Chapter 294

Xiaoluo laughed and said, "Qi Qin, although I know you are always out in love, but your heart is very lonely. I know how you feel. If you give me another chance to choose, I will choose to continue to guard Lolo. Because of that kind of guardian, let me feel that I still have any and many meanings in this world.

Maybe you think my way is too exaggerated and ridiculous. But I think it's worth it. Because I have only one expectation in my heart, I get what I want. Not everyone can want what they can control. Today, I really don't know whether tortoise is God or what I am thinking.

But I think that if I do that, I will give others enough space and space. I can't always think about my own interests without letting others occupy other people's opportunities. At all times, we should have fair competition, instead of making others feel better after using such means, because I am not such a dirty person. "

Qi Qin was a little depressed. He thought that his number had the intention to do anything and had his own rules and regulations. But why did he not control his own thoughts when he met this woman? Was it because he loved me so much that he didn't want to hurt him or make him feel that he was always a jealous person.

"My friend, if you have any problems in your heart, just say it directly, or I will have a few drinks with you to let you vent your emotions. I see you so uncomfortable feeling, I really feel very distressed you, but you do this, will let who know, right. So the two of us had to break our teeth and swallow into our stomachs.

The sun has set today, so the morning sun will hit us. In the eyes, because everything in this color has the opportunity of fair competition. I believe that your statement must be correct. I will verify your statement one day, but I think now you should make your efforts become a destroyed morning!

Although I also know that some things can not be changed, but the process of change actually makes everyone feel very upset. No decision can make you feel particularly funny. But everyone has the law of time, and it's true that you don't have to think about why. Everything in the lunar calendar is on paper.

There is no room for change in anything, just because of the calm in your heart? That's why you can stick to it until now. I believe you can complete your own ideas, because you are always a sunny person. It's always a good thing that you are willing to share your things with others. I believe you can make perfect choices. "

Xiaoluo sighed and thought that if only he could have such a mind, but when he saw that situation, he did not express his ideas. After all, it was my business, all of which were a safe hope. If the coefficient of expectation was too strong, what kind of principle problem would be brought to himself? Everyone was a man of principle No matter what happens, you should learn to work hard. Try to learn how to do very meaningful things!

If you give yourself another chance to choose, and a regret medicine, then I will never regret knowing you, because the scattered existence gives me a lot of feelings and significance. It is because of the beautiful existence of some things, so let oneself never forget. That night, a man appeared in his sight.

And also talked to myself about a lot of red wine knowledge, let me feel really itchy, so I have been concerned about this girl. Finally, one day, I can stand with this girl, but I find that she has already got someone to like. This feeling is very delicate! Only myself can understand this missing feeling.

Not everyone will experience such wonderful feelings. Only after oneself experienced, can understand this one twists and turns! No matter what happens, you should face it bravely, instead of always feeling that it has nothing to do with yourself, because all ideas are the ideal road to realize in a silent state.

Perhaps I think all the feelings have been paid, it is true that in the world of feelings, there is always a result of first come and then come. If you are always because of such a little bit of small things and feel that all things have no little results to speak of. So, what will happen next, we are not clear, after all, all people are very strange ideas.

No matter what time or matter, everyone is special, indifferent, and has no idea. It is the strange way that can conquer everything. Every day things always have a conclusion, this matter does not matter to prove that all these things are a can do their own name double harvest situation! Although I have paid a lot, that is to say, to be able to win a smile from the beauty is already satisfied. It is because of this emotion that we can develop.

Qi Qin thought that some things were too exaggerated. The reality of such exaggeration made him gasping. I don't know why, when everyone became busy for their own feelings, not for their career. Therefore, at the designated time and place, they have been doing the so-called ideal things in their hearts."Big star, there's really no final conclusion about feelings, so now I feel very sad. Not all emotions have the heaviest ending. It is because there is no formal ending, so we all feel very sad and sad. This kind of sadness and such sadness are not what all of us can have.

Although in the days to come, we don't know what will happen. But I feel that no matter who, what kind of encounter, all the endings are a perfect ending that can't be expressed in words. I know that my feelings have always been particularly not smooth, it is because of this not tired, so I feel particularly sad. This kind of sadness is exactly what everyone can't specify, so it's a kind of sad feeling at any time. "