He is waiting for Gu Ziming's exultation. Instead of waiting for him, he is waiting for Su ya.

Seeing Suya coming to her with a smile, Sheng Huanhuan didn't smile as before and greeted her with joy.

From Su ya to call her, reveal Gu Mocheng's whereabouts, let Su Zihan find the hotel, attracted reporters to block that matter, Sheng Huanhuan and her distance, no longer regard her as a friend.

"Happy." Suya was as happy as ever.

Su Ya knows the most about the joyous thoughts.

"How do you come here?" Asked exultation, with a pale face.

Suya sat directly opposite her without the consent of shenghuanhuan.

"What Ziming said to me."

When it comes to Gu Ziming, Su Ya has a stronger smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Huanhuan, do you want to go shopping in the afternoon?" Asked Suya.

Sheng Huanhuan leaned back in the chair and looked at Suya coldly.

"Su ya, do you think we can still be friends?"

In the absence of Gu Ziming, Sheng Huanhuan is not interested in playing the trick with Suya.

Suya didn't speak. She took the cup on the table and poured water for herself. After drinking the water in the cup, she asked Sheng Huanhuan with a smile.

"Huanhuan, what do you mean by that?"

"Crossing the river and demolishing the bridge?"

Su Ya believes Sheng Huanhuan can understand the meaning of the words.

"What's a bridge over a river?" Sheng Huanqi said, "Su ya, if it wasn't for you, could su Zihan find the hotel?"? Can reporters come and surround Mr Gu? "

"Do you make friends with me?" Sheng Huanzhi asked.

"I regard you as a friend, but you are using me."

Compared with the indignation of exultation, Suya is much calmer.

"Happy, I don't think you are my friend." Suya went on, "I'm sorry about the last time."

"But don't we have our own needs."

Su Ya looked at Sheng Huanhuan with a smile. Sheng Huanhuan stood up and said in a low voice, "I can't understand what you say."

With that, she took her bag and walked out the door.

Suya didn't catch up to explain any more. She sat in her seat and drank boiled water slowly.

When Sheng Huanhuan went out, he met Gu Ziming.

Seeing her face badly, Gu Ziming asked anxiously, "what's the matter?"

Sheng Huanhuan looks up at Gu Ziming, who is worried about herself. Her eyes turn red.

"Ziming, you told Suya that I was here."

"Well." Gu Ziming nodded, "I don't think you are very happy recently. I think you are not happy with her."

"I want you to make up." Gu Ziming reached out and held the joy.

Sheng Huan gets angry in her heart, "stupid". She almost blurts out these two words.

"Ziming, I can't make friends with Suya."

"Why?" Asked Gu Ziming.

When he got to know shenghuanhuan, she had a good relationship with Suya, and they both held hands wherever they went.

Sheng Huanhuan also said that Suya is pitiful. She is not bad in nature.

In school, no one regards her as a friend, and he must treat her well.

"Do you know? Last time something happened to su'an, she called me on purpose to let Su Zihan run to the hotel to find uncle Er, and let the reporters surround him. "

Gu didn't say it. Gu didn't know it.

"Happy." Gu said apologetically.

"Suya is using me." "I think of her as a friend, but she uses me," she said

"Ziming, don't try to reconcile our relationship in the future. I can't be friends with her." Sheng Huanhuan put down her words, and then she walked forward quickly.

Gu Ziming and Sheng Huanhuan are together. Sheng Huanhuan has a good temper and often hangs a smile on his face. Gu Ziming sometimes plays games, forgets their dates, and Sheng Huanhuan doesn't care.

She has never been so angry as she is today.

Gu Ziming stands in place and watches Sheng Huanhuan leave. When he wants to catch up, Su Ya comes out.

"Ziming, have you left happily?"

Suya's little face was full of feelings of loss. She looked at Gu Ziming.

Gu Ziming looked at her and asked angrily, "you used her to let reporters and Su Zihan find my second uncle, didn't you?"

"No." Suya continued.

"That was a misunderstanding." Su Ya said, reaching for Gu Ziming's hand.

"Zi Ming, help me. I have only one friend at school." Su Ya's tears came out, and she looked at Gu Ziming sadly.

Crystal tears look at Gu Ziming upset, "Su ya, I only believe in Huanhuan."

Gu Ziming finished, pulled her hand up, and ran in the direction of Sheng Huanhuan leaving.

Suya stood still and didn't explain to the past.She is not the former Suya. She knows that tears must be shed properly and much in front of men, which will be annoying.

Gu Ziming, a boy with a simple mind, is not as difficult to deal with as Gu Mocheng.

With a smile on her lips, Suya took out her lipstick and mirror from her bag.

The color of lipstick is true red. It's painted on Suya's lips and brightens her face. Her face added a lot of color in the mirror, and she began to curl up the corners of her mouth, revealing a thick smile.

Sheng Huanhuan wants to get rid of her relationship after using her. It's really a dream!

Xu Qingqing and Xiao Yan. Make an appointment to have dinner at Xiao's in the evening.

Although Xiao Yan didn't want to go back to Xiao's house, some matters of the wedding need to be discussed with Xiao's father and Mrs. Xiao.

In the afternoon, Xu Qingqing met the customers in the hotel. When she came out, she passed the western restaurant of the hotel and saw the familiar people through the glass window.

If he is only a familiar person, Xu Qingqing will not stop.

What she saw was not others, but Xiao Fu.

There is a woman about the age of Xu Qingqing sitting opposite Xiao Fu. From her dress, it can be seen that she looks like the daughter of her family.

However, Xiao's father had a bad talk with her.

They didn't know what they were talking about, and there was anger on the woman's face.

Xu Qingqing sees it, Xiao Fu turns his head at will, and he sees Xu Qingqing.

Xu Qingqing is very calm. She smiles at Xiao's father.

As she walked towards the door of the hotel, waiting for the driver to pick him up, Xiao Fu in the hotel came out. He went to Xu Qingqing and said, "Qingqing, is it going to Xiao's house?"

"Yes." Xu Qingqing smiled politely and replied.

Xiao's father is Xiao Yan's father and her.

Before Xiao's father had an opinion on her, now he agrees with her and Xiao Yan's marriage. When others treat her well, she naturally wants to treat him well.

"Can I have a ride?"

Xu Qingqing is stunned. Xiao Fu says with a smile, "let the driver drive back when you come."

"Oh." Xu Qingqing replied.

To Xiao's house, Xu Qingqing drives his own car. Xiao's father sits in the passenger seat and talks with her casually.

"How is Xu doing?"

"My father is very good." Said Xu Qingqing.

I have been to Xiao's house two or three times, but Xu Qingqing and Xiao's father haven't talked about it.

For the first time, Xiao Fu didn't like her and Xiao Yan very much.

The second time, father Xiao didn't object to them any more. He just asked them when they would have a wedding?