Song Yin can't laugh or cry. She looks at the child who is secretly calling with the cat on her waist. He's so smart. It turns out that their mother and son are not in touch with Han lie. Is that ok?

Silently hung up the phone, carefully turned off the phone, put it in his pocket, turned around and suddenly saw song Yin, the whole person suddenly opened his mouth. "Auntie, you are eavesdropping on Momo!"

"I didn't mean to!" Song Yin funny mouth, go to his side, squat down, line of sight and he parallel. "Auntie is wrong. I didn't mean to!"

Momo thought about it, and the gentleman nodded. "I forgive you, but Auntie should keep it a secret. Don't let my father know about it!"


"Because Mommy doesn't want daddy to know!"

"But your father is very anxious!"

"Mommy said that he would not come back until daddy was very worried. Now he has no position to come back!"

Song Yin was surprised, but she couldn't help crying and laughing on her soft and pure face. It turned out that the child was helping his mommy and daddy. She nodded and seriously guaranteed: "OK, Auntie doesn't say a word!"

"I believe in Auntie!" Momo raised a smiling face.

"Song Yin, Momo, where are you? Come and work quickly

Song Yin and aunt Qian set the table and put the tablecloth on the wooden round table. In the fresh air, mixed with the taste of fresh food, they came to tempt people's appetite.

Turning around, in the light of the fire, Yu Jinglan's tall and straight posture makes people sigh. God loves him so much, but he has given him such a tall figure.

Yu Jinglan turns over the iron frame beside the charcoal made of pine wood, and never forgets to apply spices to the whole sheep on the iron frame.

Han lie smokes while commanding: "this side hasn't got enough material, right, this side! And there it is

Yu Jinglan was impatient, frowned, and suddenly sprinkled a handful of salt: "you command blindly, or you bake, I command?"

"Forget it, when I didn't say it!" Han lie wiped his nose and said to song Yin not far away with a smile, "Song Yin, you'd better help. LAN is too hard to serve. How can you stand him?"

Song Yin sneered. Yes, Yu Jinglan's temper is very big. She came over with a smile and saw that Yu Jinglan's face stinks and his forehead is full of sweat. She immediately understood why he was so angry. It turned out that he was already close to summer and was roasting meat again. It was very hot and her forehead was full of sweat. With a gentle smile, she took out her handkerchief and gently helped him wipe the sweat off his forehead Pearl. "Can I help you?"

Yu Jinglan's expression was stagnated by her gentle action. He was about to be roasted to death, hot to death, and painstakingly roasted meat for everyone to eat. He was actually directed by Han lie, who didn't do it. It's really depressing.

He pursed his lips, his face smelly, and his handsome face was surprisingly childish. He honestly let song Yin wipe sweat, but he did not forget to turn over the barbecue. After wiping, his eyes began to become gentle. He took a deep look at Song Yin and pursed her lips.

Song Yin on the side, and then picked up the brush, "brother Yu, I'll brush, you can back a little bit, you are only responsible for turning over the shelf, don't burn it."

She also moved a chair for Yu to sit back to avoid the fire.

Yu Jinglan looked back at the table in the night, no one, Han lie and Momo do not know where to go.

Song Yin evenly smeared the material on the mutton, then saw Yu Jinglan's forehead sweating, and helped him wipe it. Concerned, he asked, "it's hot, isn't it? A lot of sweat

Yu Jinglan's sword eyebrows frowned, hugged her and hooked her into her arms. Song Yin couldn't dodge and was hugged by him. She was smothered. Until she couldn't go on, pleading softly. "Brother Yu, the meat is burnt!"

Yu Jinglan just let her go. In turn, song Yin's face was hot and her forehead began to sweat.

Yu Jinglan stares at her and suddenly grabs a strange smile from the corner of her mouth. She grabs song Yin's hand and kisses her. Then she lets go. That gentle and intimate action makes song Yin's heart palpitate, and she is flustered to leave her face.

For a moment, I only heard the crackling sound of charcoal fire.

Song Yin rinsed the ingredients again. The taste of barbecue is more and more attractive.

Yu Jinglan sat on the chair and smoked a cigarette slowly.

Song Yin turned to look at him and bit her lip. She wanted to say nothing.

Who knows he saw what she thought. "Say what you have to say!"

Song Yin looked at the cigarette in his hand and whispered, "can't you smoke a little less?"

Yu Jinglan was slightly stunned, holding the hand of the cigarette tightly, and then he took another puff of the cigarette and focused on her. "You want to take care of me?"

Song Yin knew that he had misunderstood and shook her head. "I don't want to take care of you. Smoking is harmful to your health. You'd better smoke less."

"Why should I listen to you?" Yu Jinglan asked, but I don't know what the tone was.

Song Yin suddenly stuffy voice, some embarrassed, whispered, "cigarettes contain a lot of harmful substances, bad for the body, long-term smoking will make people sick...""I prefer to smoke!" He spat out a white eye, covered his eyes in a flash of smile.

Song Yin was a little embarrassed. She thought he was childish again. "You can't ignore your health. You, your mother will be worried."

