Chapter 279

"I said you summoned me here in the early morning. I'm a pregnant woman with a big belly? It's very nice of you to be here. If my child is really here, can you afford to pay for any loss? "

In the quiet police station, Qian Xiaopei was summoned for the second time because he was suspected too much. This time, his inquiry is more specific.

Qian Xiaopei, however, was very calm, with no fear on his face.

She is very clear in her heart. Anyway, it's a pregnant woman police station now. Even if we find out something big, we can't really detain her.

"Miss, this time we invite you here, we want to hear you explain what's going on inside the surveillance camera."

"It's totally different from the notes you took last time."

The voice of the police sounded leisurely, with a little irony. The disdainful eyes slowly looked at Qian Xiaopei in front of him.

"As I said last time, my foot fell down by myself. It has nothing to do with your last time. The death of my little girl has nothing to do with me. It's all a coincidence."

When Qian Xiaopei said these words, he seemed awe inspiring on the surface.

In fact, his heart is beating drums. After all, the evidence from the surveillance cameras is here.

In the face of these rock chiseling evidence, no matter what is said, there is no strength.

There are only two reasons for Qian Xiaopei to survive. One is that he is not the murderer, and the other is the surveillance camera, which is not clear enough.

Qian Xiaopei has been dealing with the police for a long time.

But the two sides were close, and the police did not intend to let her go.

After all, the so-called evidence in those words and videos. Compared with the two, it is obvious that the words are so weak.

However, the police think that Qian Xiaopei is pregnant after all.

It can not be too strong way to solve this matter, so we have to take Qian Xiaopei as the key suspect to summon and inquire from time to time.

Qian Xiaopei dragged tired body, slowly came out from the police station.

The whole nerve is in a state of high tension.

Until Qian Xiaopei really stepped out of the police station with elegant steps.

She just a long sigh of relief, in the face of the police interrogation, every cell of the body has been nervous to the top.

Now she has been sweating, cold sweat will have soaked clothes.

Even the pretty little face has been covered with crystal clear cold sweat.

The whole body trembles desperately because of high tension

After Qian Xiaopei came out of the police station, he quickly called a taxi, got on the bus in a hurry and went home.

Qian Xiaopei in the nine into the door of the moment suddenly paralyzed to the bed.

The fingers began to tremble and dial the phone number.

Because of excessive tension, the whole body is shaking violently“ Doo... Doo... Doo... "

After a long handsfree sound, a lazy and low voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Dad... You can find the scapegoat I told you last time. Now I can't stand the east window incident."

Qian Xiaopei was so scared that he cried like a child.

At this moment, there is no such kind of communication and artificiality of the young lady.

After hearing his daughter's hoarse cry in the receiver, Qian Fu felt heartbroken for a moment.

"Don't cry, my daughter. My father will come to the end of the sky in a short time. My father will support you."

In the phone simple comfort daughter a few words, then put down the phone, rushed to the daughter's home.

After a while, Qian's father came to Qian Xiaopei's house.

As soon as he entered the house, Qian's father saw his crying daughter. The whole eye is crying at the same time.

Qian's father's heart broke when he saw his daughter crying like this.

Immediately stride forward, the daughter tightly into the arms.

"Dad, I don't want to go to jail. You must help me!"

While crying, Qian Xiaopei tugged at her father's hero with her little white hand.

Her eyes are full of pity and helplessness. Now the only one who can help her is her father.

Qian Xiaopei's eyes are full of endless expectations. With endless expectations, he looks at his father without blinking.

Qian's father helped his daughter wipe away the tears on her face, and frowned, as if thinking about something.

"I can help you this time, but I don't want this to happen again!"

When Qian Xiaopei heard that his father decided to help her, tears came out of his eyes like a broken pearl.

While crying hoarseness, while tears hazy looking at his father, and nodded, such as pound garlic, vowed to his father.

"In the future, no matter what kind of things, we will never use this kind of extreme behavior to solve it again..."

Qian's father comforted his daughter slowly. After a while, the door was opened slowly.

From the door slowly into a woman, this woman's slender body, skin white as snow general, as if the sun gently shining on the body, you can feel her whole body is transparent.

Delicate face, delicate features, towering nose, cherry like mouth, petite figure, protruding waist.

Qian Xiaopei couldn't help looking up and down at this woman. He thought in his heart that this is really a woman of medium beauty. She has a certain charm.

Eyes on your face for a moment, suddenly feel strange.

After a few seconds of hesitation, it suddenly dawned on me that this woman's eyebrows were really like her“ Daughter! This is my stand in for you, OK? You are satisfied with this. From a distance, you two are really like each other. "

Qian Xiaopei was stunned for a moment. He never thought that there were such similar people in the world. After a moment's hesitation, Qian Xiaopei opened his mouth tremblingly.

"What's your name? How old is this year? "

"My name is Xiaojuan. I'm 24 years old this year..."

After hearing these words, Qian Xiaopei could not help but take a chill.

Women's voice is very nice, just like catkins in spring, gentle and harmless.

Qian Xiaopei's heart thumped when she heard the harmless words.

With such a weak woman to take the blame, more or less in the heart of some of the past do not go.

But what can we do with everything in front of us?

When Qian Xiaopei thought of this place, he could not help but gnash his teeth. The pity in his eyes disappeared in a moment, and he turned and disappeared.