Chapter 823

Name:CEO Daddy,Spare Me Author:He Yun
Five years ago.


One afternoon in the summer, Liancheng news was broadcast on the radio. According to our news, "a woman's body was found at the intersection of the west suburb of Liancheng River and Jianshe Road. Her age was about 20 years old, and the time of death was about 72 hours. Homicide is not ruled out, and her identity is still uncertain..."

Hearing the news, Cai Wen's heart was suddenly shocked. Her heart beat with a sudden and strong beat. How could he kill her? Suicide?

Before Cai Wen had time to think about it, the security door suddenly opened, and her father Cai Zhenghong came in with a gloomy face.

Cai Wen shakes the radio and says to Cai Zhenghong, "Dad, there's another life case in the west suburb!"

Cai Zhenghong didn't speak. He went straight to the sofa and sat down. He seemed to stop talking.

"Dad?" Cai Wen didn't know what happened to her father. Maybe she thought of something sad again. She didn't say anything more.

Who knows Cai Zhenghong at this time suddenly way: "Cai Wen!"

"Dad, you say!"

“……” Cai Zhenghong's desire to talk and stop makes Cai Wen hold her breath. Her father's appearance makes her feel helpless.

Just thinking about it, Cai Zhenghong finally said with a long sigh, "Cai Wen, our father and daughter have been living together for 20 years. What's your father doing to you?"

"Dad, you are the best to me, no one loves me more than you!" Her father felt guilty when she remembered that she had never remarried in her life.

"Dad is going to avenge your mother and your brother!" Cai Zhenghong also said.

Cai Wen's heart clapped for a while, "Dad, revenge also has my share, you say straight, have evidence?"

"No evidence!" Cai Zhenghong rubbed his forehead, "but there's a good chance!"


"The female corpse in Liancheng river is Peixin!" Cai Zhenghong.

Cai Wen suddenly stared, Peixin? The woman who is 100% similar to herself is Peixin? It's the enemy's daughter! She's the one who died?!

Cai Wen couldn't say what she felt, but she was a little stuffy in her heart. Suddenly, she jumped again.

Cai Zhenghong raised his eyes and glanced at Cai Wen, with a trace of gaze in his eyes.

"Dad, how did she die?"

"It doesn't matter how you die. What matters is that I want you to impersonate her and go to Pei's house to be their daughter!"

When Cai Zhenghong said this, Cai Wen's Apricot eyes widened again. "Dad, this is ridiculous!"

"You don't want to avenge your mother and your brother?"

Cai Wen was stunned again, unable to speak.

He pretends to be Peixin and goes to Pei's house. From then on, he makes a clear distinction with his past. He has to shoulder the responsibility of revenge for his mother and brother. He is afraid that she will go in after the revenge. More importantly, how can she see Li chenrui again?

As soon as she thought that she might never be able to meet Li chenrui again in her life, Cai Wen felt Suffocated at the bottom of her heart. She finally got a little bit of contact with the male god, and then it stopped suddenly. How could she feel embarrassed?

Her silence attracted Cai Zhenghong's dissatisfaction. His brow had been wrinkled tightly, and his dissatisfaction had overflowed.

Thinking of her father's difficulties, Cai Wen looked at his white hair at the temples, pursed her lips, and made up her mind to say, "Dad, I promise you, don't be angry!"

Hearing the speech, Cai Zhenghong's eyebrows finally have a little stretch, but the Sichuan characters between the eyebrows have formed three deep gullies because of the years of depression, carrying too much sadness.

Hearing Cai Wen's reply, Cai Zhenghong was pleased, and then changed a helpless and old tone, "Wenwen, dad is not happy to avenge your mother and your brother in this life. You forgive dad's selfishness. Dad is sorry for you!"

I can't remember how long my father hasn't called herself "Wenwen". This kind of doting tone is too strange. Cai Wen is sour in her heart and bites her lip. "Dad, can I recover my identity in the future?"

Cai Zhenghong looked at her, "get the evidence, dad help you recover, can't get it, this life you are Peixin, our father and daughter don't meet!"

"Daddy Cai Wen exclaimed.

"In any case, we have to get the evidence. Remember, from now on, you are Pei Xin, the only successor of Pei Cheng'an. I'll show you all the information about Pei's family. I'll send you the information about Pei Xin in the police school. Now take these to Pei's house! " Cai Zhenghong gives Cai Wen a bag with Peixin's ID card inside.

looked as like as two peas in his ID card, and Cai Wen looked as if he were so alike. And looking at Peixin's photo inexplicable, eyes pan acid, perhaps looking at another face with their own too strange, especially that person has left.

It's going to be a totally strange life. Cai Wen just feels confused about her future and can't see clearly.


Five years later.

As soon as Pei Xin got back to the police station, she received the task.

The scene of the murder is located in the area with the most dense vegetation and the most inconvenient traffic on Panshan South Road.

When Pei Xin arrived with the team leader and other members, she saw a young woman lying in the grass, her head bloodstained and even showing signs of drying up.Even though she has been a criminal policeman for three years, Peixin still can't help but sigh to herself that this woman died miserably, and she has been dead for some time.

