Chapter 1579

Late at night, eukins. Yan sat in his study with only half a glass of red wine in front of him.

It was quiet all around. He sat in his chair and seemed to have entered meditation. He hung his head slightly and didn't speak for a long time.

Li Xue mixed himself a glass of wine in the living room, twisted the waist of a snake and came in coyly. A pair of hate sky high stepped out of a rhythmic rhythm on the ground.

"What's the matter?" She glanced at the silent eukins. Yan, opening his red lips slightly, sipped the wine lightly and asked in a charming voice, "what's the matter with me so late?"

The most normal thing, when it came to her mouth, was not ambiguous, and she said it was ambiguous.

She said, her eyes slightly swept around and wondered, "why didn't you see Jie's straight iron man?"

I don't blame her for her doubts. Whenever something happens, Jie must be with eukins. The man next to Yan, but I didn't see him today.

Eukins. Yan raised his eyes and looked at her with a deep voice: "I didn't look for him, just you."

Li Xue was stunned. The wine glass was put down on the table and his face was solemn: "something's wrong?"

"No." Eukins. Yan shook his head.

Compared with Li Xue, his expression was always light, as if it was just a casual conversation.

But Li Xue didn't dare to just take it as a casual narration, eukins. People like Yan have a deep mind. Even if the abacus in his heart makes a loud noise, he can not reveal anything on his face.

"Then you..." she frowned and was about to ask again, eukins. Yan suddenly stood up, cut a small piece of cake and handed it to her.

"This is from Anning. Try it."

Li Xue swallowed those words to her mouth and reached for the cake.

The cake is dotted with all kinds of fruits, which are all Qiao Anning's favorite. Originally, this is the cake specially prepared for Qiao Anning's home.

She picked up the fork next to her. She was about to do it, but she stopped halfway and looked at eukins. Yan ban joked, "there should be no poison in it?"

Eukins. Yan's eyebrows were slightly raised, and he seemed to hum: "you can't tell if you eat."

It should be all right. It seems that she was only called here late this night, not to kill her.

Li Xue breathed a sigh of relief and continued to move in his hand. He put the cream and a small piece of cake into his mouth.

The cream is sweet, the cake is soft and waxy, and the fruit has a unique fragrance

She nodded: "sweet but not greasy, delicious."

In fact, you don't have to taste it. This is eukins. Yan Mingren specially prepared it. How could it be bad.

Eukins. Yan nodded and whispered, "I've tasted it and I think it's delicious."

Li Xue made a move and looked up at him.

She took two bites, put down the cake, sipped the cream on her lips, and looked slowly at eukins. Yan said, "you are very strange today."

"After that, you shook your head. It seems that something is wrong today."

Two days ago, I ordered my men to arrange this party. Today, I personally went to the airport to pick up people, and then announced Joe Anning's identity in front of everyone

This kind of behavior reveals a trace of inexplicable strangeness.

Even those who had been with him could not guess what he was thinking for a moment.

Eukins. Yan sighed, waved his hand and said, "nothing, I just... Suddenly feel a little tired."

His face looked unexpectedly lonely.

Li Xue was stunned and dumbfounded. It turned out... Will the demon king be tired?

She thought he would always be obsessed with the excitement and madness of the game and never stop.

Li Xue didn't think about eukins. Yan said such a thing one day, so he didn't know what to answer for the moment.

Eukins. Yan didn't care about her silence. He looked at the snow in his eyes and said in a deep voice, "I asked you to come today. I just want to ask your opinion on something."

Li Xue was stunned again.

Look at eukins this time. Yan's eyes widened a little, as if it was unbelievable.

Eukins. When did Yan ask for other people's opinions?

In this powerful Dark Kingdom, he is an arbitrary autocrat. Anyone can only act according to his orders and orders, and no one dares to put forward opinions in front of him.

She thought for a while and finally could only guess one possibility: "is it related to peace?"

She asked tentatively. She really couldn't think of anyone or anything that could disturb eukins except his precious daughter who could make repeated exceptions. Yan's thoughts forced him to ask others for advice.

Eukins. Yan nodded, frowned and asked, "do you think peace is good for her to follow me like this?"

Since Qiao Anning returned to Xiangcheng, this problem has been intertwined in his heart.

For the first time, he was not so confident and sure about a problem. If it was about others, he could not care. What does life or death have to do with him.

But looking at Joe's peaceful little face, he always felt that there was a hidden flaw in his heart

The question was too difficult. Li Xue was silent for a long time and spread his hand with a bitter smile: "Yan, it's too difficult for me."

Answer "yes". As a woman, it's a little against her heart; Answer "no" for fear of losing your life.

"It seems that your cake is not so easy to eat..." she said with a smile.

See her faltering, eukins. Yan frowned, waved his hand and said, "just tell the truth. I won't blame you."

He came to her just for an answer.

Li Xue shrugged her shoulders. He said so. Naturally, she had nothing to tangle with.

She sighed and looked at eukins. Yan Chengcheng said, "although I haven't been a mother, I've watched Anning grow up over the years. Believe it or not, she's not just a boss's daughter in my heart."

Eukins. Yan didn't say anything. He could see these naturally. He didn't open his mouth and waited quietly for Li Xue's next words.

"Maternal love is an instinct, Yan. Over the years, because of peace, this instinct has been increasing in my heart."

It's my mother's instinct to give up her love when she grows up in such a peaceful environment

She said nothing at all.

Eukins. Yan's hand holding the wine cup suddenly tightened, and the green tendons on the back of his hand tightened.

The answer you think of is different from listening to others say it yourself.

Looking at his suddenly changed face, Li Xue thought. Since he started today, he simply said it together.

She touched her finger on the table and said, "in fact, you don't have to ask this question at all, because there is a living example in front of you."

"Who?" Eukins. Yan Yan's eyes twinkled for a moment and asked.

"Talilina's daughter, Shazhi." Li Xue said.

Eukins. Yan was stunned.

It seemed that the final standard answer was thrown in front of him, so that he could no longer escape.

Li Xue said softly, "you investigated what the yarn weaving used to be like. Later, she followed Jian Haixi and what it would be like after they lived. I think you know."

She knows eukins. In fact, Yan has an answer in his heart, but he has always been strong. He makes himself unable to accept the answer subconsciously.

Eukins. Yan didn't speak for a long time. He held the wine glass tightly in one hand, but he didn't drink a mouthful.

The snow waited quietly.

It was not until a moment later that I heard eukins. Yan Chang sighed: "in the past, I never thought whether this was good for peace..."

In the past, he only cared that it was his daughter. He must cultivate her into what he should be in his mind.

But then, looking at her smiling face day by day, he suddenly wondered.

It seems that what he wants to see more than watching her become the king of the next generation is her carefree eyes and no nightmares every night

With such hesitation, the problem eventually became an impasse.

"That's because in the past, your heart was lonely and only you lived in it." Li Xue smiled and pointed to his heart, "Yan, you should be happy, because you now have a human heart..."

Eukins. Yan wry smile, is this something you should be happy about?


He looked up and drank the rest of the wine in the glass. He took a breath and looked at Li Xue: "do me a favor..."