Chapter 1279

Jian Haixi approached carefully. She seemed to be integrated with the jungle in the night, and there was hardly any sound during her actions.

Not far from her on the left front, at the moment, a figure was leaning against the ground yawning.

"Shit, let people guard the woods at night just for a woman and a few children. It's really sick..." he muttered in a low voice.

They have been ordered to stay here for a long time. Now it's this point again. The birds in the forest are asleep. Jane Haixi and they haven't heard anything. Naturally, they can't survive. The biological clock has long been sleepy.

Jane Haixi could only hear what he was muttering in his mouth, and then there was a big yawn. Slowly, his voice was too low to hear.

She silently counted in her heart, ready to wait until the person's spirit is most relaxed.

Before the action, she was optimistic. The five people guarding here had been scattered, and he was the only one here, which was the farthest away from those people.

So if she wants to find a breakthrough, this one is undoubtedly the most appropriate.

After silently counting in her heart, Jane Haixi lowered her body and came forward quietly under the shadow of the surrounding trees. At the same time, she had taken out a needle tube from her pocket with one hand.

The small and sharp needle reflected a touch of cold light in the dark night, which made the fundus of Jian Haixi colder.

This injection will not kill people. It will only make people sleep for two hours without knowing it.

This is also the only injection in her hand now.

Originally, she came out in a hurry this time, and they didn't expect such a big change. In addition, her actions were always with Dou gohamu. Even if there was anything, she didn't need to take action in terms of force, so she only took such a self-defense from Qi Er this time.

But now she has some regrets. She knew she should have prepared more

Jian Haixi sighed in her heart, but she didn't hesitate at all. Her hand also held the needle steadily.

With only such a chance, she can only succeed and never fail.

She came near silently, just as the man turned over, yawned, and his narrowed eyes opened slightly.

Four eyes are opposite, silent.


In the dark night, when the reaction came, the person in front of them was Jian Haixi, who had been waiting for them. The man's pupils suddenly widened.

Just before the first syllable was uttered, the next moment, Jian Haixi's needle had pierced into the flesh on his arm, and covered his mouth tightly with one hand to stop his next voice.


He stared at Jian Haixi and struggled for two seconds. Then his limbs loosened and he completely fainted.

"Hoo..." Jian Haixi breathed a sigh of relief and shook his hand. "It seems that Qi Er should be more refined next time. Two seconds is too long."

She checked the people on the ground and squinted at the direction of the other four.

There was hardly any sound from the movement just now, and it was covered up by the wind at night. As she expected, it did not cause any movement.

She quietly walked around behind the man who fainted to the ground, helped him stand up, carefully stood behind him and walked forward against him.

Although a little stiff, but in the dark, the surrounding is already shadowy. If you don't look carefully, it's like the man walking carelessly.

No one could have imagined that he had completely fainted at the moment.

Not far away, Jiao Jiu hid behind the trees and looked at the scene in front of him, so nervous that his heart almost jumped out.

He found out how brave Jane Haixi was.

After Dou Ge was captured, she dared to rush forward alone. That's enough. Now

Now she dares to approach the next one like this. If she is found, she doesn't even have a chance to struggle.

"Grass... Do you know what fear is?" Jiao long could not help but make complaints about his voice, but his fingers could not help subconsciously grasping the weeds on the ground beside him.

He stared at Jian Haixi's direction without blinking, carefully observed every trend, thought about various schemes in his mind, and thought about how he would help her escape in case she was found in a moment.

From beginning to end, the two options of leaving or calling someone over never seemed to appear in his mind.

Ahead, Jian Haixi walked slowly against the man, trying to make his joints look natural as ordinary people.

More than 50 meters away from the place just now is another person's hiding place.

Jian Haixi took a deep breath and kept walking forward. She deliberately didn't converge and made a lot of movement all the way.

At first, as soon as the noise sounded, the man looked cautiously. When Jian Haixi and his companions approached, he narrowed his eyes slightly and saw that it was his companion. He waved absently and said, "how did you come here?"

Jane Haixi moved her eyes and held the man's arm.

"Oh, I see. It's boring, isn't it?"

The man sat on the ground and took it for granted. He covered his mouth, yawned and said casually: "if I say so, it's too much for so many of us to stay here. Isn't there only a useless woman and a bunch of children who don't understand anything? Dou GE has been caught by us. What can they do, ha ha..."

The sarcasm and disdain in his tone were obvious. Jian Haixi's eyelids were slightly chilly and his green tendons stretched on his forehead.

It's no use, bitch

Hiss... I'll show you how you lost in the hands of useless women in a minute.

She secretly clenched her teeth and did not forget to control the person standing in front of her to make a gesture in response to the man.

"You think so, don't you? Tut, I'll say it." the man nodded, grinned his big white teeth, looked like finding a bosom friend, and his whole body was more relaxed. "And that HA mu, his skill is really good, but..."

At this point, he paused and couldn't help laughing: "that wooden brain, no matter how good it is, is not a tool that only knows how to fight. Let me say that two people are enough to take them. It's not necessary for so many of us to ambush here and burn a fire directly. Those people are not easy to catch."

Jian Haixi's eyes were dark. She didn't know what she was thinking and didn't respond to the man again.

The man didn't receive his partner's approval. He was silent for a moment. He seemed to think that this was too much. He quickly smiled and went back to make up: "of course, I don't mean to burn them, but I can play..."

His eyes were shining, and he clearly had a ruthless idea in his heart. He had to pretend to be a good man and pile up a forced smile: "smoke more and get some sparks. The posture is real enough. Those people will come out naturally when they are afraid, and we won't really hurt their children in those bases..."