Chapter 267

Warm, open the door and walk in slowly.

The light in the room was very dark, but it was very neat inside. When her eyes touched the picture on the wall, wennuan was stunned immediately. She didn't slow down for a long time. After standing for a long time, wennuan slowly walked past*

"Aunt Qiong..." wennuan saw that Yihao had put lanqiong's holy place in this room. Looking at lanqiong's gentle and loving smile, she couldn't help it for a moment, and her tears rustled down.

She will always remember that Lan Qiong shrank in her bed at night to tell her a story. Her voice was so light, so soft, so pleasant, and full of love. She didn't feel the feeling of having her mother around her since she was a child. She almost called LAN Qiong Mommy more than once and several times

It hurts to think of such a good person but be killed by lengkui. No wonder Yihao hates lengkui so much. You know lanqiong is the best mother in the world, the most gentle and loving.

He looked at LAN Qiong's portrait and stretched out his hand to touch her smiling face, but his fingers hadn't touched yet. It was like being burned by something and rushed back.

"Aunt Joan, I'm sorry!!" Nuan bites her lips and apologizes piously. "Aunt Joan, don't hate my father, okay? I apologize for my father!!"

"Aunt Qiong, I'm sorry!!" the warm circles of her eyes became more red. She stared at LAN Qiong's eyes that were so gentle as to drip water, and said timidly, "aunt Qiong, I killed brother Yihao. I'm sorry!! I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, I'm sorry!!"*

"Aunt Qiong, has brother Yihao come to see you? If you see him, tell him for me that I miss him very much, okay?"


Looking at LAN Qiong's portrait for a long time, she found a rag in the room and carefully wiped off the dust accumulated in the room these days.

In the process of cleaning, wennuan found that there was not much dust in the room. Even if there was little dust in the corners, the tenth floor was a forbidden area. Everyone knew that it was not difficult to see that Yihao often came to clean.

Thinking that the floor of this room is full of Yihao's footprints, wennuan's heart becomes particularly soft and satisfied. Because it was a forbidden area, she was the only one in the room except him.

She can finally find a secret base that only belongs to them.

Warm and happy couldn't help laughing. Next, she worked harder and worked hard to wipe the dust, and then wiped the floor with her handkerchief. When everything was cleaned, warm and warm washed the handkerchief and put it back in place.

When I came to the portrait of LAN Qiong, I smiled and said, "aunt Qiong, I will come to see you every day and chat with you, so that you won't be lonely. However, you must promise me that when you see brother Yihao, remember to tell him that I miss him very much and tell him that I am pregnant with his baby!!"

With that, wennuan turned and was ready to leave. However, his eyes could not help but sweep to the small vermilion wooden box under the portrait.

Originally, she thought the wooden box was nothing special. After all, it was just a box. However, she felt strange when she saw that it was locked.

I don't know whether it was because of the little curiosity in my heart or some other disturbing factors. Wennuan directly picked up the wooden box, and then seemed afraid that Lan Qiong would blame her for taking other people's things. Holding the wooden box, he quickly ran out, and then ran downstairs with a few "Dong Dong ~".

Sister Amin was relieved when they saw that it was warm. The tenth floor was a forbidden area. They didn't know what was in it. They were afraid that there would be any traps or other unsafe things.

"Grandma, you've finally come down!!" sister Amin directly greeted her and saw that Nuan Nuan was holding a wooden box in her hand. She asked curiously, "grandma, what are you holding in your hand?"

"Sister Amin, please help me to invite the locksmith!!" wennuan didn't say much. Holding the wooden box like a baby, he ran directly into the bedroom.

Wennuan sits alone on the sofa, her eyes locked on the wooden box.

"What's in it?" wennuan really can't guess what Yihao can put in it. After much thought, she decided to open it and see what was in it.

However, it was OK not to open it. As soon as she opened it, she was stunned, because there were no so-called "hidden" secrets she guessed, but some candy and so on, but the candy was packed in a vacuum bag.

Wennuan casually took one to see, but when she saw the handwritten label remarks on it, she almost didn't cry.

She gave him all the sugar in the box when she was a child. Wennuan hurriedly took out all the sugar in the box. Looking at the label, it not only wrote the order, but also his experience. Wennuan could no longer control her emotions. She sat on the sofa and cried sadly.

The label on the first piece of sugar said: "this is the first piece of warm candy. She said it was very sweet. I ate it and it was really sweet!"

The second piece of candy reads: "this is warm's favorite toffee. Today, she came to my room and stuffed me with three sweets..."

The third piece of sugar said: "this is warm's favorite fruit. She said she wanted to live in the house built by grapes. She opened her eyes and bit a few grapes every day. After listening to this, I smiled..."

The fourth piece of candy said: "I'm in a bad mood today, but the little girl came to give me candy again. She said that she would be in a different mood. As a result, she forced durian candy into my mouth, and my mood really became different - very bad!"


