Chapter 680

After coming out of the restaurant, David said directly to Anya: "sorry Anya, I have something to go back to the company first."

"I'll go back with you, too." Anya's tone also has a trace of resentment.

David was embarrassed and said, "I'm sorry today. I'll treat you to dinner after work."

"Good." Anjiao smiles and takes David's arm.

The latter looked down at the jade hand in his arm, then stretched out his hand and said, "Anya, I invite you to dinner because I thank you for sending me materials last time. I have no other meaning."

Anya heard David's words, delicate face a little embarrassed, she released the arm in David's arm, and then said: "I know."

David looked at her and nodded, "let's go."

Anya said "um" and followed David to the company.

After entering the company, David went back to the personnel department and Anya went back to the secretary department.

Less than two minutes after returning to the Secretary's office, she went to the planning department, specifically, Kelly's office.

"Kelly, come and comfort my wounded heart." Kaya's face is down on the sofa.

Kelly was eating a bento and didn't even raise her head. "Anya beauty, didn't you go to dinner with the God in your heart? Why did you come back so soon? "

Anya broke down her face and replied, "the God dragged me out of the restaurant in the middle of the meal. Then he refused my suggestion

"Well? Take half out of the restaurant? " Kelly stopped eating her Bento.

"I met the man in group A of the planning department, and David became confused and took me away." Anya said and added, "do you know? That's not the point. The point is that he turned me down. "

However, in Kelly's view, the focus is on David and group A of the planning department.

David is familiar with group A? Last time she asked David for help, David also refused her

After David returned to the personnel department, he called Anthony and found out that he was on the top floor, so he went directly to the top floor to find him.

"If you have something to say, I'll take a nap." Anthony, who has been disturbed from his nap, is very upset now. He has not squinted since 2 a.m. and is sleepy to death.

"I wipe, Anthony. You're so sleepy. What did you do last night?" David asked, looking at Anthony with black eyes.

"If you're OK, you can go away." Anthony rolled his eyes, fell on the sofa and closed his eyes.

Seeing that Anthony seemed to be going to sleep like this, David immediately said, "I'm looking for you on business."

"Speak quickly, and then leave." Anthony opened his eyelids and didn't get angry.

"Anthony, do you know that yettasu is in the planning department?"

Hearing David's words, Anthony sat up and said, "how do you know?"

"When I was having dinner with Anya in the French restaurant opposite the company, I happened to meet ye tezhu and those people from group A of the planning department to have dinner. They called him Manager Ye."

Anthony nodded and asked, "you didn't expose his identity, did you?"

"No..." Anthony shuddered at the thought of yetezu's look.

Anthony was relieved to hear David say no, "that's fine. You're going to have no idea."

David asked curiously, "Anthony, why did yettasu go to the planning department? Is he going to attack the planning department? "

"He..." Anthony was just about to answer David when his cell phone rang.

It's Yexi.

After years of professionalism, Anthony sat up without blinking when he saw the caller ID, pressed the answer button, and respectfully called out to the phone, "assistant Ye."

When David heard the word "assistant Ye", David opened his eyes. How could assistant ye call Anthony at this time?

Unfortunately, David couldn't hear what assistant ye said over the phone. He only heard Anthony say, "yes, he's here with me..."

Is assistant Ye telling Anthony about him? David gets upset

After that, Anthony didn't speak any more. He just listened to assistant ye on the other end of the phone.

About ten minutes later, Anthony said, "yes, I'll take him right away." And then hung up.

Then he came straight over and dragged David out of the office.

When David saw Anthony so ungrateful, he burst into a curse, "Anthony, you inhuman guy. Thanks to me, you're a friend. You don't even say a good word for me."

"Anthony, I'm going to break up with you!"

"Don't drag me away. Isn't it squid? I'm not going to die here... "


All the way down from the top floor, David kept chirping until Anthony pulled him into the car.

"Where are you taking me?"

"To assistant Ye's apartment." Anthony finally spoke.David looked confused. "Didn't you want to fire me? What are you doing at his place? "

"Shut up." The blue veins on Anthony's forehead jumped, and he was really worried that he would miss out on Anthony's nagging.

David saw that Anthony seemed really angry, so he shut his mouth obediently.

Anthony takes David to yeshey's apartment and opens the door with the spare key he had when he bought it.

After he went in, he told David to clean up Yexi's documents and computers, and he went into Yexi's room to collect some clothes for Yexi.

This is yeshey who called Anthony and told him.

Guqin already suspected that he had appeared, so he could not go back to the apartment, so he had to ask Anthony and David to come and pick up some things he needed.

After finishing the documents, David went into the room and found Anthony picking up assistant Ye's clothes. Finally, he couldn't help asking, "Anthony, is yettasu going to move?"

"How could assistant Ye move..." Speaking of this, Anthony shut his mouth immediately.

David didn't notice Anthony's strangeness. He just asked, "pack up the papers and clothes, not move?"

Anthony didn't care about him. He took some clothes from the closet, folded them in the trunk, and left the room with the suitcase.

Looking at Anthony's back, David touched his nose, followed him out of the room, took Yexi's papers and briefcase in the living room, and left Yexi's apartment with Anthony.

As a result, I saw Guqin downstairs. It should be said that Guqin had been standing on the balcony on the second floor, which Anthony and David had not noticed.

In fact, Anthony guessed that assistant ye had to leave the apartment suddenly because of guqin, so he didn't intend to say hello to guqin, but he forgot David.

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