Han Hu and the mysterious forces fight, has made a storm all over the city.

Of course, the mysterious force is naturally Yang Huo.

So even Ruan Donghua doesn't know that the boss behind the scenes is Ruan Haoyang.

I seldom see him since the wedding. I don't know what happened. A word from Jiangsu and Anhui went back. She knew that Ruan Donghua wanted to know something about Ruan Haoyang from her mouth, which she hated. Even if she knew, she wouldn't say anything.

Ruan Donghua didn't seem to hear the antipathy of Jiangsu and Anhui, and continued to explore: "Haoyang is too eager to do things. To deal with Han Hu, such a vicious role in the underworld, we must have a comprehensive plan and careful arrangements. In other words, Haoyang has always been very cautious in his work, even unfathomable. He knows that Han Hu is not easy to be provoked, so he should have thought out all the countermeasures. How could he be so wrong this time that he has only half his life left? "

He tried, consciously or unconsciously.

Jiangsu and Anhui didn't care and didn't want to answer more.

Naturally, she would not tell Ruan Donghua. In fact, Ruan Haoyang did plan carefully and carefully, but later, because of her appearance, there were variables More will not tell Ruan Donghua, Ruan Haoyang is to protect her just fight his own life.

However, after listening to Ruan Donghua, she was deeply shocked.

Who is Ruan Haoyang!


Ruan Donghua is right at all!

Ruan Haoyang is indeed an unfathomable person. No one knows what he is thinking. But if you unfortunately become his enemy, how you die will not know!

He Is it possible to test me on purpose?

Su Wan put his hand into his pocket and held the key tightly.

Because of the tension, the palms of my hands were sweating.

The key is also slippery.

Through the glass, I can see that the hospital bed is filled with pipes connected with precision instruments, and Ruan Haoyang, who has only half his life left, as Ruan Donghua said A very terrible idea suddenly came out of my heart!

Ruan Haoyang's key is seldom carried with him!

At least, Su Wan has been with him for so long that he has never seen him carry the key with him.

At least, not in bed.

He set a trap to lure Han Hu. How could he carry such an important key on him?

He knew that he was taking great risks to lure and kill Han Hu!

He even made a plan to take death as his own in the early morning!

Under such circumstances, how could he carry such an important key?

What's more, the key doesn't fall off early or late, but it falls down when we get to the hospital


Or was it on purpose by Ruan Haoyang?

Of course, Ruan Haoyang is in a coma!

What's more, it's normal for medical staff to move and lift a key from him

However, Jiangsu and Anhui always felt that there was something wrong.

At least, when taking risks with Ruan Haoyang's personality, he will never take a key more important than his life with him


This may be the only explanation.

Did he design it early in the morning and deliberately pretended to have lost the key and let me pick it up to see if I would betray him?

But how did he know that I would follow him to find Han Hu's hiding place?


There seems to be holes in both sides of the situation.

Or are the thoughts of Jiangsu and Anhui in chaos? So I can't figure out what's going on?

Or are you paranoid?

But to test such a thing, is absolutely Ruan Haoyang's style of doing things!

He can try his best to save Jiangsu and Anhui, but he will set a trap for her to jump when she has no doubt about it!

This is the side of Ruan Haoyang's heartless side!

If this is really arranged by Ruan Haoyang, he will succeed. Su and WAN were grateful and guilty all night, and their liking for Ruan Haoyang soared, and their hatred and defense against him almost completely collapsed

Therefore, even if the smart and careful Jiangsu and Anhui, they did not suspect Ruan Haoyang at all.

At this time, Ruan Donghua's words reminded her!

"Jiangsu and Anhui, when will you return to Ruan's courtyard?"

"Grandma is back?"

"Not yet. Where is it so fast to travel around the world? But I called back! "

"You didn't tell Grandma about Haoyang, did you?"

"No. How dare I say that? "

"Well. Grandma knows, I'm afraid she'll be in a hurry. She's too old. It's better not to be stimulated. " Su Wan secretly thought: grandma called back, no wonder Ruan Haoyang more to insist on discharge.

"Jiangsu and Anhui."

Ruan Donghua suddenly stepped back two steps and called out mysteriously.

Su Wan said, "what's the matter?"Ruan Donghua said, "would you like to have a cup of coffee?"

Su Wan shook his head and said, "No. I will accompany Haoyang for a while

Ruan Donghua said: "he must lie in the ICU now, and others can't get in. I arrived at dawn. I haven't had breakfast yet. Are you going to eat with your uncle? Although you and Haoyang's wedding But now you are officially a member of the Ruan family. "

Su and WAN thought about it and nodded and agreed.