Wennuan looked at the four sweets, and the one behind couldn't see any more. She never knew that Yihao would remember the things between them so clearly that she had forgotten them at all. She never knew she liked candy so much when she was a child. She really didn't know. She only knew that she would only send three sweets each time... Because when she watched TV, the woman liked a man, she would send three sweets, so she learned to send them.

Only now did she understand that three sugars mean "I love you"!!

Looking at those colorful little boxes of candy "saved" by Yihao from her mouth, wennuan wants to laugh and laugh happily, but she can't laugh.

Carefully touch the candy in the palm of your hand, and then hug it painfully. Into your arms, warm and close your eyes. It seems that it is difficult to feel the temperature of Yihao left on the candy

Holding the sugar for a long time, wennuan plans to put it back. This can also be regarded as something that can recall him in the future. She must keep it well. When she thinks about him or can't remember him, it's also good to think about it.

However, even when she was loading candy, she suddenly saw a notebook about the size of the wooden box at the bottom of the wooden box.

Warm heart is very curious. She wants to see what is recorded on it, so she reaches out and takes it out.

Let go of the first page and write the title - "heartache diary"!

Looking at the title, wennuan knows that it is used by Yi Hao to write a diary. Thinking that it may be the mood written by Yi Hao, wennuan starts to get nervous, very nervous

I don't know how long it took her to open her first diary. Looking at the date, he began to remember it after he left Leng's house 13 years ago. Her warm heart began to feel uneasy because she was afraid to see his mood when he was avoiding Leng Kui's pursuit.

However, she still tried to let herself see it.

It was sunny and cloudy on XX, XX

Today is the first day I escaped from Leng's house. I escaped only by hiding in the underground waterway. I sat in the waterway all night, full of my mother's eyes full of tears and despair, and the pain before her tragic death

The underground waterway is cold and dark, but I can't feel cold, because my heart has fallen into the Millennium ice cellar at the moment my mother died and after hearing her say that

I didn't dare to climb out of the underground waterway until the next afternoon. When I passed a stationery store, I bought a notebook and a pen with the only 20 yuan I had. The reason why I used the money to buy notebooks and pens and didn't keep them for food was because I wanted to warn myself, revenge... Revenge... Revenge

After dark, I went back to Leng's house. The purpose was very simple. I wanted to steal my mother's body. However, I searched the whole Leng's house and still didn't see my mother. Therefore, I gave up and planned to escape first, and then I would come for revenge. However, when I passed the previous room, I couldn't help looking and turned in through the window.

I was going to take one look and leave, but I couldn't help taking the sugar she sent in the drawer. I really don't know why I took it


Warm and carefully looked at Yi Hao's mood since he left Leng's house. At first, there were few records. However, as his life became more and more stable, he remembered more and more.

When wennuan first saw it, his heart was raised very high, because at the beginning, he wrote all his hatred for lengkui and her, but in the back, he still wrote his missing for her

She can see that when Yi Hao writes these diaries, he has extreme contradictions in his heart. Although he hates her, it is not difficult to see that he has always had her in his heart and has been struggling with how to treat her and what attitude to face her

Wennuan closed the diary without reading it. That's because she felt that everything in the past was unimportant. The point is that he still loved her later, was still good to her, and was willing to protect her without dying

That's enough. The rest really doesn't matter at all.

However, after reading this diary, it seems that she has a great motivation at the bottom of her heart, that is, to live well. In those years, he could survive in such a bad environment, and should she live better? At first, he didn't know that she really liked him, but now, although he was no longer with her, at least she knew that he had her in his heart and really loved her

[husband, your love is deep, heavy, sweet and lingering. I really feel happy and happy to get your love. Even if the future is full of pain, I am willing to bear it!!]

A man can always put you in the most important position in the bottom of his heart and devote himself to you, even if it hurts in the process, it's not worth mentioning. Love is like this. It's too calm and easy to be forgotten, even the parties. And after twists and turns and hurt love, can be unforgettable

Nuanuan carefully stores her things before she gets up and goes downstairs to discuss something with sister a min. unexpectedly, as soon as she goes downstairs, she hears Xu Meng and Minghao discussing how to avenge Yihao.

As soon as they saw the warmth, they immediately shut up, and then collectively stood up from the sofa. Minghao first asked, "little... Grandma, what's in that box?" in fact, he still liked to call her little princess. Even now that he was pregnant with baby, he still looked so cute.

Wennuan sits down directly on the sofa. Without paying attention to Minghao's words, he whispers, "I want to take part in the revenge for my husband. If Cheng Yuan dares to make me suffer, I will make him suffer ten times or a hundred times!"

"But, young grandma, if you are pregnant, will it affect the child?" Xu Meng asked with a worried face.

As soon as his words were spoken, they were immediately recognized by all present, and they nodded collectively.

"Who said that if I avenge, I must go out in person? Why does my husband keep you?" Nuan doesn't want to be the weak. When the weak will be bullied, she doesn't say she wants to avenge Yihao, but at least create an atmosphere for their children, that is, she must not be bullied to the end.

After listening to the warm words, Xu Meng nodded knowingly. They collectively reached out and wiped their sweat, and then everyone gathered together to discuss the revenge plan