Yang Zizi in the room kept shedding tears. Since she just shut herself in the room, tears never stopped. If. He's here. He's going to hold her. Hold her in your arms and let the back soft voice comfort her.

But now. Without him, she would live alone. Strange. Why do you feel like you can't live.

Slowly slide your hand to your belly. Then she felt the beating of the hot life there, and she couldn't stand steadily in pain. But stubbornness made her stand up and dry her tears, she knew. For the children. She can't cry, she can't make her baby unhealthy.

Lu Yanshao went out of the door and stood under the tall building. The wind blew across his face and dispersed the smoke of his cigarette. The pain in the eyes distressed everyone, but no one could feel his pain any more. In the cool evening wind. His lonely figure pulled out a long line.

In fact, Lu Yan Shao himself knows. No matter what decision she makes, he will follow her wish.

I adjusted my mood. Just hurry up. Melinda is still there packing her things. And she's obviously no longer in her room.

Lu Yan Shao did not ask, with his toes want to know what is the reason. He sighed and went to his room. When passing by her room, she still stopped and stayed unconsciously.

Quietly stood at her door for a while, her room came intermittent choking voice, or let his brow unconsciously tight frown, at this moment, he was more determined.

It was already very late, and when everyone was ready to go to sleep, Yang Zizi suddenly rushed out and didn't even wear shoes, which was very frightening.

Melinda and Luyan were obviously frightened by her action. They were afraid that something might happen to her. They didn't even wear their clothes neatly, so they rushed out of the room. As a result, they were embarrassed.

She stood there, staring at the distance. Melinda walked over and took her hand. Her little hand was cold. She thought she had a nightmare.

"Zizi, what's the matter? Have you had nightmares? " Melinda asked her, and Lu Yan Shao was also staring nervously, trying to know the exact answer as soon as possible.

"Tomorrow, I'll go to Paris with you." Yang Zizi didn't answer Melinda's question just now. Instead, she said it slowly from her mouth. It was like yesterday's rehearsal. She didn't even blink her eyes. She just left a confusing sentence and went back to her room.

Lu Yanshao's legs were obviously weak. Melinda gave him a hot look, but he didn't care. The hair in her body stood up instantly. What she said seemed like a flash of wind, but the sentence just passed through his ear.

Without thinking, he closed the door of his room, leaving Melinda alone to stand up and look at each other without knowing who to face.

In the room, looking at the full supplies of mother and baby she just bought in the afternoon, every one touched her heart. Small hand gently stroked the abdomen, hot tears fell again: "baby, from now on, you will not have a father."

Yang Zizi has just thought about it for a long time in her room. She thinks that she is so cruel. How can she let Lu Yanshao spend most of her life with her here? She thinks that she is too cruel. She makes Lu Yanshao smile when she looks at the child who is not her own.

So, she compromised, maybe went to Paris, she would forget all the pain. Of course, another important reason is that she can continue to work, and does not have to rely on Lu Yanshao. Because she knew that it was not easy to live a life of dependence.

Lu Yanshao returned to the house, because of her words, she couldn't sleep for a long time. But that's good. At least in Paris, he can protect her.

Zhanchen stood in front of the window, the smoke never stopped. Tomorrow morning, there should be news of my sister-in-law. After all, he can't let go of his boss. If so, he is doomed to be haunted by heartache all his life, so he can't escape.

This night, no matter who can not sleep, after a night of tossing and turning, so that all people are physically and mentally tired.

Yang Zizi opened her big round eyes and didn't know where to look. She thought, yes, why? So many people suffer from the two of them.

Quickly moved out of the bed, simple wash, today, she still has things to complete.

They were flying in the afternoon, but she didn't have anything, so she had to buy a decent suitcase and take everything with her.

Out of the door, Lu Yanshao hasn't got up yet, but listen to Melinda's room.

Forget it, I don't want to disturb them. I went to the kitchen and warmed up the bottle of milk I had yesterday and drank it.

These days, she did not eat anything, can not let the child lack of nutrition, had to force themselves to drink milk every day.

After drinking milk, Lu Yanshao came out wearing a bathrobe and wiping his wet hair.

When I saw Yang Zizi, I was stunned for a moment, with a trace of embarrassment and surprise. Obviously, I didn't expect her to get up so early.

Just as she was about to go back and get dressed, she said "morning" behind her back. Lu Yan Shao only feels a cold wind from his back penetrating his body. Her abnormality today scares him. But he turned around and said, "good morning." On the fast pace back to the house, the heart is still beating with a fast frequency. Seeing Lu Yanshao's reaction, she is actually more remorse. It turns out that a few days ago, they all carefully protected her and tried to follow her wishes, but she never thought about what they really need. Melinda also came out very quickly, and it was no accident to see her sitting there drinking milk, because when she was just in the room, she heard their conversation vaguely. Sit down opposite her, some embarrassed mouth "Zi Zi, do you really decide to go back to Paris with us?" Melinda still wanted to find out what she thought and why she suddenly decided to go back to Paris. Moreover, she had to ask again before she could rest assured. The hand with the milk suddenly stopped. I didn't expect Melinda to be so direct. After a few seconds, he nodded slowly. Then a smile came out of the corner of her mouth.