It was unknown whether it was a minute or an hour later, but both Lu Que and Falcon Duo suddenly heard a clear and tiny wave sound. From the sound of it, it should be a short distance in front of them.

Hearing the sound of the waves, the two of them looked at each other and nodded without saying anything. They paid more attention to the loose rocks under their feet and took a step forward.

"Plop!" "Plop!"

A few pieces of rubble rolled down from the feet of Lu Hanwen and the Falcon's Formula into the dark pool below. Only then did the two of them understand that they had reached the end of the tunnel where they could explore.

Although it was not difficult for Lu Qisha and Falcon to explore, he didn't know how deep the water was and what dangers were hidden under the water. Moreover, the cold water would quickly consume his energy, so jumping in to explore was far too dangerous and meaningless.

At this time, Lu Qiuyan suddenly froze. Then, in the darkness, he waved his hand towards the falcon, pointing towards the slanted part of the pond in front of him, indicating for him to look up.

On the left side of the pond, there was an extremely strange black pillar. That "pillar" was about four or five meters long and one meter wide, and it was connected to the left side of the cliff at an obtuse angle. The entire pillar looked extremely flat, and it did not have any concave edges like most of the rocks, but instead seemed to be a man-made object.

"What's that?" The falcon man looked at the pillar in shock, and asked Lu Qirin in a soft voice. However, Lu Qirin also shook his head blankly.

"Xiao Ran!" Seeing that Lu Quren didn't know what that strange pillar was, he bent down and picked up a small piece of rock and held it in his hand, then turned to Lu Que and asked: "Then I'll try it?"

If he agreed to it, then it would make a clear noise and perhaps alert the creatures hiding in the cave. However, if he did not agree, then he would not be able to see clearly what the pillar was, and he would not be able to determine if there were any dangers hidden in the cave.

After weighing the pros and cons, Lu Qioran did not try to stop the Falcon's Technique. He turned his head away and did not look at him to show his tacit agreement.

Seeing this, the Solitary Falcon smiled faintly, and his right hand flicked the stone in his hand, then he abruptly took a step forward. His body twisted, gathering all the strength in his body to rapidly throw the stone in his hand.

In the darkness, he only saw a blurry black shadow draw a straight line in the air before ferociously smashing onto the pillar.

"Dang …!"

At this moment, both of them clearly knew in their hearts that the curved pillar was not a stone pillar, but an iron pipe similar to a drainage pipe. It was a 100% man-made object!

After receiving this news, Lu Qiancai and the falcon were shocked. They didn't expect that there would be such a thick draining iron pipe on this desolate and isolated island. Could it be that there was someone else on this island?

Just as the two of them were immersed in shock, Lu Quren suddenly smelled a faint odour in the humid air. Although this smell was not heavy and did not smell bad, it still made them feel gloomy and disgusted.

It was also at this moment that a peculiar sound of water suddenly rang out from the pond in front of the two of them, creating ripples. Although the surroundings were very dim, the two of them could still clearly see that the pond was actually moving on its own, despite the lack of wind or falling stones, as if something terrifying was moving at the bottom of the pond.

Lu Quren and the Eagle Triad immediately knew that the situation was not good. Even though the two of them were underworld assassins who had experienced life and death situations, at this moment, they couldn't help but sweat a little from their foreheads due to this strange scene.

The two of them watched the surface of the water which was gradually churning as they slowly prepared to retreat, hoping to avoid the calamity that was about to befall them. However, it was obvious that they were moving too late …


The sound of splashing suddenly rang out, and along with the scattering of countless droplets of water, a huge, dark, lacquered item slowly rose from the dark water. The shadow seemed to be as large as a small mountain, its long body seemed to have almost blended in with the darkness around it, and only a pair of golden eyes the size of a copper bell emitted a faint yellow light.

It seemed like this mountain-like creature in front of him was a snake. A python that was ridiculously large in size. Judging by the width of the snake, it would at least be 8 meters or even longer. This kind of snake could not even be considered an animal, but a monster!

Being stared at by the snake, neither Lu Quren nor the Falcon Art dared to act rashly. They both knew that they were not moving … perhaps the snake could just ignore them and walk away. Once they ran away, the snake would immediately attack them.

The two of them had been staring at a snake for more than ten seconds, and in the eyes of Lu Wechan and the Falcon's Technique, those ten seconds had seemed like they had been there for centuries.


Finally, the monstrous python was the first to start moving. The snake slowly turned left and right as if it wanted to leave, but its head quickly moved back slightly in the direction of the two.


Before the roar of the Eagle Condor technique could escape from his mouth, it was drowned out by the loud sounds coming from below. The rock ground where the two of them were standing on was smashed apart by the giant python's head, turning into different sized pieces of rock that fell into the pool of water below.

On the other hand, Lu Qiuyan and Falcon Duo instantly reacted, the two of them acting like a pair of tacit partners that had been together for many years. Both of them nimbly somersaulted backwards, avoiding the giant python's sudden attack unharmed.

Immediately afterwards, a cold light flew out from Lu Que's hand. The sharp dagger stabbed into the giant python's golden right eye, causing it a great amount of pain. However, this strike did not seem to blind it.

With this moment of delay, the Falcon's Decision immediately pulled out its gun from behind its waist and pulled the trigger without hesitation. It fired at the giant python's head while flying backwards in retreat towards the exit of the cave.


Four gunpowder explosions resounded in the cave. However, the bullets that were powerful enough to shatter rocks had no effect on the python, it was like an ox entering a mud sea. It couldn't even injure the python as it moved forward, and could only barely slow it down.