Chapter 1564

On the other side, Su rian's home.

On such an important day today, his small room is still as deserted as ever. Except for him, there is only one more mo Tong.

Originally, according to Mo Tong's plan, today he was going to send several people to protect Su ri'an's safety.

After all, with eukins. Yan has been dealing with that person for so many years. He knows how insidious that person is. In case he wants to use some shady means to destroy the game, take a few more people, and they won't wait to die.

But when he told Su ri'an about this arrangement, he rejected it one by one.

Su ri'an seems gentle, but sometimes he is persistent and can't be rejected.

In his heart, he wanted to be honest with eukins this time. Yan duel, and do not want to be under the wings and shelter of others.

Just like the beginning of this game, it was proposed by him fearlessly, but also by him and eukins at this moment. Yan Guangming had a big comparison.

So in the end, Mo Tong was the only one in the room. Mo Tong argued that at least someone needs to help debug the audio equipment in this game

Although Su ri'an doesn't want to trouble anyone, he can't refuse this reason.

At this moment, Mo Tong finally checked all the equipment. After confirming that it was in good condition, he said to Su ri'an, "Uncle Su, it has been checked."

"Thank you." Su ri'an smiled and thanked politely.

Although his voice and etiquette were the same as before, there was nothing strange about him, Mo Tong still noticed his difference.

Su ri'an sat on the sofa and took a deep breath. His hands on his knees were clenched and loosened. He looked a little nervous.

Looking at him like this, Mo Tong said thoughtfully, "would you like a glass of water first? I'll pour you a glass."

He said and was ready to go to the kitchen. As soon as he moved, he was stopped by Su ri'an.

Su ri'an shook his head: "no, I didn't drink water before going on stage in order to keep my spirit nervous."

After a pause, he said with a smile: "but in my life, there is no game that makes me more nervous than this time..."

In the past, he also stood in the highest Hall of music and played. Tens of thousands of audience sat under the stage, only following his fingertips and listening to him alone.

But compared with this time, it was no more nervous at that time.

When people have nothing, they are not no longer afraid of losing anything, but that fear will be more severe, because what they lose again... Will be more precious things in their life.

In the past, Su ri'an had fame and wealth, which he was not afraid to lose.

But this time, with so many people involved in Qiaoya and Xiangcheng, he will still be nervous even if he is indifferent.

Mo Tong glanced at the man in front of him.

Su ri'an's eyes can't see, but it always gives people an illusion that he is a normal person like them, and they always ignore that he is the weakest of so many people.

Now the weakest man has to go alone with eukins. Yan "battle"

Mo Tong pondered for a moment, and Wen Sheng advised, "you don't have to have too much pressure, eukins. Yan has been evil in mind for so many years and neglects to practice in music. He won't be your opponent."

"Oh, that's not how it counts."

Su ri'an smiled and shook his head lightly. He knew Mo Tong's kindness, but he knew himself and eukins better in his heart. Yan's game is not so simple.

He tilted his head towards Mo Tong and said, "do you remember how I taught you the first lesson when you were a child?"

Mo Tong was slightly stunned. For a moment, Su ri'an's old words sounded in his ear: "as an art of piano, effort is important, but talent is also indispensable. Even when you get higher, you will find that your life's efforts may not be comparable to the talent of others who occasionally come to interest..."

For those who have just stepped into the field of music, his words are actually a little mean and blow, but in fact, throughout the world, this sentence is undoubtedly the true meaning of many things.

Mo Tong doesn't doubt his words. He just doubts Su ri'an's attitude towards eukins. Yan's evaluation.

He frowned, looked at Su ri'an and said, "is Eugene Yan really so talented?" High enough to make su ri'an so nervous?

Su ri'an shook his head and objectively analyzed with him: "in terms of talent, we may be different, but not much worse. He is better than me. He is in another place..."

A flash of doubt flashed across Mo Tong's face.

Su ri'an paused for a moment, raised his finger to his heart, and said in a deep voice: "as the saying goes, the heart is as big as the stage. This sentence is not an exaggeration, but a true portrayal, eukins. Yan's ambition is enough to support the whole world with the piano sound he points to, and I..."

He would say so not because of his inferiority, let alone because he envied eukins. Yan's state of mind.

He always believed in eukins. Yan is wrong, but if you only speak from the broad-minded, he may really be no better than that person.

But before he could finish his words, Mo Tong stopped him.

"But what you hold up is the happiness of aunt Ya and peace."

Mo Tong said in a deep voice, "Eugene Yan may have great ambitions, but I don't think your love and protection are smaller than his vicious ambitions."

After a pause, he said meaningfully, "Uncle Su, if you can't change your view, you'll have lost him before the game starts."

He may not know which of them has higher talent, wider mood and more proficient skills, but he knows that he must not let Su Tian start the game with such an idea.

A game, I believe I will win, is the beginning of real winning.

Mo Tong's words silenced Su ri'an.

Sitting on the sofa, he thought solemnly for a moment, sighed and nodded, "you're right, and I have great ambition."

Eukins. Yan wants to destroy, and he... Wants to protect.

The heart of protection must be stronger than destruction, just as evil can never defeat justice.

Seeing that he had recovered, Mo Tong also smiled in his eyes, got up, held his arm and said, "let's go, let's start."

With his help, Su ri'an sat down in front of the piano.

He was born for music. As long as he sat in front of the piano, he was the king who looked down on everything.

In the world of music, no one will be above him.

Mo Tong stood aside and reminded, "I'm going to start recording. Are you ready?"

"Ready." Su ri'an nodded to him.
