After the wedding of Su ruocheu and Huosheng, they go back to their villa. They stay in the hotel where Su ruocheu's wedding is held.

Xiao Yan is a restless master. He is used to being a night owl.

It's usually over nine o'clock. His nightlife is just beginning.

"Play cards and drink." He cried.

The four of them just arrived from the banquet hall. Su an and Xu Qingqing sat on the sofa in the suite hall and shared the photos taken in the daytime. Gu Mocheng came out of the bedroom and heard Xiao Yan's voice. He frowned and looked at the room nervously.

"If you wake them up, take them back to bed."

When I came to Yucheng this time, Su an was reluctant to give up two little guys and took them with him.

Because with the children, the family's servant aunt even Uncle Chen came to take care of her.

Take care of them. Suan is much more relaxed.

Xiao Yan smiled and shut up.

He doesn't want to sleep with two little ancestors at night. These two little guys pull their hair harder and harder. He rarely holds them. They reach for his hair and pull.

"Gu Mocheng, do you want to drink?" Xiao Yan asked again in a soft voice.

Gu didn't return to Xiao Yan. He looked at Xu Qingqing and wanted her to take her back to the room. Don't quarrel with him here.

Xu Qingqing looks at the photos with su'an. She doesn't want to leave yet.

"Han longyi is here." Xiao Yan again.

In this sentence, let su'an look up at her mobile phone.

When the wedding was held, she was still wondering if Han longyi would come to attend it?

"When did he come?" Asked Suan.

"The moment before the wedding." Xiao Yan replied.

Han longyi witnessed the whole process of the wedding and watched Su ruocheu and Huosheng embrace each other sweetly.

Once again let Han longyi sad.

Gu Mocheng thinks that Han longyi's coming to the wedding is a good thing. The long pain is better than the short one. He is infatuated with Su ruocheu, but Su ruocheu only has Huo Sheng in his eyes.

The feeling of secret love is very bad, Han longyi asks but can't. He is immersed in pain every day. He might as well let his heart ache more, forget Su ruocheu and start again.

"He's drinking?" Asked Gu Mocheng.

Xiao Yan nodded and handed Han longyi the photos from his hands.

"It just came."

In the picture, Han longyi drinks alone in the bar.

Gu Mocheng saw through the photos that Han longyi was not in a bad relationship, and Xiao Yan slowly infiltrated his influence into Yucheng.

"When did you open the bar?" Asked Gu Mocheng.

Xiao Yan smiled. "You can see that."

"I still have an entertainment club in Yucheng. Do you want to go?"

Their conversation, su'an and Xu Qingqing heard, at that time did not interrupt, they just discuss their own photos.

"It's a natural picture. You can see how good my brother's smile is."

There are pictures of Su ruocheu, su'an and two little guys in the cell phone.

"Gu Mocheng." Suddenly, Xu Qingqing opens her mouth. She looks at Gu Mocheng and says.

Xiao Yan's face suddenly sank. After they had been in the suite for so long, Xu Qingqing looked at the photos with Su An'an. He was ignored and deliberately told Gu Mocheng to go out for a drink.

Xu Qingqing didn't respond at all, and when she opened her mouth, she called Gu Mocheng's name.

When Xiao Yan was unhappy, he laughed happily when he heard the words behind Xu Qingqing.

"Gu Mocheng, why are you laughing so hard?"

"You have ugly moments, too." Xu Qingqing is a picture of Gu Mocheng and Su An'an with a disdainful face.

Xiao Yan was happy to hear that. He went to Xu Qingqing and said with a smile, "wife, you really have vision."

"Have you seen my pictures? I can take them all well." Xiao Yan said with a smile.

Xu Qing cleared his eyes and reminded him quietly, "if you wake up the little guys, take them back to sleep with you."

Xiao Yan is happy and forgets the little guys in the room.

No, he has to go out and find Han longyi to drink.

Suan turned a deaf ear to what they said, her eyes were only pictures in her mobile phone.

She magnified the photo and saw the familiar back image inside. The whole person was stunned.

Then she turned down her photo with Gu Mocheng.

One by one, until she zoomed into a group photo, in which she saw the familiar face and tears rolled out of her eyes.

Gu Mocheng noticed the difference of su'an. He went to see su'an crying.

"Ann." He called out, wondering how good Suan cried?

Not only is Gu Mocheng strange, but Xu Qingqing and Xiao Yan are also curious.

Just now, su'an and Xu Qingqing were happy to see the photos. How could they cry?

Is she reluctant to marry Su ruocheu?

"What's the matter?" Gu Mocheng sits beside her and cares.Su An'an looks up at Gu Mocheng. She cries and says, "honey, it's Xiaoxin."

After she said the name of Fu Xin, she felt even worse, and her tears fell out one by one uncontrollably.

"It's Xiaoxin. I see Xiaoxin."

Su an an says, hand the mobile phone to Gu Mocheng to see.

Gu Mocheng takes over su'an's mobile phone in surprise. The picture in the mobile phone has been enlarged. Fu Xin's face is not very clear inside.

But Su an an, who was familiar with her, recognized her at a glance.

"It's a real chip." Said Suan, crying.

She came here this time. She wanted to attend her sister's wedding. She asked her sister for Xiaoxin's address and then went to find her.

But before she went, she saw Fu Xin on her mobile phone.

How can this not make Suan cry?

Who is Fu Xin, Xiao Yan remembers.

It's su An'an's good friend. He suffered twice in her hands. That girl's affair with Lu Heng makes Lu Jiaji in Ningcheng jump.

Lu Heng left Lu's home for her and went abroad. Up to now, Lu's family still don't know where he is going?

Lu Zhou attached great importance to this son. He couldn't find Lu Heng. He was very angry and fell ill. If he had a son, he would have a daughter, but he would still be an arrogant lady who could not do anything.

For Fu Xin, Xu Qingqing doesn't know, but seeing Su an see her picture so excited, I guess they are good friends.

As Suan spoke, she stood up.

Gu Mocheng calls her, "An'an, where are you going?"

"I'm going to find my sister," she said

She wants to ask her sister, Xiao Xin's address.

"Ann." Gu Mocheng stopped her, but before he spoke, Xiao Yan said with a smile, "Su An'an, today is your sister's wedding night. You are not afraid to interrupt people's good things when you run like this."

Speaking in a reasonable way, su'an stops.

That's what Gu Mocheng called her.

"Ann, I'll ask you tomorrow morning."

Suan nodded, but she was upset when she saw Fu Xin's picture.

I wonder if Fu Xin has a good time in Yucheng? Has she been bullied?