Gu Mocheng said, holding Su An'an's hand and going inside, "what do you say on the Internet?"

"Say you are domineering, say you are despotic." Su'an turns on her mobile phone and shows Gu Mocheng the comments above. "But some say you are handsome!"

"Oh." Gu Mocheng smiles.

"That's natural. My husband is not so handsome."

Su An'an stood in front of Gu Mocheng. "Husband, you are the best in my eyes."

Day by Su Zihan and the reporter a quarrel, Gu Mocheng's mood is affected, before stepping into Gu's home, he is still thinking about these things. After seeing suan'an, his heart softened inexplicably and his mood became better.

After su Zihan begged for help from Mo Cheng, a message came from the prison saying that Jiang Mei suddenly called herself wronged.

She is going to apply for an appeal.

Before her appeal did not begin, it was said that Gu's family, relying on its own power, prevented Jiang Mei from appealing.

In order to clear her innocence, Jiang Mei, who has no way to appeal, committed suicide by crashing into a wall in prison.

It was a big deal.

The government used to be afraid of the influence of the family and put down Jiang Mei's appeal. After Jiang Mei committed suicide, they couldn't resist the pressure of public opinion. They couldn't hide it any more.

The media reported Jiang Mei's suicide extensively, saying that Gu Mocheng was setting up Jiang Mei.

Another person took out the story of su'an going to Suhua's house, saying that it was su'an who killed Suhua.

Jiang Mei is taking the blame for Su An'an, and Gu Mocheng is behind all this.

Gu Mocheng defied the law and framed innocent people to protect his wife.

Su'an didn't know that Jiang Mei's suicide happened after she returned home from school.

After dinner, Gu received a phone call, and his face sank down, and something went wrong.

Gu Mocheng seldom smokes at home. This will make su'an see him go outside to smoke. She had no appetite either. She got up and went out.

"What's the matter?" Asked Suan.

Gu Mocheng turns his head and sees Su an come out. He subconsciously wants to put out the smoke.

"Honey, just take a bath before you hold the children."

Since she is upset, she doesn't have to make sure that Gu Mocheng doesn't smoke.

"Jiang Mei killed herself!"

"Well?" Suan was surprised. "How?"

Jiang Mei is so selfish and afraid of death. How could she commit suicide?


Asked Suan.

Without waiting for Gu Mocheng to answer, su'an continued, "she can't suffer in prison."

"No." Gu Mocheng spits out the clouds and sneers, "she uses death to realize her ambition."

"Mingzhi?" Asked Suan in disbelief.

What is her ambition? Although Suhua was not killed by her, she was the victim.

And mom's account.

That one thing can't convict Jiang Mei, but they have no evidence.

"She confessed that we forced her to admit Suhua's crime." Gu Mocheng said with a smile at the corner of his mouth, "we want to be simple."

Things have gone wrong since Su Hua died. It's said on the Internet that Su an killed her.

On the surface, all things are going towards what Gu Mocheng and su'an want. In fact, they are given a chain.

"When Jiang Mei turns herself in, I should think it's not easy." Gu Mocheng said in a light voice.

Su an an approaches Gu Mocheng's side, and she reaches out to hold him from behind.

"Is she dead?"

"Not dead." Said Gu Mocheng.

"What are you going to do next?" Asked Suan, who could tell from Gu's tone that it was not easy.

What she can do is that she supports everything he does.

Something really happened. She came out to fight.

"It's not so easy to fall down." Gu Mocheng feels that su'an is picking up with his strength. He looks back and says softly to su'an.

While talking, Gu finished smoking.

"It's not two days a day for them to take care of their family. I didn't find a chance before. "

Gu Mocheng had no one to protect. Old lady Gu and Gu Ziming are protected by Gu Zhen.

Gu Zhen is dead. Gu's family falls down a mountain. All the burden is placed on Gu Mocheng.

Gu Mocheng is married again and has children. There are too many people to protect.

"Nothing to worry about! When water comes to cover the earth, soldiers will stop it. " The easier Gu Mocheng said it, the more uneasy Su an was.

She wants to do something for Gu Mocheng and her family.

But she can't do anything about it.

"Husband." Suan raised her head and called.

"Ann, take care of yourself." This is what she can do.

Su an an nodded, her eyes looking at Gu Mocheng. When she saw only her shadow in Gu Mocheng's eyes, she stood on tiptoe and kissed Gu Mocheng's lips."Husband, I will take care of myself."

She can't let herself be hurt any more, let Gu Mocheng worry.

"Well." Gu Fucheng holds su'an in his arms. After the event, su'an feels warm again from his family.

She was described on the Internet as the murderer of Suhua, and she encouraged Gu Mocheng to frame Jiang Mei. Saliva foam is much, even Su an an an oneself all doubt that she is not really kill a person.

Su ruocheu and Xu Lao call, very angry about the discussion on the Internet, asked if she would like to help.

Su said that Gu Mocheng will deal with it, and it is not necessary for the time being.

Xu Lao scolds Gu Mocheng for not dealing with the gossip on the Internet, and lets Su an settle down recently. Don't make old lady Gu unhappy.

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the most difficult to deal with. Xu is worried that Mrs. Gu will listen to the Internet and has opinions on su'an.

After listening to Xu Lao's words, Su an was worried.

She didn't know how much Mrs. Gu knew about her business? Did Gu Mocheng tell her that she would not think she was really setting up Jiang Mei.

Su'an wants to wait for Gu Mocheng to come back and ask him if he has explained to old lady Gu?

Before Gu Mocheng came back, Gu Ziming came with old lady Gu.

Su'an's story can't be concealed.

Gu Ziming knows it from the Internet. Mrs. Gu heard it from the servants. She is asking the servants to tidy up the living room and wait for other old ladies and wives to come to play mahjong.

Hearing the rumors on the Internet, old lady Gu was stunned.

Young people's affairs are tossed by them. She plays mahjong well and wins more money.

So her mood was not affected by su'an's events, and she was happy to wait for other people to come and play mahjong.

A group of expensive ladies like to get together and pass the time by rubbing mahjong.

They play mahjong, and their favorite person is gossip.

Recently, what caught fire was Jiang Mei's suicide. They began to talk about Jiang Mei.

In a relaxed atmosphere, it's easy to say what you really think.

A wife smiled and said to Mrs. Gu, "Mrs. Gu, your daughter-in-law is young and doesn't do things properly."