"Miss Mo, why did you come here to have a meeting today, but let me find it easy!"

"Yes, what's going on?"

Shareholders have been in accordance with the time and place on the mail arrived here, it is obvious that the mail received by Mu Qingqing is different from others. All the people are talking about the temporary change of venue today. In the company for more than 20 years, they have never encountered such a situation. Instead, they have to go to this building instead of holding a meeting in the company.

Everyone is in a fog. They don't know what's going on.

The building where the meeting was held was also an asset of the Mohist group, but it was empty because of its remote location and some difficult contractual disputes.

Mo Han said hello with a smile. She was always hypocritical, but moody and uncertain. She said to the crowd, "a geomantic expert came to the company some time ago and said that the office where we have been meeting is very bad. If we make decisions in that room, we will have to pay a lot of money.

In fact, I don't believe in those superstitions, but I was afraid that all the uncles in this room would care about it, so I temporarily changed the location. Also let the geomantic master, give us a good design and design, and when the decoration is completed in the future, everything goes as usual. If you have any comments, we can go back now. "

Most of the directors present came with the Mohist masters at that time. They were the father of Mo Han and Mo Liancheng. Naturally, they were particular about these geomantic omens. Hearing Mo Han say this, although still feel strange, but we naturally put down these details, rather believe that it is not credible, but it is a meeting, where it does not matter.

For this group of people, Mo Han always has a way to coax them around in a few words.

"Now that we have all the people, let's start...

I don't know where a voice comes from, interrupting Mo Han," Mrs. Mo hasn't arrived yet! "

"Yes, Mu Qingqing didn't come. Can't we find fault and say that we exclude her as the wife of the former president?" A few people made a few sarcastic remarks, but they did not seem to have much respect for the so-called wife of the former president.

Mo Han sneered and sighed with profound meaning, "where else does Mrs. Mo have time to attend our meeting? Have you not noticed that my younger brother and sister-in-law are very high-profile recently, and often appear on the major news media to create momentum?"

After a few comments, no one spoke again.

Soon, Mohan went straight to the topic. She gave everyone a copy of the contract and discussed the major cooperation projects after the Mohist group.

According to Mo Han, she has made a lot of efforts to attract Mr. Yamamoto's investment into the Moho group. Since the departure of moliancheng, the economic status of the Mohist group has not improved. The development of the times and the competition among enterprises are so great that it will be a retrogression if it does not rise, and the situation is not so optimistic.

"No one in this room does not know Mr. Yamamoto. His power is far above our Mohist group. Now we all know the situation of the company. If we don't know how to change our thinking, we will only have the result and decline!

Now it's rare for me to play the card of human relationship. I invite Mr. Yamamoto to invest. I hope you can support me and help the Mohist group tide over this difficulty together. "

Mo Han's speech has always been very stimulating. In addition, she is the first lady of the Mohist school. Naturally, no one doubts her original intention.

"But according to the contract, Mr. Yamamoto wants to become a shareholder of the company and dilute our shares, which..."

"yes, isn't that equivalent to robbing food from our bowl?"

"Is this Mr. Yamamoto reliable?"

People you a word I a word of discussion, of course, skeptics are not yet Mo Han pull to the side of the shareholders.

Regarding these concerns, Mohan has long had a response strategy, "you can rest assured, I'll help you to calculate the accounts. For the time being, although your shares have been diluted, but considering the long-term earnings, we actually..."

Mohan has said a lot, which is reasonable and reasonable. It makes people have no reason to refute, let alone refuse. After all, the plight of the Mohist group does exist, which can not be concealed.

After an hour of discussion, no one seemed to have any more opinions. The meeting room was very quiet.

Mo Han looked around, slowly opened his mouth, "if you have no questions, then vote on a show of hands. If you agree with more than half of them, sign the contract immediately!"


The door of the meeting room was suddenly pushed open, and Mu Qingqing was in a hurry to catch up with the board meeting with ulterior motives. "The shareholders are not all here. What right do you have to vote on a show of hands

Everyone's eyes are all on the door, looking up and down at Mu Qingqing. Maybe at this moment, Mu Qingqing is really a thorn in everyone's eyes.

Mo Han sneered, "the company's regulations also clearly state that if you don't attend the meeting within 40 minutes, you will be deemed to have given up the voting right of this meeting automatically! Sister in law, as you can see, our meeting has been over an hour. You are here now. Even if we are a family, we can't give you the green light. The rules are the rules! "Mu Qingqing walked to Mo Han with a cold face. Her eyes were cold and sharp. She did not give him steps, but directly approached her to the dead corner. "You deliberately sent me the wrong place to delay time. Isn't there any ulterior motive?"

Mo Han grinned and calmly answered the question in Mu Qingqing's eyes. "If you are more interested in the company on weekdays, you won't even know what happened to the company? The email only informs the board of directors. Who told you that the location must be the same? Why can everyone be present on time, only you can't? "

"Mo Han, I thought your pattern could be so high, but I didn't expect it to be so! You can think of this childish trick. I really admire it

Mo Han had been prepared, deliberately raised his voice, called everyone to hear, "speaking of admiration, but you also let me be surprised!"

"As far as I know, MK group has won the bid for plan f, which is very impressive. I'm afraid the shareholders here don't know. Are you the big boss behind MK?

I was also surprised that Mu Qingqing, who has always ignored the company's affairs, suddenly became so attached to the company. Now I finally know.

In addition, I also know why the Mohist group lost the bid. It all depends on you, my good sister-in-law! "