into the sea at any time.

Gong Ou suddenly took Shi Xiaonian's hand and held it tightly, hoping to break her finger. He turned his eyes to Feng de and said, "are you ok?"

Only he and Feng de can play some here.

This is the last fight. I'm desperate to die or not.

Feng de has been sitting on the ground, smell speech, he covered his shoulder wound, clenched his teeth, exhausted his strength to stand up, raised his eyes to look at Gong ou, breathing a little hard, said, "I can, young master."

Su Yao looked at them blankly, her face full of sadness.

With the sound of Bergler's "throwing into the sea", Gong Ou roared, "fight!"

Gong ou and Feng de rushed to the guard almost at the same time, snatched a sharp weapon from one of the guards and started fighting.

In the glow, a line of blood, like splashing ink, instantly reddened the sky.


Everyone was shocked and stepped back.

Bergler and the emissary stepped back and cried out, "push them out of the sea! Push down! The sign from the heavenly daughter that she must die in the sea, do you hear me? "

Ekra stood there stupidly.

The sea is red with blood.

Su Yaoyao stares at the two men rushing into the crowd. Feng De, who is covered with blood, keeps in front of her.

Gong Ou grabs Shi Xiaonian in one hand and cuts at the sight of others with a sharp weapon in the other hand. Regardless of everything, Shi Xiaonian is taken to the side by him. Several times, the guards come straight at her, and Gong Ou blocks her directly with his body.

When Xiaonian watched the sharp blade thrust into gongou's shoulder, she struggled hard to break gongou's hand.

It can't go on like this. It really can't.

She will only become a drag on him.

"Let go, let go, gongou, I can protect myself." Shi Xiaonian's voice was choked.

"You protect a ghost!"


"Not enough!"

Gong Ou didn't care about his injury and went on fighting. He yelled. Shi Xiaonian looked at him confusedly. Gong Ou slashed at him and said, "Shi Xiaonian, please remember that we've been together a lot these years. I don't have enough time for Gong Ou!"

It's not enough.

He would never allow so little time between them.


It's not enough. She knows it's not enough.

But if he took her like this, he would die. The island was full of Bergler people, but there were only two of them.

Those guards also saw that Gong Ou was trying to protect Shi Xiaonian, so they attacked her one after another. Gong Ou waved his sharp weapon and once again blocked Shi Xiaonian with his body.

The sound of the sharp blade piercing the body rings in Shi Xiaonian's ear.

Shi Xiaonian's eyes suddenly wet, she was behind him, even his body injury can't see, "Gong ou, you let go, I beg you, let go."

He can't kill the bleeding road with her. The guards are still increasing here.Gong Ou waves a sharp weapon, raises his leg and kicks forward. As he cuts, he rushes forward with Shi Xiaonian. Shi Xiaonian tries his best to free his hand. Gong Ou's roar explodes on her head. "Shi Xiaonian, why are you always so disobedient? Can you listen to me! Can we? "


In the blood light, Shi Xiaonian's eyes were blurred by tears.

"Listen to me, even if the whole world stands in front of me, I want us to live forever! No one can stop it Gong Ou roars at the top of his voice and goes out with Shi Xiaonian.


Shi Xiaonian's heart was shocked. He stopped struggling and followed him with tears. He used his tall body to block all the injuries for her and let the piercing voice ring in her ear.

And she can't do anything.

She can't even brave to block in front of him, he is too overbearing, overbearing always don't let her brave.

Bad people.

Gong Ou is a bad man, a bad man to the bone.

The islanders screamed.

There were wounded people lying on the ground.

Bergler was still shouting, shouting to push them into the sea, and ekra stood there with a hesitant face.

Gong Ou rushes forward with Shi Xiaonian, blood seeps out of his body, and his eyes turn red, without pain or even any feeling.

He has only one idea. No one can stop him from living with shixiaonian!

No one!

The air was full of blood. Su Yaoyao looked at everything around her in a panic. When she saw the fallen man, she couldn't help screaming and covered her ears with her hands.

"Don't be afraid!"

Feng de stood in front of her and stepped on the beach in the sea.

Su Yaoyao was stunned and looked at the old man with gray hair in front of her. Suddenly, a guard rushed to Su Yaoyao and gave her a hard memory.


Su Yao couldn't dodge. She was stabbed in the arm. She was pushed into the sea. She screamed, "help! I can't swim

Feng de was shocked to see that without any sound or words, he dropped his knife and jumped into the sea.

As a result, ekra jumped into the sea.

This incident stunned everyone. Shi Xiaonian was led forward by Gong ou. It was difficult step by step, and there were more and more guards.

Shixiaonian's hand is clenched by Gong ou.

He continued to rush forward regardless of everything, as if he was not afraid of death. Then, Shi Xiaonian heard the sound of the sharp blade piercing flesh and blood again, and Gong Ou bent over.


Shixiaonian quickly held him.

"I'm fine. Stay back!"

Gong Ou straightened his legs quickly, but his strength was already overdrawn. Shi Xiaonian just watched his legs bend down and straighten up. He never let himself fall down.

The sound of birds, the sound of waves, the sound of shrieks and the sound of fighting mixed together. When Xiaonian was confused, he was in a mess.

It's like singing a lament.

"Kill me! Push me into the sea! Push into the sea

Bergler's heart broke and he cried out.

The guards pressed them step by step with weapons to push them back into the sea. There was only one word in Gong Ou's belief, but they were still forced to step back.

When Xiaonian stepped into the sea.

The sea water didn't reach her shoes, and the splash made Gong Ou's face look terrible. He raised his leg and kicked it hard. He wanted to rush forward with Shi Xiaonian, but he almost fell down.

They retreated again.

There are many guards on the beach.

When the small read despair, they can't rush out, simply can't rush, she hugged the palace Europe's arm, "palace Europe, don't support."

If he continues, he will die in front of her scarred.

"No way!"

Gong Ou roared out and was about to rush forward. Suddenly, they heard a howl and a fight. They looked up and saw Mr palace with a silver body turning into the guard group like a windmill and knocking down a group of guards.

Mr palace is shining in the setting sun. His eyes scan in their direction, as if the gods are coming.

"Mr palace!"

When small read stunned to shout out, can't say is excited or moved, eyes wet again.

"Master!" When Mr palace looked at Xiaonian, the electronic sound sounded in the setting sun, "as long as you need me, I will be by your side!"


Shi Xiaonian covered his mouth with one hand, tears fell down his face and cried out, "help us! Mr palace, help us

"Yes! Master

Mr Gong Ying said, and walked towards them. The weapons fell on him, leaving a lot of marks. Without pain, he just rushed forward with the order, waved his arm away the guard, and strode to Gong ou.See Mr palace, palace Europe's heart finally settled down, black eyes to it, way, "give us a way to kill."


Mr Gong answered and turned to the guard next to him.

These guards step back, all looking at the robot in front of them with fear. What they have never seen is so powerful that they begin to panic and dare not move forward.

Mr Gong takes them forward. When Xiao Nian holds Gong ou, he looks at him and sees that his clothes are bloodstained. He doesn't know how many wounds there are.

"Can you hold on?"

Shi Xiaonian asked anxiously.

"Of course! How can I not hold on The palace Europe bit to bite a tooth way, brow tight Cu, thin lip is white, have no a little bloodstain, strong support go forward. , the fastest update of the webnovel!