After a moment of sobbing, Peixin breathes a long breath, wears a mask and gloves, and checks the state of the dead with the forensic.

After that, Pei Xin reported to the team leader: "the victim, a female surname, aged between 20 and 22, had no clothes beside the body. There were scattered blood stains on the East Road. There was a wooden stick with blood stains on the South Road, with a diameter of 29 mm. The victim died of craniocerebral injury after being repeatedly hit with a blunt instrument, * with * left inside. Preliminary analysis showed that the scene of the body was the first scene, but it was not ruled out Second, the possibility of the scene, according to the analysis of the change of the body, the dead time was 24 hours before the inquest

The captain frowned and said in a deep voice, "continue to search for the evidence, don't leave it behind!"


Pei Xin inspected the area in detail. Except for the stick, there was no footprints. If this is the scene of the crime, there should be traces, but it is obviously not like here.

Lying on his back in the grass, his clothes were messy and his face was ferocious. He should have been tortured before he died. Peixin suddenly found that he was not sure whether he would be beaten to death or killed by force.

She and her colleagues are looking for clues inch by inch, which should not be the first scene of the crime.

After a round of investigation at the scene, the captain ordered, "go back to the bureau!"

So we closed the net.

Answer the unit, the team leader told her: "Peixin, go to the forensic and wait, confirm the identity of the dead!"


Three hours later, Pei Xin comes back and knocks on the door of the team leader's office. "Chief, we have identified the dead. He Chen, a 08 year old Broadcasting Major from Communication University, is a student. According to the preliminary results of autopsy, the family name was invaded before and after death. Seminal plaque sent to the laboratory test, DNA results tomorrow

"Go to Communication University!" The captain grabbed the key, took her, changed her plain clothes and went to the media university.

They soon arrived at ho Chen's dormitory of broadcasting department.

After clarifying her identity, she finally went to hechen's dormitory and saw that her bed was neat and tidy. The dormitory was for four people. People were sleeping on it, and the computer desk and cupboard were under it. Hechen's things were very tidy.

Peixin wears gloves to carefully confirm her belongings, classifies them into cartons and prepares to take them back for analysis. Finally, all the things were sorted out, and several colleagues moved the things away.

In the final confirmation, peiqian saw that there was a small Sequin under the computer desk, which seemed to be a secretary's memory card. She was stunned, walked over and picked it up. Because the thing was too small, she thought it was not evidence, so she installed it casually. She didn't know what was inside. She couldn't judge for a moment, so she took it back to have a look first!

The other three girls in their dormitory said that there was nothing unusual, because he Chen was always cheerful, and before the incident, everyone sang together!

I took notes and didn't get very favorable testimony.

And then back to the team.

When Peixin returns to work, she immediately confirms the contents of the memory card. When she turns on her mobile phone, Peixin sees the picture above, and the whole person is suddenly stunned.

It was a picture of a woman with the same face as her. Pei Xin suddenly closed her eyes, turned off the computer and put the chip away to hide her strong heartbeat.

Working late into the night, she was very tired when she went back. Her professional habits made her alert at any time. She always felt a little strange tonight. She was still thinking about today's case. Who * killed hechen? And what about the photos stored in the chip? Isn't it five years since the people inside died? How could it be in Ho Chen's chip?

Working overtime at night was a little tired and hungry. When Peixin saw that there was a snack bar open on the street, she went into the Ramen restaurant and asked for a bowl of beef ramen. Then she came out full and was ready to go home.

She lives in a remote place, belongs to the old house, to get into Lane. I've been fighting with Pei Chengan for five years. She's been living outside recently and is a little tired.

The street lamp in the alley was broken and it was quite dark. She walked forward. Her intuition made her back numb. She didn't feel right. It seemed that someone was following her. She didn't stop and went on quietly.

She stopped and turned abruptly.

Behind her, a tall figure stood ten meters away, because it was too dark to see the man clearly, but she could be sure that the man was following her!

At this time, on the other side suddenly came a lazy and pleasant male voice with a high degree of recognition. Listening to it, my heart was beating violently.

What he said was, "Miss, you lost your things!"

Peixin looked back and saw another tall figure on the other end of the alley, standing there with a firm outline. It was strange that she didn't hear the sound of footsteps just now. Where did the man come from?

She looked back, only to find that the person following her was gone!

It's weird!

The man who said she had lost things just now came up and stood in front of her.

Peixin was shocked at the bottom of her heart, because the man standing in front of her in the dark had a strong momentum. The magnetic field made people feel suffocated, and she subconsciously retreated.Overhead, came a faint laughter, especially magnetic surname, pleasant, seems to be very familiar, as if in the depths of memory in general.

"I didn't drop anything!" She was a little annoyed. What was he laughing at?

The man nodded as if he didn't smile any more and said, "I know!"

Peixin is not stupid, immediately understand: "just now you saw someone follow me?"

"Well!" The man gave a gentle hum.

"Did you see the man just now?"


"What do you want me to do?" She was stunned.

"If you want to shout, shout!" He replied.

She took a flashlight out of her pocket, turned it on and shot.

Peixin trembles when she sees that face. She even feels her heart in her throat. Li chenrui!

Li chenrui, whom I haven't seen for many years. , the fastest update of the webnovel!