When Xiao Yan was angry with her, Xu Qing's face sank.

"Xiao Yan, this is my car."

When she spoke, Xu Qingqing pulled up on the side of the road.

Xiao Yan looks at Xu Qingqing's face. He responds. What's the fire he's doing to her?

She said it all, but she took Xiao Fu back by the way.

Xiao Yan apologized, he was soft, just wanted to apologize to Xu Qingqing, Xu Qingqing lightly said, "please get off!"

Xiao Yan wants to lose his temper. Go outside and get angry at her.

Xu Qingqing directly left Xiao Yan on the side of the road, and she drove away.

Xiao Yan looks at the car he left and gets annoyed.

Damn it, I really left him on the side of the road.

He looked around again. He didn't know the way back.

After leaving Xiao Yan on the side of the road, Xu Qingqing drove back to the city alone, which made him more depressed.

Do not know where she did wrong, Xiao Yan inexplicably angry at her, but also let her roll?

Today, instead of his car, she was really driven out of the car by him, walking alone on the road.

Just drive him out of the car, let him feel the feeling of being left behind, let him walk well.

Xu Qingqing thought angrily that Xiao Yan called her cell phone.

"Wife, I'm wrong."

"I don't know the way."

Xu Qingqing sneers, "don't you have a cell phone? Make a random phone call. Some people will come to pick you up? "

"You want to drive me out of the car and wonder if I know the way? Can't find the way home? "

Xu Qingqing speaks and angrily hangs up the phone.

On the way, Mrs. Xiao called and said how they got back? Have the servants prepare the meals.

Xu Qingqing didn't know how to say it. She was silent.

Mrs. Xiao didn't embarrass Xu Qingqing. She just said that Xiao Yan has a bad temper. Don't get along with him.

Let Xu Qingqing find another good time, and then go back to Xiao's home with Xiao Yan for dinner.

Xiao's father Xiao didn't want to go, so he went to her.

Xiao's father and Mrs. Xiao live in Xiao's house, but they live separately.

Xu Qingqing heard that they were married. Their marriage made her feel like Xiao Yan and herself.

The same marriage, she can't help thinking, is not later, Xiao Yan in the outside to raise a bunch of lovers, and she stayed in Jingcheng, he did not care, two people each.

Xu Qingqing's heart is not happy to think that he and Xiao Yan will live an undisturbed life in the future.

In a good mood, Xiao Yan messed up. Xu Qingqing didn't go back to his apartment in his car.

When I go back to my apartment and see the empty house, I will think of Xiao Yan. She will not be suffocated by herself at that time.

So Xu Qingqing drove to his home.

Gu's family is preparing dinner. Xu Qingqing comes just in time.

Without her quarreling with Xiao Yan, she would eat at Xiao's house.

Gu Mocheng and su'an are surprised to see Xu Qingqing coming alone. When Xu Qingqing entered the door, he called the names of the two little guys. Gu Mo guessed that she had a quarrel with Xiao Yan.

"Sister Qingqing, Xiao Yanna?" Asked Suan.

"I don't know." When it comes to Xiao Yan, Xu Qingqing says in a bad way.

"Quarrel?" Su An'an asked, sitting beside Xu Qingqing.

Xu Qingqing is full of fire. Her mood is very bad because of Xiao Yan.

"Don't mention him to me." "Xu Qingqing said lightly," it's really an inexplicable person. "

"He got angry at me and let me get out of the car when he was offended."

This is indeed Xiao Yan's style. He does things according to his own temperament.

"Then you're gone?" Asked Suan again.

Xu Qingqing hugged heavily. She didn't hold for three or four days. She found that the two little guys were heavy again.

Children are really one day at a time.

"He's gone."

Xu Qing said in a light voice.

"Well?" Suan was puzzled.

"My car, if you want to roll, he will."

After hearing Xu Qingqing's words, Su an laughed, which must be very depressing for Xiao Yan.

In other words, Xiao Yan told people to get out of the car.

Xiao Yan also has today, so it's funny for Su an to think about it.

"Sister Qingqing, you are the best."

Xu Qingqing smiles at Su An'an. She continues to tease her children and let them learn to call themselves aunts.

When they were joking, Gu Mocheng said, "Xiao Yan is a road fool."

That is to say, Xu Qingqing left him on the side of the road. He didn't have to find his way back.

Hearing Gu Mo Cheng's words, Xu Qingqing thought of Xiao Yangang's phone call, her face light, worried about Xiao Yan in the heart.

However, I was worried and didn't say anything."He'll make a random call and someone will pick him up."

When she finished, Gu's cell phone rang.

Gu looked at the phone on the screen and said, "here it is."

Xu Qingqing looks at Gu Mocheng in surprise, half an hour before she left Xiao Yan on the side of the road, which is enough time for him to call anyone.

Why does he have to call Gu Mocheng in half an hour?

Moreover, it happened that she was at home.

"Gu Mocheng, come to pick me up."

Gu Mocheng intentionally turned on the mobile phone and Xiao Yan's voice came out.

"Where are you?"

Xiao Yan said the location, which Xu Qingqing left behind.

Xu Qingqing looks at Gu Mocheng more strangely. It's been so long. Why is he still there.

"I've walked all round and I don't know why I'm still in my original position." Xiao Yan said in wonder, "do you think I'm lost?"

"It must be lost." Xiao Yan pretended to be pitiful and said, "come and pick me up quickly."

"I'm tired of walking."

"Gu Mocheng, hurry up and pick me up. It's dark this day. I'm hungry and cold. If you don't come to pick me up, I'll be starved to death on the street tonight. "

Gu didn't return to Xiao Yan. He turned to Xu Qingqing who was talking with Su an.

Xu Qingqing got up and went to the restaurant instead of listening to Xiao Yan.

"Gu Mocheng." Xiao Yan called again on the phone.

Gu Mocheng looks at his mobile phone, looks up at Xu Qingqing, who is sitting in the restaurant. He says to Xiao Yan over there, "I will come here."

"OK." Xiao Yan said, "hurry up, it's cold and dark here. I'm afraid."

Listening to the pathetic words behind Xiao Yan, Su an couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Yan's phone call is long or late. He must have expected Xu Qingqing to come to Gu's house. He deliberately called Gu Mocheng instead of letting Gu Mocheng pick him up. He wanted Xu Qingqing to go.

However, Xiao Yanfa's temper made Xu Qingqing get out of the car.

It's time for him to roll off and get cold and hungry on the side of the road.

Gu Mocheng took the car key and asked Xu Qingqing when he left.


Xu Qingqing is having a meal, and her head is not raised, so she goes back to Gu Mocheng in a low voice.


It can be seen that Xu Qingqing is still angry with Xiao Yan.