Jiayi is suspicious. Open the folder, it's a resale contract.

Party A in the contract is f where she is now. Wang wedding dress shop.

Party B's name, showing her name.

Located in the most prosperous area of Yunling, this world-famous brand wedding dress shop, is it her?

Jia Yi's throat moved: "he put f. Wang's shop, buy it and give it to me? "

Xiao Qin smiles: "boss and F. When Wang designer contacted the wedding dress, he mentioned it by the way. "

By the way? This is too easy to say!

F。 As a luxury wedding dress shop, Wang only has stores in five countries in the world, and each country only has stores in the most developed cities. Yunling city is the only one in Huaxia.

And F. Wang, who values several stores all over the world, how can he sell his efforts?

It's almost impossible to buy Baroque wedding dress. How can he persuade f. Wang sells Yunling's wedding dress shop?

Xiao Qin continued: "Miss Chu can learn to manage this wedding dress shop first. After all, F. Wang's management system is very mature, and you can learn a lot from it, in the name of F. It's easier for Wang's signboards to make achievements in design. After a long time and rich experience, you can make your own brand again. "

"Is that what he meant?" she said

Xiao Qin nodded: "yes."

At this time, the two clerks next to him also welcomed him with a smile: "congratulations to miss Chu."

"Miss Chu, double happiness. Congratulations."

The future boss here, of course, is a good early set up.

She didn't expect him to think so carefully.

According to Huo's financial resources, it's not a problem to buy a larger fashion design company for her, but he knows that this is not what she wants.

What she wanted was to really learn from her favorite industry and create her own brand, and the man actually guessed what she really wanted in her heart.


The girl behind the wall's pupil a little red, ten fingers curled up, fingertips pinched into the palm, almost broken skin, but still don't know, and as if only such pain can calm the heart of jealousy poison flow.

Chu Jiayi Jiayi Chu!

It's not her. How could she end up like this.

I'm a college student majoring in fashion designer in a famous university. As soon as I graduated, I passed five hurdles and cut six hurdles. I stood out among many candidates and entered Yundu. With my own ability, I can become a designer in a few more years. My social status and reputation will gradually follow

But now?

Because of Chu Jiayi, she was kicked out of Yundu, and no one employed her in the whole Yunling fashion design industry!

Her proud diploma has become a waste of paper, her future has been ruined, and her dream of a top designer has been shattered.

After she lost her job, she couldn't find a job and even pay the rent. She ate instant noodles all day. A month ago, she finally begged her father to sue her grandmother and found a relationship with her husband. Wang wedding dress shop, when a errand clerk, barely able to cope with life, but not a quarter of Yundu salary.

As a promising future designer and senior white-collar, she was sent to the 18th floor of hell and became the bottom of the society.

What about Chu Jiayi? She had a good time, and she had to marry Huo Shao.

More than that.

Chu Jiayi will soon become F. Wang's boss.

How could she keep herself working here?

She felt that her last retreat was broken and her future was dark.

I'm willing to give in to f for a while. Wang works as a handyman, in addition to coping with life, there is another point, F. Wang wedding dress is a leader in the design industry. Even if she is not a designer, as long as she can come in, she may be able to survive. That's why she insists on it.

But now, the renewed hope is shattered again.

Leave F. Wang, where else can she go?

There is no fashion design industry in Yunling to accept her.

She felt the darkness in front of her eyes again, even darker than when she was driven out of Yundu last time. She clenched her fist, controlled the trembling of her whole body, and held on to the resentment and despair she had never seen before.

"Tong Xiaomian, why are you still here? Do you want me to tell the store manager that you are lazy again? Do you want to work here or not? "

The middle-aged shop assistant came over and found that she didn't go to work. She came over in a hurry. For fear of disturbing the VIP inside, she lowered her voice and twisted her arm.

The young salesgirl hiding behind the wall is Tong Xiaomian.

Tong Xiaomian hurriedly moved her eyes away from the harmonious and joyful atmosphere in the fitting room. Her arm was caught in pain, and her tears came out. She quickly covered her arm: "I'm sorry."

"What's the use of saying I'm sorry? There are several sets of wedding dresses to be ironed over there. Go and get them. They are like wood. I don't think you are fit to work here! "Tong Xiaomian gets up her spirits and goes to the lobby in front of the wedding dress shop in spite of the rebuke from her colleagues.

This way in the fitting room.

Jiayi tried her wedding dress for a while, and the mobile phone rang. When she picked it up, it turned out to be the text message from the man.

"Have you tried the wedding dress? No disobedience. " Just a few words are just as overbearing as the host, impressively displayed on the screen.

She estimated that he should be in a meeting, inconvenient, otherwise he would not send text messages.

Hum, can you tempt yourself with the Baroque Waltz without trying.

The man clearly arranged everything and pretended to ask himself.

She scratched the screen, and she said, "well.".

The mobile phone didn't ring any more. She thought he was just taking time out of his busy schedule to ask, but she didn't care. As he was about to give the mobile phone to Xiao Qin, the mobile phone in his palm vibrated again.

"Send me the wedding photos." The words are just like the person, and there is no room for rejection.

She grinds her teeth. If she doesn't come, she still has to supervise the whole process. As soon as her pupils flash, she still sends one of the photos she just took.

Not to her surprise, the text message soon came back, this time seems to be very dissatisfied: "back? What's wrong with cleaning up again? "

She pressed a line of words in the past: "you say you want to see wedding photos, this photo is a full body photo, the most clear."

The photo was taken with her back to the mirror and a selfie lens to record the style details behind the wedding dress.

Text message again, the man has come to a serious conclusion: "you really do not clean up."

He wants to see people!

She took a deep breath and did not dare to do it on purpose any more, so she had to send a front photo to her.

Just then, Xiaoqin saw that her mobile phone was crackling. She couldn't help being curious and came close to her: "Miss Chu, is it the boss who sent you a short message?"

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