Mu Yao collected the spirit, subconsciously followed up, a pain at the foot, she tightly pursed her lips, supported the side of the railing, rubbed her ankle.

Li Zhennan found that she did not follow up, frown back.

Eyes follow the past, see her look painful knead ankle, ankle is very obvious red and swollen.

He walked back in two steps and looked down at her, "can you twist your feet on this flat land? You want to go now, poor man

Mu Yao recognized the banter in his words and resisted the impulse to roll his eyes.

"You go, you don't care about me."

"To next year?" Li Zhennan taunted again, and then turned to lower his body.

"Come up."

Mu Yao in the heart clutters a, this what circumstance?

She stares at Li Zhennan's back and speculates his intention. What is he doing now?

"If you don't come up again, I'll have you thrown into the sea to feed the fish."

The man's words revived her.

Mu Yao doesn't care about anything else, but she staggers forward and lies on his back.

At this time, the surrounding people have been more, their actions have attracted other people's sidelights, eyes full of envy.

Mu Yao feels his heart beat a little fast, inexplicably uncontrollable.

Li Zhennan carried her back, as if without effort, striding forward.

His lips slightly raised a smile, can not help but slow down the pace, trying to slow down the time.

Back in the evening, muyao is not feeling well and has a fever. Aunt Ying is not in. Ting'er and Jiashu are both in the hospital.

So Li Zhennan was left to take care of her in person.

In the middle of the night, her consciousness was already blurred and she just mumbled a few words, "asshole."

Because it was too low, Li Zhennan heard it as "wonton.".

Li Zhennan Jun eyebrow a pick, stuffy voice way: "where can I get you wonton?"

But at this time, see her face red, peace day cold people are different, let him feel cute a little bit, the heart is also soft down.

He wiped her face with a towel, covered the quilt, and went out with a change of clothes.

Four in the morning.

Li Zhennan drove all over the streets and alleys, but could not buy a copy of chaos. Finally, he saw a small chaotic sign, and he knocked on the door directly.

The owner of the shop was knocked awake by him and opened the door angrily.

"Who is sick early in the morning..."

His words stopped abruptly when he saw a lot of money on the table, and his mind became clear.

"A little chaos."

The man's voice is cold, and he can't see his appearance in the dark sky, but he can judge the identity of the other party through his clothes.

"Well! All right, please

After Mu Yao wakes up, there is no one around.

She was so dizzy that she wanted to have a drink of water and went downstairs with her body.

When I opened the refrigerator, I heard something moving at the door.

"What's up?" Behind her came the voice of Li Zhennan. She was stunned and looked at the past first.

"It's just that the little chaos is still hot. Eat it first."

Li Zhennan's face was still cold, he put the little chaos on the table and opened the chair for her to sit down.

Mu Yao is a little confused. She takes a look at the time. It's five o'clock.



The man sat opposite her, his eyes fixed on her, "all finished."

"I don't want to eat little chaos."

Li Zhennan's face changed slightly. He never served anyone like this since he was a child. "Didn't you say you want to eat little chaos just now?"

Mu Yao feels that Tianda is wronged. She thinks about it. The most likely bastard she said in her dream is Li Zhennan.

After expressing this idea naturally, the man opposite her was very dark and ugly.

"Don't eat."

Li Zhennan calm face pulled small chaos, "I fell."

The chaos on the table is still steaming. Mu Yao can't help pursing her lips and intercepting his hand.

"I don't know why, suddenly I'm a little hungry."

She snatched little chaos from him, bowed her head and ate it.

Li Zhennan's anger in his heart just now dissipated.

He lifted up the corners of his mouth, with a good-looking smile on his handsome face.

Between the two people, it seems that because of this bowl of small chaos and become closer.

Get up in the morning and everything goes as usual.

No one mentioned what happened at night.

As usual, Mu Yao tied his tie and watched him go downstairs.

In the past, it was mechanical work, but today, it seems that some things are different.

It's a bit tipsy.

Li Zhennan stepped on the night back home, he took off his coat, "where is mu Yao?"

"The young lady went out. Miss Jiashu is practicing dancing. Would you like to have a lookLi Zhennan steps a meal, the foot turns a corner to walk toward the practice room.

In the open room, Jiashu's small body is dancing with the music. She looks like a fairy with a smile on her face.

Dengnan's face suddenly changed when he was about to leave the door.


The graceful Little Swan just now curled up on the ground, covering her legs and not moving.

Li Zhennan carefully went to check her injury, but was shocked by the blue and purple marks on her legs.

Obviously not the first time I fell.

His face was heavy and he picked up the child. "I'll take you to the hospital."

Jiashu was aware of his low mood, and her little hand pulled the clothes on his chest. She was a little uneasy, "Dad, are you angry?"

Put people in the car. It's going fast but steady.

"Very angry. You should tell us that if I didn't see it today, would you continue to hide it? "

Li Zhennan slightly side head to see Jia Shu low expression.

"But if I tell you, you won't let me dance again."

Thinking of her vivid expression when dancing, Li Zhennan wrung her eyebrows, "do you like dancing very much?"

The child nodded quickly and grinned happily, "well, I like dancing best."

Jiashu's mood infected Li Zhennan, he tapped the steering wheel with his index finger, and had a worry in the bottom of his heart.

To the hospital for an examination, in addition to traces of some frightening, the real injury is not serious.

Li Zhennan was relieved.

He squatted down and looked at Jiashu, "do you want to continue dancing?"

In front of the child's head like a chicken pecking rice as fast as point.

His strict father's expression can't stop, slightly pulled the lip corner, "then we will make an agreement, if you wrestle again, then this activity will not participate."

Jiashu's small face collapsed slightly, but on second thought, as long as she was careful not to wrestle, the agreement had no effect on her.

So, we're going to pull the hook back

Li Zhennan was stunned.

Jiashu took the initiative to hook up his little finger, shaking, smiling innocent, "cheating is a dog oh."