During the dinner, I talked about the wedding of Xu Qingqing and Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan said his wedding must be bigger and grander than Gu Mocheng's and su'an's.

Gu Mocheng is used to his provocation. Xiao Yan is not against him. He is strange.

Their two families are similar. They are brothers who have played since childhood. Although the relationship is iron, the family especially likes to compare them in one place.

Gu Mocheng did not take charge of the Gu family. Like Xiao Yan, he was mixed in the streets of Ningcheng. Behind him, he took over the Gu family. People gradually became stable. This was a great pressure on Xiao Yan.

Father Xiao likes to stimulate him with Gu Mocheng.

Unfortunately, the more Xiao Fu attacked him, the more indifferent he became. Instead of picking up Xiao, he opened up a new world in Ningcheng.

In the wedding ceremony, Xiao Yan is not more grand than Gu Mocheng, and Xiao Fu will do his best to do it. It must be over his family.

"I have to ask Han longyi to be the best man." Xiao Yan talks about marriage and thinks of Han longyi.

From small to large, Han longyi is the most obedient of the three of them.

He and Gu Mocheng went to the army for exercise. Han longyi got good grades and went abroad to study medicine.

Referring to Han longyi, Su an stops feeding the children. She looks at Gu Mocheng and says, "haven't seen him for a while. How is he doing now?"

"What else?" "Xiao Yan light ridiculed to answer the words," your sister refused to accept his love, he disheartened and ran to the small clinic to stay

"The Han family asked him to go home to pick up the Han family or the Han family hospital."

"He chose none. Sooner or later, the family business of the Han family will fall into the hands of foreigners. " Said Xiao Yan.

Among the five families, the Lu family and the Han family are one son and one daughter.

Lu Heng has a sister, Han longyi's sister.

Han longyi's elder sister is married. Because Han longyi is not interested in Han's business, it is his elder sister and brother-in-law who enter into Han's management.

Xiao Yan's words are direct, but Gu Mocheng knows that if Han longyi continues to be depressed, Han will enter his brother-in-law's hands sooner or later.

"I want to say that Han longyi took Su ruocheu down earlier, whether she would like to or not, after sleeping, we are already together." Xiao Yan followed and said.

As he finished, suan'an's face sank.

"Xiao Yan." Gu Mocheng followed the rebuke.

Xiao Yan smiled and closed his mouth.

"Ah, beauty is a curse. You don't know what kind of soup they've been drinking." Xiao Yan sighed.

Xu Qingqing listens to Xiao Yan's words. She holds the wine cup and purses the dark red liquid into her mouth.

After Xiao Yan finished that sentence, he subconsciously looked at Xu Qingqing and saw that Xu Qingqing was drinking red wine with a smile. His heart panicked and didn't dare to talk more.

After another meeting, the five of them ate almost the same. Gu Ziming came to pick up Sheng Huanhuan.

Gu Ziming came in with a smile on his face and was shocked to see Xiao Yan on the table.

He called to Gu, "uncle, I'll take Huan Huan back."

When Sheng Huanhuan comes to Gu Ziming, she stands up and walks towards him.

"Don't worry, Ziming!" Xiao Yan asked Gu Ziming with a smile.

Gu Ziming didn't understand Xiao Yan, but he didn't want to answer Xiao Yan's words.

Anyway, from Xiao Yan's mouth, he couldn't hear any good words.

"You put such a beautiful girlfriend beside your second uncle. I'm not afraid that your second uncle will hook people away." Xiao Yan then said, "your second uncle has a great charm and is most liked by the little girl."

Xiao Yan is afraid that the world will not be disordered. After he finished laughing, Su an sneered, "no matter how charming Mo Cheng is, it's just you, Mr. Xiao."

"Every time I go to the club, what I see is that you are drinking with a girl younger than me."

"As for being liked by the little girl, I think Mr. Xiao is better."

Su an an's words are condensed by Xiao Yan's smile.

Isn't he reminding Gu and Su? These two guys really don't know good people!

"Yes!" Gu Ziming took su'an's words displeased.

"Uncle Xiao, my second uncle is not you. He only loves his little aunt."

"Unlike some people, he only knows to play with women every day, or change one day."

Xiao Yan said this before. He didn't think it was wrong. But this will be in front of Xu Qingqing, Gu Ziming said, and he looked at Xu Qingqing with a hollow heart again.

Xu Qingqing, Gu Ziming is recognized.

When she and Xiao Yan got the certificate, he knew it from the population of Gu Laofu.

Old lady Gu also said that Xiao Yan had been lucky enough to find such a good daughter-in-law.

Isn't it? Xu Qingqing wants to have family background, appearance and intelligence. Xiao Yan married her, but she was very happy.

Therefore, Gu Ziming intentionally said something to make Xiao Yan afraid.

After Gu Ziming finished, Sheng Huanhuan came to him, and she naturally grasped Gu Ziming's hand."Second uncle, An'an, Zi Ming and I are going back first." Sheng Huan laughed and said, "thank you for your hospitality."

"I'm so sorry today." Sheng Huanhuan added another sentence.

Gu Ziming took Sheng Huanhuan's hand, and he said, "if there is any trouble, it's a family."

As he spoke, Gu Ziming's cheeks turned red, and he turned to see Sheng Huanhuan again. Seeing that Sheng Huanhuan didn't contradict his words, he had a stronger smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Second uncle, let's go first." Gu Ziming said he waved to the two little guys. "Brother left first. I'll see you later."

After Gu Ziming and Sheng Huanhuan left, Xiao Yan asked Gu Mocheng, "you stupid nephew finally opened his mind and knew that he was in love."

"Dry firewood, you say they leave to go back to school, or run to the hotel to open a room."

Xiao Yan said with a smile. Before Gu Mocheng was angry, he stood up and said to Xu Qingqing, "wife, let's go home and have a rest."

Xu Qingqing nodded, laughing and su'an and Gu Mocheng said to go back first.

When Xu Qingqing left, she was reluctant to give up two little guys. She held one and another.

Xiao Yan looks at Xu Qingqing sticking to two little guys. He is so angry that he takes his brother back from Xu Qingqing's arms and returns it to Gu Mocheng. Then he drags Xu Qingqing away from his home.

Two pairs of people left, and the family became clean.

When Xiao Yan is here, he will feel noisy. He left and his family was quiet for a while.

Suan takes the children to play in the room. Gu Mocheng has some other things to deal with and goes back to his study.

He was busy for an hour, and Suan came to his study.

"Asleep?" Gu asked suan'an if the children were asleep?


Ten minutes before she came to the study, the two children were tired of eating and playing and were sleeping.

Gu Mocheng continues to look down at the computer. After a while, he finds Su an standing at the door staring at him.

She didn't come in or leave.

"Ann, come here." Gu Mocheng calls for Tao.

Xiao Yan's words, the speaker has a heart, listen to people more heart.

The main reason is that Gu Mocheng's charm is so great that su'an is not sure.