Chapter 737

Name:CEO Above, Me Below Author:姜小牙
When Xiaonian asked several people, they all said that they didn't see gongou, so they had to go home. After standing for a long time, her legs were sore.

As soon as I went back, Gong Kui, who was truant from class, rushed out and ran to her side. He hugged her leg and was so excited that his whole face turned red. His big eyes flickered at her. "Mom, grandma said you have a baby. I'm so happy. Where is it?"

"It's a long time before the baby can meet you."

"How long? An hour? A day? Or a hundred days, a thousand days? " Gong Kui has no specific concept of time.


When Xiaonian was amused, she squatted down, reached out and touched her little face, then deliberately raised her face and said, "should you be in class at this time? Did you run out?"

Smell speech, Gong Kui mischievous ground threw out tongue to her, "I go back to class now, the baby came to want to call me?"

When small read can only nod with a smile, watching Gong Kui jump away.

Everyone in this family welcomes the baby. Except Gong ou, maybe he doesn't welcome it either. He has other ideas.

Shi Xiaonian is going to ponder over the words and have a peaceful talk with Gong ou. He waited until the evening and didn't see Gong Ou at lunch.

Luo Qi also asked her, "is Gong Ou too nervous? When I heard that there were children, I even ignored you. "


Who's ever seen a child who's so nervous that even his mother ignores him? Unless you don't want to. It's just Rosie didn't think of that.

Late at night, when a small read a person stay in the room, sitting at the end of the bed, holding a remote control, bored to tune the channel, attention is not above, she has been listening to the door of the movement.

But it was so quiet there was no sound.

Hour after hour.

Gongou hasn't come back yet.

It's not like Gong Ou's style. He doesn't like to run away from her when he's in trouble, but today he's been running away from her all day.

Thinking of what happened on the other side of the farm, Shi Xiaonian rearranged his words that he had been brewing all day, and then went out.

Gong Ou is in the study. That's what the servant said.

When the small read to the direction of the study, hand open the door to go in, so big study empty, no one.


When small read Leng a few seconds, not to say palace Europe here?

She looked around, and finally her eyes fell on the desk. It was a mess. Books were opened there. There were books on the phone, and there were books on the chair, not to mention on the floor.

The bookshelves were also turned upside down, and many books were scattered there. At first sight, they were thrown down.

Don't cherish books so much?

Did these books provoke him?

Shi Xiaonian walked over and bent over to pick up several books from the ground. As she was about to put them away, she saw a book entitled "the harm of childbirth to a woman" that stunned her. 》

when she was young, Xiaonian was shocked. Sure enough, she guessed the same.

She went to her desk and saw that the books on the desk were all about the harm of pregnancy and childbirth to women, while the books on the chair were almost all about how to take care of women after abortion.

He made up his mind to let her kill the child.

If that's the reason, she's even more reluctant to kill the child. When Xiaonian closes the books on the desk and goes to one side, there are a lot of materials under the pressure of the books.

When small read Leng Leng, picked up the information, above is the record of some dialogue, there is a small recorder.

The style of this pen looks like that of a few years ago.

Shi Xiaonian took up his pen and opened it. He heard a voice saying that strangeness is not strange, and that familiarity is not familiar. "Mr. Gong, I'm miss Xi's doctor in Italy. Now I'll tell you about Miss Xi."

Miss Xi.

Now they call her Mrs. gong or Mrs. Shao, and few people call her Miss Xi.

Shi Xiaonian suddenly realized that the recording was a long time ago. She didn't know how early it was. She just listened to the sound and said, "when I was arranged to take care of Miss Xi, I found that she was in poor health. The most important thing was that she was worried too much. In addition, she was imprisoned in a place for a long time and had a great negative emotion. After giving birth, Miss Xi lost weight all the way to the end Since then, she has been unable to nurse her baby normally and can only recuperate. "

Shi Xiaonian stood there, listening to the doctor's voice.

When did Gong Ou inquire about this.

