Chapter 871

Put her on the bed, then take the bedding and cover her tightly.

Hua Yuqing originally wanted to say, do not need to cover so tightly, as a result, Gus quickly rushed into the shower.

What is he doing so fast? Hua Yuqing's eyes just flashed this doubt.

I heard the sound of running water coming from the shower.

Is he going to take a bath?

But don't you have to be in such a hurry?

Gus stayed in the shower for more than half an hour before he came out.

When he came out, there was only a towel around him.

Well, Gus was in a hurry before. He didn't bring anything.

In addition to Hua Yuqing's clothes in the shower room, there are only Yu napkins.

He quickly opened the cupboard, took out the clothes that Gu Da had brought him during the day and changed them. Then

he went to the sofa and lay down.

The sofa in the hospital, in fact, belongs to the larger one.

At ordinary times, it can be used for the rest of the family members of the patients.

But Gus tall, lying on the sofa, there is some difficulty.

Hua Yuqing doesn't understand why Gus has to lie on the sofa. Didn't he sleep with her yesterday?

After staring at Gus's back on the sofa for several seconds, she spoke.

"If you don't go back, there's nothing wrong here."

"No, you sleep in peace." Gus finished and lay down on the sofa.

Hua Yuqing finally said, "don't sleep on the sofa. The hospital bed is very wide. Come and sleep with me."

"Don't come. Sleep on the sofa."

With that, she lifted her head on the mattress.

Gus bent the corner of his mouth. When he came out, Hua Yuqing had already fallen asleep.

He opened the bedding and was about to climb into bed when he heard a slight sound outside.

The ground of his originally smiling eyes suddenly became cold and sharp.

He quickly turned off the lights in the ward, then turned away from the ward and went to the reception hall outside.

As soon as I got to the reception hall, I saw a cold gun barrel coming in from the door leading to the outside of the hall.

Sure enough, he heard nothing wrong just now. Someone came in.

Gus's gaze froze, then flashed over, cutting the gun's wrist.

With a crack, the gun fell on the floor.

In this quiet night, the sound is particularly pleasant.

Gus frowned fiercely. He was afraid that he would wake Hua Yuqing.

Almost did not want to think, he decided to force the other side out of the ward, and then take people.

He is first a whip leg past, the other side subconsciously will retreat.

Gus pressed, but he didn't stop.

Step by step, the other side stepped back and finally exited the ward.

And at this time, Gus's methods began to get chilly.

The other side understood that before, the other side was worried about being in the ward, so he didn't die.

Now, finally, it's official.

Gus and his opponent ate hands and empty fists for a while, in the other side of a gap, he kicked each other to the ground.

Then use the strong leg, press in the other side's back, twist its arm anti joint.

Only two clicks were heard, and the other side uttered a cry of despair.

Finally, the doctors and nurses on duty here.

They ran over and found that Gus was hitting people. He was scared.

"Sir, you are guilty of beating people..."

Before he finished speaking, he got the cold eyes of GUS and immediately swallowed the word "breaking the law".

Gus's left hand pressed the gangster, then reached out and touched him all over.

Finally, on his waist, he pulled out two magazine clips.

Gus was satisfied and kicked the gangster out.

The two doctors and nurses, watching him so simply, swallowed their saliva.

Gus didn't even look at them and returned to the ward.

Doctors and nurses, see him leave, quickly touch out the mobile phone, call the police.

As a result, Gus came out of the ward in the middle of the report.

They looked at Gus in horror, for fear that he would kick them out like he had done to the man.

However, Gus did not dump them, but called Guda to come.

Guda had been living in a hotel not far from the hospital. After receiving Gus's call, he arrived in less than 10 minutes.

Seeing the gangster fainting in the corridor, he was stunned at first, and then respectfully said to Gus: "Gu Shao, this man..."

"The man entered the ward with a gun and was knocked unconscious by me." Answer Gus.

Guda's eyes were wide open when he heard his own Gu Shao's words.You know, this is the most strict control of guns and ammunition in China's Kyoto.

The man bravely used the gun.

"Gu Shao, is he from the Su family?"

"It should be." Gus answered, and then said, "I'll put the gun on the coffee table. When Zhang Heng comes, you can give it to him."

"Yes, Gu Shao." Guda nodded and was about to say something. At this time, two policemen came.

The doctor and nurse, seeing the policeman coming, immediately pointed to Gus and said, "the policeman, this is the man. He killed the people on the ground."

Hearing what they said, Guda glared at them with fierce eyes.

"This man wants to kill our young lady. It is self-defense for our family to knock him unconscious."

Doctors and nurses, scared to hide behind the police.

The two policemen checked the gangster on the ground and confirmed that they were not dead before they said to Gus: "Sir, whether you are in self-defense or not, please follow us back to investigate."

Gus got up slowly with a "Hmmm" sound.

Guda quickly grabbed him, "Gu Shao, you can't go with them."

"If I don't go, the Su family will scare the snake." Answer Gus. , the fastest update of the webnovel!