"Are you worried?" He is holding a cigarette in one hand, and the other hand turns over the iron frame. Junyan suddenly smiles.

The tall body moved and sat upright, as if leaning towards song Yin.

Song Yin was a little guilty and wanted to say that she cared, but suddenly she got stuck and was ashamed to open her mouth, because she was laughing at him and her lips were rising.

"Don't you care about me?" He raised his eyebrows.

"You're sweating again!" She also took a handkerchief to help him wipe sweat, but also cut off the topic by the way.

But he grabbed her slender wrist, she looked up in panic, his smile was gentle and overbearing: "it's so difficult to say a care?"

The whole person was dragged into his arms, song Yin's hand strength loosened, the handkerchief fell to the ground, the cigarette between his fingers also dropped to the ground, the other hand did not forget to flip the barbecue.

When he was in a trance, his powerful arms had tightly encircled her. She smelled a familiar smell of tobacco, and he held her tightly.

"If you care about me, I won't smoke!" His husky male voice came close to his heart.

Song Yin was stunned. What do you mean?

Yu Jinglan bowed her head and kissed her face again. She said in a pitiful, childish and domineering voice, "if you don't care about me, I'll smoke! It's a good idea

For fear that he would not let go of himself, song Yin raised her eyes in a panic and saw Momo running nearby. She immediately said, "I care about you, I care about you! Brother Yu, please let me go, Momo is coming

"Wow! Uncle and aunt are playing kissing Mo Mo cried all the way.

Song Yin is even more struggling. Yu Jinglan doesn't let go, as if he is deliberately looking at her shyness. He holds her in one hand and doesn't forget the work in the other. His forehead is against her forehead, wiping the sweat on her forehead. The sweat of the two people mingles.

Momo, regardless of their situation at the moment, ran directly over and yelled, "Auntie is shy, uncle Yu, Auntie stepped on your feet! Ha ha ha... "

"Momo..." Song Yin shouts.

"Auntie, don't be shy, I won't laugh at you!" Mo Mo is a little kid.

Song Yin stepped on Yu Jinglan's foot to escape from his arms. At this time, Yu Jinglan stood up laughing and put on thick gloves to pull up the iron frame. "The meat is ready to eat!"

At the warm manor dinner, Han lie takes his glass and touches it with Yu Jinglan, song Yin and Momo. In the glass, Momo's is strawberry juice produced by the farm, while Yu Jinglan and Han lie, song Yin's is wine made by the farm.

"This wine tastes good!" Yu Jinglan took a sip. "Your wine making level is getting higher and higher!"

Song Yin also thinks it's good. The taste of the wine she bought is different from that of the wine she bought. The wine she bought seems to have a kind of astringent taste. The wine she brewed doesn't have this kind of taste. It tastes sweet and mellow, and the wine tastes like grape.

The barbecue is delicious, the wine is mellow, and the fresh strawberries are really appetizing.

Yu Jinglan took a knife to cut a piece of meat and put it in Song Yinpan. "It's the most tender here. Try it!"

"Ah! Uncle Yu is partial. I want the most tender. I'm a child. Uncle Yu doesn't take care of children! "

"Smelly boy, didn't I just give you a big piece? Don't waste it. Eat what's on your plate! " Yu Jinglan doesn't care what others say.

"I have no meat here, LAN!" Han lie followed suit. "Cut me a piece!"

"Do it yourself. The knife is stuck in the meat. Don't you have any hands?" Yu Jinglan glanced at him but didn't help.

Song Yin bowed her head and did not speak. I just feel that they get along very funny, and then they quarrel. The two men were tacit friends, but they always broke up with each other for a while, and she could only be silent.

Han lie's gentle eyes swept over Yu Jinglan. With a gentle smile, his quiet smile was like a wisp of spring breeze, "LAN, you are becoming more and more impolite!"

"Sorry, my gentlemanly manner is only for women!"

"Oh, really?" Han lie's tone is so contemptuous, continues to speak with a smile. "When have you ever been a gentleman to a woman?"

"Auntie, is uncle Yu a gentleman to you? It seems that I saw... " Mo Mo small sword eyebrow can't help wrinkling up, "I just saw Uncle Yu you kiss aunt, other people's aunt don't let you kiss oh, without the consent of the lady, you are not a gentleman at all!"

For a moment, the three people on the scene are dull face, look at the side of the mouth is not surprising, die endless Momo, song Yin's face is red.

Yu Jinglan was embarrassed, "Momo, you can eat more, but you can't say more! Didn't your father teach you? "

Yu Jinglan stretched out her hand and slapped Momo's head impolitely. Then she looked at Song Yin, who was drooping her head in front of her. Maybe she was too embarrassed. Song Yin grabbed the glass on the table and poured a glass of wine one by one to hide her embarrassment."Uncle Yu, don't hit me on the head. I've become stupid. You have to support me!" Mo Mo looks at Yu Jinglan discontentedly. Junlang's small face has the color of mature and precocious warning, "Uncle Yu, you can't be too overbearing to be a man. If you want to kiss a girl, you should ask her if she agrees or not. You can't do whatever you want just by relying on her husband!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!