"Miss Xi is a very strong person. Even if she is so weak, her willpower is still very strong. This is the most fundamental reason why she can survive later. I really admire her." The doctor's voice rang out in the recorder. "As for the details, I can't say for a moment. One of the things that impressed me most was that Miss Xi once had a high fever. I don't know why she suddenly had a stomachache. We couldn't find the reason for it, so we had to be anxious."“……”

"At that time, all of us were standing in the room, watching Miss Xi roll on the bed with so much pain that she couldn't find any blood color on her whole face. Seeing her like that, we all worried about her, and Mrs. Xi cried. " The doctor said, "later we learned that this is actually miss Xi's heart disease."

Heart disease.

Shi Xiaonian's eyes drooped slightly, and the doctor said, "we once thought Miss Xi didn't suffer from postpartum depression, but the time when she was imprisoned during her pregnancy still cast a shadow on her. She was pregnant and had a hard time. Others felt a little bit of pain, but she was torn with pain, and there was no one worthy of her trust to accompany her at that time."


When small read pursed lips.

"So later, our doctors figured out that it was Miss Xi's heart disease. Once she felt the pain in her stomach, it was a pain that she could not bear." The doctor sighed, "a pregnant woman's mood is easy to fluctuate, and she was imprisoned for so long, and she was robbed of a child. It's good that Miss Xi can be as stubborn as she is now. It's like she's rolling on the ground in pain, and she's never tried to give up her life. "

When I couldn't listen any more, I stopped the recorder and stood there.

Gong Ou is listening to these recordings. That's why he doesn't want her to give birth to the baby.


There's a push at the door.

When Xiao Nian turned around, he saw Gong Ou standing at the door, with a cup of coffee in his hand and a windbreaker on his body. His handsome face was a little tired.

When she saw Xiao Nian, Gong Ou's black eyes deepened, and her eyes fell on the recorder in her hand.

"Is that why you don't want this baby?"

When small read tightly holding the recording pen to see to him way, don't understand is moved or sad, seems to have.

It was so long ago that he remembered it clearly.

"When did you come in?"

Gong Ou frowned. She came up, put down her coffee cup, snatched the recorder from her hand and threw it into the drawer. Then she began to clean up the books on the desk and close them one by one.

When Xiaonian looked at him pretending to be busy, his lips moved, "Gong ou, I want to keep this child."

Her voice was quiet, but with a trace of tremor.


Gong Ou's action stopped. The next second, he threw the book on the table and turned his eyes to see her. His black eyes were full of overbearing words that could not be refuted

"I want to stay. Your previous reasons can't stop me, and even more so." When small read also particularly stubborn looking at him, patted the book on the desk.

Gong Ou's eyes were stained with anger and said to her, "yes, my real reason is this. I just don't want you to live. I just don't want you to experience that kind of pain again!"

Clearly concerned about the words, but he was roaring like a quarrel.


Shi Xiaonian pursed his lips and looked at him quietly.

"You've forgotten how much you suffered in your last pregnancy, haven't you?" Gong Ou stares at her and says, "shixiaonian, do you always forget the pain? How do you prepare to roll on the bed again, to lose weight quickly, or to pick out traces with your nails on the edge of the bed? "

Smell speech, when small read stupidly looking at him, originally, he really know everything.

Just didn't say it in front of her.

No wonder they said that when they had another one, only Gong Ou almost never expressed his opinion. He didn't say anything, but he meant one, and he would never have children again.

"In a word, I am in charge of this family, and I don't want this child! I'll fight it tomorrow! "

Gong Ou said firmly.

"I don't fight."

When small read suddenly don't know what to say, only stubbornly left this sentence.

"Oh." Gong Ou sneered and looked at her like a weak man. "Shixiaonian, why are you stubborn with me? Can you win me? You go out of this door, as long as I say, who can help you? "

Gong Ou's cruel words are always poisonous. It's so poisonous that you can't even refute them.

Listening to this, Shi Xiaonian stepped back and said with a bitter smile, "what are you showing me, showing off your power? Yes, as long as you say a word out of this door, no one will help you, and everyone will listen to you. We are clearly husband and wife. Why do we say to you that I am just your accessory? When I was young, I was a pendant on you? "

Their union is not to have a home, but to enter his world and submit to his rule, right?

Is that what he meant?

Looking at her bitter smile on the corner of her lip, Gong Ou realized that his words were heavy, and his eyes jumped down. His tone suddenly sank down, "I didn't mean that.""Whatever you mean, I'm going to have this baby."

When small read stubbornly said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!