Apart from him, I never get close to people I don't know, so I can only be cold and stern?

No, no, no!

Gu Rou desperately shakes her head, trying to rule out the terrible possibility like a flood.

What to do? What should I do?

Square inch disorderly of her, blame all these for the problem of pregnancy test stick, so go downstairs to buy again, bought several at a time, but the result is still, pregnant!

If there is a quality problem, it's OK. Is there any problem with the whole batch?

No, the problem is that she didn't sleep with anyone, but she had a child, and I don't know when and who was the father of the child.

Time passes quietly in these absurd things. Gu Rou's face is gray and nervous. She suddenly wakes up, picks up her handbag and leaves the company.

On the other side of the car, Ji Zijie continues to pay close attention to Gu Rou, watching her go to the drugstore again to buy a pregnancy test stick, and watching her pack up and leave the company. Her face tells him that she won the prize. She is really pregnant!

Although, this is also the news that he can't believe, it is the fact of the iron clank!

After work, the company's cleaning aunt carries a garbage bag from Gu Rou's office and puts it into a special garbage truck. Ji Zijie steps up and tells her that she may have lost something in the garbage can. She needs to take the garbage back to search.

Knowing Ji Zijie's identity, aunt Baojie immediately volunteered to help him find it. Ji Zijie refused and threatened to find it himself. She thought it should be a very important document and didn't want to let people know, so she didn't force her to let him do it. She continued to collect garbage in other offices.

Aunt Procter's garbage collection starts from the top floor, and now there are only a few bags. Ji Zijie quickly opens the bag and looks at it. It's very easy to find Gu Rou's bag. As expected, she saw several pregnancy test sticks lying in it. Ha ha, she also used several small bags carefully! If you don't search for them, you can't see them. Gu Rou, you don't know that I've seen them, do you?

With a faint smile, Ji Zijie quickly picked up the pregnancy test stick and put it in his pocket.

At this time, aunt Procter & Gamble collected new garbage and asked him kindly, "vice president, have you found what you need?"

Ji Zijie also looked at Aunt Baojie and said, "no, it's somewhere else. You're busy. I'm sorry."

Aunt Baojie is flattered. She immediately says "don't disturb or not disturb". Seeing Ji Zijie turn around and walk away, she doesn't think much. She pushes the garbage truck to continue her work.

Back in his office, Ji Zijie took out the pregnancy test sticks without delay.

Two lines, all two lines!

Gu Rou, Gu Rou!

At this moment, Ji Zijie finds that his mood is very complicated, and he has all kinds of tastes.

Shock, disbelief, wonder, doubt, and even Jealousy and resentment.

Yes, he is jealous of the man who can make her pregnant!

Who is it?

Ji Chenxi? Leng Junyu?

He thought it should be Leng Junyu, because of her performance Moreover, he prefers coldness.

Now, what should he do?

Holding the pregnancy test sticks tightly in his hand, Ji Zijie's brain whirled around quickly. After a while, he had a good idea.

Gu Rou had a very hard night. It was the most difficult night after Ji Chenxi's accident. She basically didn't sleep. The next morning, she went straight to the hospital.

"Congratulations, Miss Gu. You are seven weeks pregnant and everything is normal." The doctor's cadence was joyfully heard in the quiet air, but Gu Rou thought it was a sharp knife cut into her heart.

Last night, she was lucky, but now medicine has proved that she can't escape.


No, she didn't like it at all. She just felt fear, fear, cold.

She didn't know how she left the hospital, let alone how she left the hospital. After she left the hospital, Ji Zijie also came out of the obstetrics and gynecology department. She used the relationship to find the hospital's today's medical records and saw clearly the information of "pregnancy 7 weeks" in Gu Rou's diagnosis records.

Gu Rou leaves the hospital and immediately goes to find Qiu Feng and tells him about it.

Qiu Feng was stunned immediately. She said it casually that day, but it was a fact.

God, this

Facing Qiu Feng's unbelievable eyes, Gu Rou takes out the diagnosis directly from her bag and hands it to her.

Seven weeks of pregnancy!

Seven weeks

Qiu Feng's last fluke was completely shattered. Meimu stared at the diagnosis book, hoping to stare it out of a hole.

Gu Rou, with a dignified look, began to tell the relevant situation, "when I tested it with a pregnancy test stick yesterday, I doubted whether it would be that time I went to H city and lived in the same apartment with Leng Junyu, but today's specific period of B-ultrasound display, according to the calculation, should be that time on the island, that night, I had a spring dream..."spring dream?

Hear here autumn Feng hurriedly interrupt, "did you have a spring dream? What spring dream? Why didn't you say that before? "

Well, since it's a spring dream, how can you say it in a good way? Even your best friend is ashamed to say it.

If Gu Rou's face would have been red in the past, but now, her whole mind has been occupied by the inexplicable troubles and sorrows. How could she care about these embarrassed and shy ones? She glanced at Qiu Feng's astonished appearance and said about the situation that night.

Qiu Feng said again, "it seems that it's not a spring dream, but a real one. The baby in your belly is likely to win the bid at that time, but who is that man?"

Yes, who is that man?

To this day, Gu Rou still has no clue. He Tao once said that the island is heavily guarded, and it is impossible for people outside to get close to it unless they are bodyguards?

No, it's impossible. They don't have the courage. Besides, they are all loyal to jichenxi and won't do such a thing at all.

"It's not Ji Chenxi, is it?" Qiu Feng said again, if she didn't believe it before, but now, all kinds of situation analysis is likely to be him, and Qiu Feng subconsciously hoped it was him.

Gu Rou shakes her head. She doesn't want him. The question is, if it's him, why doesn't he come back? He can go to the island, which means that there will be no memory loss of dog blood, and there will be no disability for him, because in that "dream", what he saw is perfect, and there is no change from before.

Therefore, it can only be said that it's another man. He missed him too much, so he took that man as him.

During the period of Gu Rou's melancholy brow, Qiu Feng also tried to think about it. Every time he thought of a doubt, he quickly said, "generally speaking, people must be conscious when doing such a fierce thing, but you think you have a dream, which can only explain that when you do that, you are delirious. Is it that you have been drugged?"