Just as the driver was about to step on the accelerator to start the car, a subordinate leaned into his long arm from the window and pulled out the key.

Another subordinate opened the door and carried the frightened taxi driver out of the car.

"What are you doing? This is Yunling, not a country. Do you think it's your leader's territory? I I'm going to call the police

Liang Anya shrinks towards the inside of the car, but he doesn't want to go out.

I don't know what the taxi driver was told by the people of Beiming hall. He said with a bitter face, "Miss, I have to start to eat. Please get out of the car!"

Liang Anya got out of the car angrily and walked towards the community, but heard the voice of the subordinates of Beiming Hall:

"the hall leader said that pregnant women should have a good rest at home and don't run around."

She was so angry that she was about to vomit blood.

After two failures, Liang Anya finally realized that Si Yuheng was determined not to have an abortion.

She didn't understand why the devil like man appeared in her life again.

Didn't he finish his task and leave Huaxia? Why did he come back?

Anyway, her stomach can't wait.

If we don't solve it, Xiaoyi will find out sooner or later

The child is a disgrace.

Never stay!


this afternoon, the wedding dress shop received a list. Jiayi put down the phone and said, "Anya, I'll go to the shop to have a look."

Liang Anya was worried in her room. As soon as she heard that, her mind moved. She quickly put on her big coat and satchel, went to the living room and squeezed out a smiling face: "Xiaoyi, are you driving. I'm going out, too. Give me a kick. "

Jiayi didn't think much: "good. Where are you going? "

"I..." Liang Anya sneezed, "it's not that the cold hasn't been completely cured. I want to go to the hospital."

Jiayi was a little worried: "why not? I think your clothes are getting thicker these days. No, you have a good appetite. You can eat more than before. It's not like a cold. Do you want me to go with you to have a look? "

"No, there's still business in your wedding dress shop. Go ahead."

Liang Anya secretly vomits with a guilty heart. Fortunately, she has no other symptoms during her pregnancy.

Otherwise Xiaoyi would have guessed it.

Jia insisted, but she didn't ask much: "well, if you have something to call me."

Liang Anya compared an OK action, took Jiayi's arm and went downstairs together.

Walking out of the apartment building, Liang Anya takes a careful look in the direction of the gate of the community.

I used to see the black car parked at the door a few days ago.

They go to the garage first, Jiayi goes in to pick up the car, and then comes out in a mini.

Seeing that Liang Anya kept looking at the gate, she seemed to be out of her mind. Jiayi wondered, "Anya, what are you looking at? What's the matter? "

Liang Anya recovered, pressed the cap on her head, put on the mask and Da Heichao, opened the co pilot's door and went in: "nothing, let's go."

Jiayi saw her like a star out of the street. Her whole body was almost covered, and her eyebrows were even tighter: "what are you doing?"

"Well, I can't catch a cold." Liang Anya murmured with a guilty heart, and then turned to the topic: "Gee, is this the new car you bought? Limited edition, not cheap, money can't buy This cushion is made of natural leather. It's very comfortable. "

Jia Yi, with a dim look, swung the steering wheel and drove out of the community: "no, it's the car over there. Lawyer Yang said that Zizai always needs to have a means of transportation when going to kindergarten. "

Liang Anya knocked on his head. Alas, he said something wrong.

At this time, the car leisurely through the security booth, out of the community.

Liang Anya's conditioned reflex pressed the cap down a few centimeters, completely covering her face, and her body sank imperceptibly.

When the car left the green island garden, she looked up and looked into the mirror.

At the back of the car, the people of Beiming hall were driving closely.

Keep a certain distance, mix in the traffic.

Mardan, I'm still catching up!

She frowned, sat up and gave a secret Pooh.

After a while, the car drove to a busy road,

at this time, there were some traffic jams.

Jiayi slowed down and stopped.

After Liang Anya looked at the mirror again, the car of Beiming hall also stopped because of the traffic jam.

It's just a few cars behind.

Mind, brain!

God help me!

Never thought traffic jams were so cute.

"Xiaoyi, I don't know when the traffic will be blocked. I'll get off here and walk over."

Liang Anya pushed the black super sunglasses. Before Jiayi spoke, she got out of the car quickly. Then she took advantage of the dense traffic flow to block her figure and walked quickly through an alley on the side of the road.On the other side of the road, she quickly stopped a car and sat on it panting.

"Driver, go to the nearby hospital! As long as it's a hospital! Come on

I can't wait any longer.

It may be the only chance for us to get rid of Beiming hall today. We must do the operation!

The taxi stopped at a seemingly small clinic nearby.

Looking at the private clinic whose signboards are yellowing and lacquered in front of her, Liang Anya wants to cry.

After all, or bite teeth, now is not the time to nitpick, push the door in.

"What about people, doctor? Come on, I'm going to have an operation! " Liang came to the front of the counter.

The doctor in the white coat came out and said lazily, "what's wrong with you, miss? What kind of operation are you doing?"

Liang Anya opened her big coat and straightened her stomach: "induced labor! Come on, don't make a fuss

For the first time, the doctor saw a woman patient who was so bold in induced labor: "ouch, miss, your stomach is not small, is it? Now do induced labor, dangerous, do you have a family together? We don't dare to do this operation. "

Liang Anya was too lazy to talk. She knew what he was doing when she saw the doctor. She patted a bank card on the counter: "I have money."

The doctor's eyes moved, and finally called out: "first help this young lady to check and arrange the operating table."

Liang Anya has a feeling of crying with joy, and can finally get it done.

I was about to follow a nurse inside when I heard a gust of wind from the curtain of the clinic door and someone came in.

It's not a standard, but it's a very nice male voice: "wait a minute."

Liang Anya suddenly changed her face.

Si Yuheng strode in from outside the clinic, his dark blue eyes were frightening.

I'll go! How can you be haunted?

" I'm not It's not... " Liang Anya's spitting.

"It's not the one who dumped me, is it?" Si Yuheng gave a strange smile, "sweetheart, I have more than one car with you."

The doctor was also startled by the sudden half blood man, but still broke the deadlock: "Miss Is the operation still done? "

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