Xiao Yan is a trustworthy person. If you want to find a woman, you have to divorce Xu Qingqing.

Now, however, he has no idea of divorce.

"Oh." Gu Mocheng responded meaningfully.

"She sleeps at home today?" Xiao Yan asked Gu Mocheng after drinking a glass of red wine.

Gu Mocheng "well," he looked at Xiao Yan and said, "you heard me."

"What a trouble women are!" Xiao Yan thought of Xu Qingqing, who was angry with him, and said.

Gu Mocheng didn't comment, at least for him, suan'an is not a problem, but a person he loves.

Two people have been drinking for half an hour. Xiao Yan still wants to drink. He doesn't want to go back to the apartment. He is alone.

However, Gu Mocheng is a good husband of 24 filial piety. He is afraid to go back too late. Su an is worried.

Xiao Yan watched Gu Mocheng get up and walk out of the box. He simply lay on the sofa.

Treat your brother like this with a wife!

Xu Qingqing stayed at home for more than one night, and Xiao Yan returned to his apartment the next afternoon.

Sleeping in the big bed of the habitual family and the sofa in the club made him uncomfortable. The main thing was that he missed holding a person in his arms.

He went back to the apartment. The three rooms were empty without Xu Qingqing's shadow.

Xiao Yan called Gu Mocheng and talked about the topic casually. At the back, he couldn't help asking Gu, "is she still living in your house?"

When Xiao Yan called, Gu Mo realized what he meant.

Xiao Yan can keep their promise for Xu Qingqing not to touch those women, which shows that Xu Qingqing has weight in his heart.

It can't be said that Xiao Yan is in love with Xu Qingqing, but at least he has a good feeling for her and attaches importance to her.

"Well." Gu Mocheng replied, "take people away."

Xiao Yan didn't say that he could not lose his face. He knew that Xu Qingqing was still angry with him when he went to look after his family like this.

He thought about how to coax Xu Qingqing back in the big bed of the bedroom.

It was really him who drove her out of the car.

But in the back, she didn't get off, and he was the one who got off.

He waited for her on the road for half an hour, blowing the wind and starving.

This night, Xiao Yan did not sleep well.

He didn't fall asleep for two nights in a row. When he turned around on the bed, he didn't cover the quilt.

When he got up in the morning, Xiao Yan felt something was wrong with him.

He was dizzy. After a sneeze, he coughed.

He was always in good health because he slept alone for two nights, and then he fell ill.

When Xiao Yan found out that he was ill, he found that his forehead was boiling hot at noon. He didn't know that it was a cough. The whole person was very sick.

Xiao Yan lies on the bed, hungry and miserable.

He didn't dare to let himself be frozen any more. He wrapped himself in a quilt, but he was not only hot, but also full of pain.

This illness made him sleep hard and wake up worse.

Confused, Xiao Yan answers the phone.

It seems that Mrs. Xiao called.

Two days ago, he and Xu Qingqing didn't eat at Xiao's house. Mrs. Xiao called to ask him when to go again.

Mrs. Xiao's life at home is monotonous and boring. Xu Qingqing used to have a chat with her.

As for Xiao's father, Xiao Yan didn't understand this marriage. Why didn't she leave?

He's grown up, and they're gone, and it doesn't affect him at all.

Xiao's father has many lovers outside, but he knows how many. He didn't give Xiao Yan more brothers and sisters.

Even if there are illegitimate children, they are vulnerable to attack in front of Xiao Yan.

On the phone, Mrs. Xiao heard something wrong with Xiao Yan.

"What's the matter with you?" The dizzy Xiao Yan heard Mrs. Xiao ask him.

"Ill." Xiao Yan replied.

At the back, the mobile phone is in his ear. He has no strength to answer Mrs. Xiao.

"Qingqing that?"

"Is she at work? I'll call her. "

"Well." Xiao Yan answers Mrs. Xiao at will.

After the call with Mrs. Xiao, Xiao Yan fell asleep again.

In his sleep, Xiao felt vaguely that someone was touching his forehead and his cool little hand was comfortable.

He slept a long time, from morning till afternoon.

When he woke up again, Xiao Yan looked at his watch at the head of the bed. It was more than four o'clock in the afternoon.

He heard the rumbling of his stomach, and he was limp from hunger.

Xiao Yan gets up and picks up his cell phone to order takeout.

After switching on his mobile phone, Xiao Yan saw that there were two missed calls, both of which were Xu Qingqing's.

Thinking of Xu Qingqing, Xiao Yan called her back.

The phone over there is connected. He hears Xu Qingqing's voice."Hello."

The soft voice disturbed Xiao Yan to forget the discomfort of his body, and Xu Qingqing in his professional clothes came to mind.

"Wife, I'm sick." Xiao Yan takes advantage of this opportunity to flirt with Xu Qingqing on the phone.

"I'm sick. I'm sick all over."

"Where are you?"

"Come back soon. I'm dying."

Xiao Yan said one sentence after another to the phone, showing his weakness in front of Xu Qingqing.

As he spoke, he opened the door and saw Xu Qingqing coming to the bedroom with his cell phone.

They didn't see each other for more than a day.

Xu Qingqing looked at him. Mrs. Xiao and he didn't lie. He was really ill.

When I was taking his temperature in the bedroom just now, it was over 38 degrees. In her eyes, Xiao Yan has a smiling face all day long, like nothing to fear. I didn't expect that he would get sick and have a fever.

Looking at him in front of me again, after he was ill, his face was haggard, and there were black circles around his eyes.

"Wife." When Xu Qingqing watched, Xiao Yan came to her and said with a smile, "you are back."

Xu Qingqing nodded, "you're not comfortable. Go to bed and have a rest."

Xu Qingqing's voice is very comfortable to hear Xiao Yan.

He looked at Xu Qingqing, who was concerned about himself. His heart moved and he held Xu Qingqing in his arms.

"Wife, I'm wrong." Said Xiao Yan.

He suddenly hugged Xu Qingqing. Xu Qingqing felt the scalding of his body. Her heart beat faster because of Xiao Yan's embrace.

"You're hungry." Asked Xu Qingqing.

She pushed away Xiao Yan and quickly turned around. She didn't want Xiao Yan to see her face turning red.

"Well." Said Xiao Yan.

"I'm so hungry." He smiled at Xu Qingqing's back to the kitchen and said, "I want to eat braised fish, tomatoes and beef."

Xiao Yan said some of his favorite foods.

Xu Qingqing didn't look back. She said, "you are still ill. Let me make you a bowl of noodles."

"Good." Xiao Yan chuckles and looks forward to Xu Qingqing's noodles.

Xiao Yan sits on the sofa in the living room, turns on the TV and watches. He waits for Xu Qingqing to serve the noodles.

There was a lot of noise in the kitchen. The pots and pans seemed to fight together. All of a sudden, the sound of the bowls being knocked off.