Chapter Volume 4 family care (310)

Name:CEO Hubby's Sweet Love Author:薏米
Recommendation: witch doctor awakening

Sister Han did not refuse, nor would she say that she was stupid.

She thinks she's smart, but she doesn't belittle others.

"You wait."

She held the pen and thought about it. She pushed the answer forward step by step on the paper. When she wrote it densely on the white paper, she wrote the whole process of solving the problem carefully. The students who had better grades next to her understood it.

"So it is!"

"Han Xiaochen, you are too good."

They look up to Han Xiaochen and admire her completely.

"How can you think of that?"

And they also wrote down the problem-solving process so carefully that they could not understand it.

Being praised, sister Han got great satisfaction in her heart.

From small to large, she was favored by others. When she entered the Han family, she was held by others because of her identity. After that, she made several perfect acquisitions. No one in the company dared to look down on her.

Now, she found that after helping them to solve a problem, she also had a sense of achievement.

"Han Xiaochen, how is this problem done?"

Another classmate gave her the math problem that couldn't be solved all the time. Sister Han looked at it. "It's very simple."

A word from her made the other students want to cry.

In short, they can't think of how to do it for several days!

"I have it here, too."

See sister Han willing to teach them, everyone put out the problem.

Han Mei Mei looks at so many topics. She has a headache. The topic is simple, but it's too painful to write specifically.

"Can you teach us?"

"If you don't get into college, it's over. I don't want to go out and work. "

"Yes, I don't want to read it again."

One by one, see Han Mei Mei frown, think she was upset by them, continued to say.

"Han Xiaochen, this snack is delicious. Here you are."

The students quickly put the food they brought on sister Han's table. One did so, and the others followed, in order to please and repay sister Han.

For the first time, sister Han was flattered by giving snacks.

In Hanshi, the people below are afraid of her and won't bring her food. Sometimes she passes by those people's offices and sees them eating. She is also greedy.

This meeting, see the snacks on the table, she thought, since accept other people's snacks, the total help work.

"Now it's almost time for class. Write down the questions you don't understand in a book. I'll write down the process of solving the questions in it."

"It's too hard to write detailed steps."

It's rare that she has a big head and wants to give them the result directly.

"Yes, yes."

Students should say, one by one, go back to the position and write out the questions they don't understand, and then straighten them out. When the next class is over, give them to sister Han.

When they returned to their positions, Ji Jie next to them asked in a low voice, "what questions do you really have?"

"It's easy."

Han Mei Mei should, she opened a bag of snacks on the table, put it in her mouth.

The snacks are very fragrant, which makes Jijie's eyes bright.

Han Mei Mei has no sense of sharing, so she sits in her seat and eats her own.

"Why didn't you say that before?" Ji Jie asked unhappily.

She thinks Han Xiaochen is dressed. How could she be so powerful!

"Why should I say that?" Han said while eating snacks.

"Reading is not interesting!"

However, it's interesting to teach them how to solve problems.

"If you don't, don't teach them." Ji Jie said discontentedly that she had found a peer in the class who was the same as herself, with poor family conditions and poor reading. Now she has become the darling of the class and is not comfortable.

"I will."

Han Mei Mei said sincerely, "it's just that they need such a detailed problem-solving process. It's hard to think about it."

Those questions, for a person who finished high school early, are small things.

Ji Jie can't understand Han Mei's words, but she pretends to understand Han Mei's words from her heart, and lets those students around her.

In the afternoon, when the teacher in charge of the class came in, he was shocked to see that there was still a pile of homework books on Han Mei Mei's table.

She started class. Today, she deliberately found a paragraph of text and asked sister han to read it.

"Han Xiaochen, read it!"

Han Mei Mei stands up reluctantly and doesn't want to read very much.

Why does the teacher seem to stare at her one by one? She still has a pile of documents.

"Soon." The teacher in charge of the class sees Han Mei Mei's unwillingness. No matter what her English level is, the teacher just wants to listen.

"Can you stop me from getting up to answer the questions when I've finished reading it?"

Asked Han Mei Mei.

It's the first time that a student asks a teacher this question in class.

The teacher in charge of the class is enlightened, she smiles and nods, "OK, you read it, I don't care if you sleep."

As soon as the teacher promised, sister Han picked up the textbook and read it.

Her pronunciation is very accurate. As soon as she exits, all the students turn around and look at it. God, how can it be as good as the pronunciation in the video textbook.

I saw her math ability in the morning, and now her English pronunciation has become popular with her classmates. If I look at her again, I will treat her as a goddess.

The head teacher was also stunned. Her eyes were shining. With the excitement of the math teacher, she found a talent She said excitedly. Sister Han sat down and took out her mobile phone to work.

According to what I said before, the head teacher didn't call on Han Mei Mei to answer, but she was very excited. This is a treasure. In her teaching career, she will cultivate a great talent.

This day, Han Mei Mei brushed the whole class with a sense of existence.

The students added her wechat one by one and asked her if they didn't understand.

Sister Han has never been surrounded by wechat like this. She added them one by one and felt very good.

And the questions they brought. She had done well before and returned a local book.

The students opened their books and saw the beautiful words on them. They felt that sister Han was their Savior, who was going to take the exam.

"You are so awesome, you are my idol!"

"Yes, she is really a genius."

Students one by one exclaimed, even after school, Han Mei was surrounded by them all the way to the school gate.

Han Mei Mei is used to the feeling of holding the front and holding the back. She is not timid at all. She is like a leader standing in front. When others ask her questions, she also answers them well.

Just like in a meeting, the people next to her report to her and she gives her opinions.

"After you go back, you can do the questions I said again by yourself, and then find out the same type, at least ten of them, and eat them thoroughly."

After that, she has to assign them tasks.


In one day, these students were accepted by Han Mei Mei. They really need strength to eat these days.

Recommendation: witch doctor awakening reading.