Zhou Xiaojing's eyes suddenly lit up when her eyes inadvertently touched in the air.

Suddenly, she felt relieved.

"Xiao Xiao, you sit here for a while, I'll go to the bathroom."

"Well." Hand supporting edge on chin, Luo Xiao Xiao's tone is a little resentful.

Taking advantage of Luo Xiaoxiao's inattention, Zhou Xiaojing quietly leans out of the room.

When young Lord Qin came, he was in a hurry. Three buttons on his neck were torn open, and his tie disappeared.

"Xiao Xiao." Lightly raised chin to indicate under, Qin young Jue calm voice asked a, "she met what matter?"

As soon as he came over, young Lord Qin's eyes and heart were full of Luo Xiaoxiao's.

Inexplicably, Zhou Xiaojing had a feeling of being stuffed with dog food.

For a moment, she didn't control her mood well. She rolled her eyes while she was unprepared.

"I'm to blame for this, to say the least." In her actions, Zhou Xiaojing patted her forehead with her hand in frustration. After hesitating for a few seconds, she said the matter as much as possible in concise sentences.

Smell speech, Qin shaojue pursed lips not to speak.

For a long time, he glanced in the direction of Luo Xiao with the remaining light of his eyes.

Voice suddenly down pressure, he asked softly: "Xiao Xiao now do not want to go, right?"

It's only one step away from the clue.

Only, Luo Xiaoxiao watched the clue slip away again.

At this time, Luo Xiaoxiao's heart has much chagrin, Qin shaojue is able to understand.

"Go back first." With a little casual, he flicked his hand on the neckline. Young Lord Qin made a gesture to Zhou Xiaojing and said in a slow voice, "I'll stay here with her."

Shaojue Qin's tone was firm, but Zhou Xiaojing was not at ease.

In the heart some vacillates to call out a turbid breath, she softly way: "I still accompany you here?"

It's not that she doesn't believe in Baron Qin.

It's just that this is a public place, if someone takes a picture.

I'm afraid Luo Xiao's life will be hard.

Anyway, before Luo Xiaoxiao and Qi Zhen get divorced, some things should be avoided.

Zhou Xiaojing has her own considerations in mind.

Of course, her starting point is also for the good of Luo Xiaoxiao.

On this point, the heart of young Lord Qin is clear.

It's just

Squinting, shaojue Qin's eyes seemed to fall on Zhou Xiaojing with a little hesitation.

Looking at each other for a second, Zhou Xiaojing felt her heart tighten.

She really can't hold on to the momentum of young Lord Qin.

Even if it was a simple look, she was a little scared.

Under the gaze of young Lord Qin, her back seemed to be chilly.

Gently took a breath, she couldn't help rubbing her hand on her arm.

A syllable was sent out in her throat. She seemed to bolt a syllable out of her throat, "I'm worried..."

Before he had finished speaking, shaojue Qin laughed and raised his hand to stop it.

"I know what you're worried about." CEN cold thin lips light pursed, Qin shaojue pupil in the light flow.

At the same time, his words were irrefutable, "don't worry, I will never push Xiaoxiao to the top of the storm."

Looking at shaojue Qin's confident appearance, Zhou Xiaojing suddenly felt a little tired.

Put the finger against the forehead of some dull pain, she came with a full of emotion, "unexpected things, where can you say accurately."

On second thought, she seemed to think of something.

Her eyes flashed slightly, and her expression suddenly became mysterious.

Light tiptoed to move to the side of Qin shaojue, she leaned to the side of Qin shaojue, this way: "I heard that there have been people in the Qi family who have been following Xiaoxiao secretly. If I leave, then... "

Zhou Xiaojing pursed her lips, and her words came to an abrupt end.

Even if I didn't finish, the implication was obvious.


At first hearing these two words, young Lord Qin's face sank and seemed to be a little angry.

Qijia is really more and more no bottom line, even tracking such things can be done.

Thinking of this, the voice of Baron Qin suddenly sank.

Deep vision locked in the body of Luo Xiaoxiao, the light in his eyes is unpredictable, "when did this happen?"

Why Lowell never told her about it?

"I don't know when it happened." Speaking of these things, Zhou Xiaojing shrugged her shoulders with a little helplessness, "but as far as I know, because of you and Xiao Xiao, the whole family has been fighting for many times."If it wasn't for the noisy Qi family, Luo Xiao would not have thought of sending Luo Keran out to live.

Smell speech, the face of Qin young Jue is more and more gloomy.

The gloomy sight swept over Zhou Xiaojing at an extremely slow speed.

For a long time, he seemed to have all his thoughts and nodded, "Zhou Xiaojing, thank you for telling me this. But don't worry, I'll deal with the next thing. "

Hearing this, Zhou Xiaojing understood.

After saying that for a long time, young Lord Qin still wants her to go.

It's no use saying so much.


With a slight turn of her eyes, Zhou Xiaojing's eyes were filled with the light of doubt.

She couldn't help but take a breath. She secretly looked at young Baron Qin and couldn't help but say something in her heart.

-- don't you want to take this opportunity to get along with Luo Xiaoduo?

Thinking of this, Zhou Xiaojing seems to have firmly established this idea in her heart.

Forget it, she'd better not be a light bulb here.

Otherwise, who knows what kind of means young Lord Qin will use to deal with her.

Zhou Xiaojing's heart trembled slightly, but she could not help shivering.

"Then..." Hesitated a, she forced to swallow a mouthful of saliva, and then said: "you are good to persuade Xiao Xiao, if there is anything to call me."

"No problem."

Lightly dropped a word, Qin young Jue walked directly in.

Zhou Xiaojing stood outside and watched quietly. He saw young Lord Qin take off his coat and cover Luo Xiaoxiao.

Leaning down, he whispered a few words in Luo Xiaoxiao's ear.

I don't know what he said, but Luo Xiao leaned against him and sobbed.

Seeing this, Zhou Xiaojing couldn't help laughing bitterly.

She said so much, but the young Baron Qin turned a deaf ear to it.

If this picture is photographed, I don't know what kind of trouble Qi family is going to make!