Mu Yao put this matter behind his head. However, Li Zhennan, who was careful, did not intend to let it go. He secretly revealed his dissatisfaction with the company that JH made friends with. Smart people knew what to do without breaking through.

Fang was originally in a troubled time, and his situation was even worse.

When the news reached Fang Shenghua's ears, he directly smashed the cup in his hand.

"What a bully! What a bully

He repeated several times without covering up his anger. "Although the Fang family has difficulties now, it's not their turn to be bullied by others."

Chen Bo stopped talking.

Fang Shenghua inadvertently glanced at his expression, even more irritable, "what is your expression? If you have something to say, what are you hesitating about? "

During this period, Fang Shenghua was too busy to report the failure of stealing the vein map to him. When he knew that Li Zhennan began to target Fang, Chen Bo knew that it was bad.

He glanced cautiously at his angry expression. "Well, sir, the people we sent to Mu's house some time ago failed."

What he said was very euphemistic, but Fang Shenghua understood it instantly. He was stunned, his face was blue and he was silent for a long time. Then he stepped back and fell down on the sofa.

It's over.

Fang Shi is really finished!

It was always a hidden danger that the map of ore veins remained in his hand. Mu Yao did not even have time to hesitate, so he went to the channel to hand it in. However, due to various considerations, the news was not announced to the public in the end.

Like a small stone into the sea, even waves can not pan up.

Mu Yao only felt that a big stone had fallen to the ground, and her long-term goal of running for it had finally been achieved. She had a sense of emptiness. After two days of idle mediation at home, she finally summoned up the courage to go to the cemetery.

"Dad, I've come to see you."

Mu Yao put two bundles of flowers in front of the tombs of Mu Wenyuan and Xia he, and took out a handkerchief to slowly wipe the dust on the photos. "I have handed in the mine vein map. You can rest assured that this matter has come to an end."

"I've brought my brother's things back. When I've settled down in two days, I'll take him back from Japan and put him with you."

"The two children are very good now. Jiashu's health is no big problem. You haven't seen Li Ting yet. I'll take them to see you some other day."

"Dad, I miss you..."

As she said this, Mu Yao's eyes turned red. She sat down beside her and leaned her head on the cold tombstone. It seemed that she was back when she was coquettish in Muwen's distant mind.

In the empty tomb area, her sobbing voice suddenly rang out. In the corridor of the back row not far away, a man in black stood quietly and silently. After hearing the cry, his heart suddenly became a ball.

I don't know how long it took. Mu Yao finally calmed down. She reluctantly wiped the photos. "Dad, I'll take the children to see you some other day."

Not long after she left, the solemn looking man came to the tombstone, bowed respectfully three times, and said solemnly and solemnly, "you can rest assured that I will keep her firmly behind me for the rest of my life."

He came and went quietly, only the flowers juxtaposed in front of the tombstone swayed slightly with the wind.

Mu Yao slowly walked out of the cemetery. She saw Li Zhennan waiting by the car. She was shocked. She couldn't tell what kind of emotion she was in when she saw him. She trotted two steps to him.

"Why are you here?"

Don't you want to wait for her? She turned her face slightly to avoid his red eyes.

Li Zhennan looked at the residual tears in the corner of her eyes, sighed, stretched out his long arm to hold her in his arms, put his chin on the top of her hair, and his chest vibrated stiffly when he spoke.

"Come and get my rabbit home."

Mu Yao deeply sniffed his pleasant smell of clear breath, stuffy retorted to him, "I am not a rabbit."

Li Zhennan stroked her hair, as if to coax a child, "good, good, not rabbit."

His voice is so bewitching that Mu Yao can't help indulging in it. After a long time, he pushes him away and hangs his head weakly. "Let's go. Ting'er and Jiashu are going to school soon."

Li Zhennan escorted her to the car. He didn't call the driver, and even the bodyguards could only follow her far away. When the car drove out of the cemetery, several cars immediately followed her quietly. No one noticed that an ordinary car was also far behind.

With the soft and soothing music in the car, Mu Yao's eyes fell out of the window and seemed absent-minded. Li Zhen took a look at her from the south side of the car and said, "pick up Mu oak sometime. I've arranged for someone to go to Japan."

Hearing this, Mu Yao Shua had to turn her head.

Li Zhennan focused on looking at the road ahead, "ye luogui, his roots are here, alone in the outside is not a thing."

Although his tone is very plain, but mu Yao's hard to calm the mood immediately turned up again, she quickly bowed her head, trying to hold back the tears, for a long time before a low response."Well."

Aware of her low mood, Li Zhennan frowned and was about to speak. However, her eyes were sharp when she glanced at the rearview mirror at random. A car was moving towards them in a strange way!

His voice cooled.

"Hold on to the armrest. There's a mouse coming."

Mu Yao did it without thinking about it. Almost the next second, there was a huge impact from the side of the car. Their car was almost sliding to the side, and the wheels were rubbing against the ground to make a sharp noise.


Mu Yao swallows her voice back. She can't interfere with Li Zhennan!

But even if it was just a sound of Qi, it was enough to shake Li Zhennan's mind. He looked grim and cold, but the car under his control became more and more stable. When the other side pressed him step by step, he deliberately slowed down the speed. When he saw the momentum of the car behind him, he suddenly accelerated!


The other side can't dodge, no resistance, directly into the roadside stinky ditch.

The bodyguard caught up in a hurry and dragged the other party out of the car, but his head was full of blood, and he was obviously in a coma.

"Take it down."

Fortunately, there were no casualties, but mu Yao was shocked. Her fingertips on her side trembled slightly. Suddenly, a big hand caught her, and the warm and dry heat kept coming.

Li Zhen South side first to her hook lip, "scared? I'm afraid it's you who are on the fringe news with me this time

When is it? He is still in the mood to joke!

Mu Yao eyebrow light Cu, "is Fang Shenghua?"

It's OK to break into private houses. Now you're still rushing to jump over the wall with such a cheap trick?

Li Zhennan crow's black eyes drooped slightly.

"I don't know."

There are too many people who want to take his life.