Lots of people, lots of cars, lots of buildings It's these things that make up this prosperous city. Now she begins to wonder why she is so persistent in coming to this city

Then go to worship the man with only one picture on the tombstone

She didn't know anything about that man except that he was her father. She couldn't believe him when his mother told him everything.

Yes, a once powerful member of the Ximen family ended up in a lonely tomb in the setting sun. He didn't even have his name engraved on it.

How could she believe it?

However, linxicheng is here for ximenchang. It is said that it is her biological father and the man on the tombstone.

Why did she go back to the Simon family? How did she get back? Situ Yeyu, that pervert, won't let her go at all.

This time, she didn't know how she would be punished if situ Yeyu found out

Sometimes, she felt that she was really a rotten life. Sometimes, she felt that even if she was a rotten life, she should fight for it again as long as she was alive. Sometimes, she felt that it was not bad to live so numbly

She became wobbly.

Only when she saw Lulu's diary, did she realize that she should pursue happiness and have the courage and strength to continue to struggle

When I was in a state of mind, the bus stopped and announced that it was the terminal.

She followed the crowd to get off in a trance, but as soon as she got off, she was stunned.

Why do you come to Huangyu base in a daze?

Almost did not think about it, she turned and left, no, turned and fled, as if there was a flood and beast behind her.

As far as she is concerned, Huangyu base is always the place of her previous life, and she has been afraid to see those years.

Too eager to escape, she didn't even look at the road, so she dived into the driveway. The car behind stopped with an emergency brake. The driver stretched out his head from the car and angrily scolded her that she was insane and didn't walk with long eyes!

She's just like a mouse, running away in ashes!

She didn't notice at all. In another car, a man got out of the car and ran towards her like the wind.

She just felt that she should run as fast as she could.

She didn't mean to come here, it was just a coincidence.

Moreover, she is also very clear that even here, there will be no redemption.

Who said that Nangong Yi is going to marry Gu Huijun? Who said that Gu Huijun is pregnant and Nangong Yi is going to be a father?!

My mind seems to have been crammed into a lot of confusion. The whole world has become so noisy. People's voice, car's voice, advertising on TV screen are so noisy that I can't shake them off!

Finally, she still lingered in a problem and couldn't get out Why the hell are you here?!

She was so frightened that when she was not careful, she tilted her feet and tried to balance herself.

She thought, fall, fall this time, never wake up However, just after that, a pair of powerful arms behind her suddenly passed through her waist and hugged her tightly.

Without any words, I just hugged her so tightly and silently, as if she was the only treasure in the world, as if I wanted her to be a part of his body, never to be separated, never to be separated

Chu Ning was stunned. Although she didn't see the person behind her and didn't hear his voice, she knew that among thousands of people, this was the embrace she was looking forward to most, and this was the home she had been pursuing At this moment, she didn't want anything, just felt tired, just wanted to have a good sleep in her arms.

She did not move, but slowly relaxed herself, gently leaning in that arms

Not far away, someone was sitting in the car, turning a page of the book and saying to the driver, "let's go."

The bodyguard next to him asked, "don't you want to take her to Simon's house?"

"She's the same here. As long as she's not by situ Yeyu's side, she can be anywhere."

The bodyguard's face was full of inexplicable. Seeing that his young master didn't mean to explain, he didn't ask any more.

When the car turned around, Lin Xicheng finally closed the "Three Character Classic" and turned to look out of the window.

Under the setting sun, the two lovers cuddle together, it seems, really match But how long can this beautiful scenery last? He twisted his eyebrows slightly and looked at the pamphlet in his hand. Suddenly, he was a little agitated

Chu Ning can't remember how long he didn't sleep so safely. When he woke up, it was completely dark outside.

She just moved, and found that there were still people around her. She sat up fiercely, and the people around her also moved. She reached out to turn on the light.

Chu Ning looked at the people around him and sat up, "are you awake?"

Nangong Yi smiles awkwardly, "I'm sorry, there are so many things in these two days that I fell asleep accidentally." He straightened his tie, looked down at his wrinkled suit and said, "I'll change."

He just wants to get out of bed to leave, Chu Ning is frightened like, suddenly pounce on past, embrace his arm, although what didn't say, but the eyes are all pray.Nangong Yi Leng for a moment, suddenly put her into his arms.

Gradually, it seemed to be certain that she was really alive and would not disappear easily. Nangong Yi was relieved and murmured, "I thought you really..." He didn't go on, his voice choked slightly.

Chu Ning Wo looked at his face in his arms. He felt it like a magic barrier and said, "you've lost a lot of weight, really."

Thin? How can you not be thin?

In those days when she heard of her death, she drank and smoked day and night, and shed tears in her room. In front of people, you have to act as if nothing happened

Even if it's made of iron and cast of steel, it will be scattered, right? What's more, his stomach is not very good

He had never thought that one day he would come to this stage for a woman. Seeing him like that, nangongmo sneered at him and said, "if you really love her so much, don't drink here. It's serious to have the ability to kill the scum of situ Yeyu."

Nangong Mo said it indifferently and turned to leave.

But soon after someone came the news, nangongmo and guests in the beautiful color fight, injury is not light.

When he was seriously injured and in a coma, nangongmo only yelled Ah Ning, I'm sorry

Nangong Mo falls in love with Chu Ning. This cognition gives Nangong Yi an indescribable taste in his heart.

Nangongmo, a boy, was totally different when he was a child from when he grew up. But when he grew up, nangongmo and he fell in love with the same woman, or situ Yeyu

This is really an incredible situation. It is said that natural opponents will converge in aesthetic standards. It seems true.

Chu Ning bowed his head and held Nangong Yi's hand on her waist. "In fact, I hope I'm really dead."

Nangong Yi is shocked and stares at Chu Ning quietly. The fundus of his eyes is shocked.

But Chu Ning didn't look at him and continued, "when my parents died, when Lulu was in a car accident, when the bullet went through my chest, when I was facing situ Yeyu alone At that time, I often thought how good it would be if I died, but I still lived numbly. "

Nangong Yi only feels that his whole heart is being torn, from dull pain to sharp pain, and then he is numb again and wakes up from numbness

After being run over by the pain, he could not help holding Chu Ning tightly in his arms and could only say "sorry" in a voice.

In Nangong Yikou, it seems that these three words are the most she hears.