Chapter 1243

When the three teams began to move forward according to their own drawn route, Jian Haixi and others were also ready to start.

"What's the matter?" looking at Dou Ge and staring down at the screen, Jian Haixi came forward and asked.

Dou Ge pointed to the screen in her hand, motioned her to see the moving red dot sign on it, smiled and said, "I think we don't have to go separately."

Jian Haixi picked his eyebrows. After being slightly surprised, he couldn't help laughing: "these children..."

Ah Zhuo took a look at it and sighed: "rabbit, how long has it been? Everyone has changed their route."

None of the three teams is obedient.

Dou Ge stared at the screen for a while, pointed out a direction to the people and said, "according to their route, I guess we can gather at one point tonight. We just have to go in this direction."

Jian Haixi and a Zhuo nodded, and the four of them walked according to the point estimated by Dou Ge in advance.

"It's a survival test. I don't think anyone takes it seriously." ah Zhuo scolded with a smile. "Fortunately, the mechanism traps were distributed along the mountain, otherwise we would have wasted our efforts."

Dou Ge was not surprised. He smiled and said, "I have guessed that a group of people will not be so obedient."

As for who took the lead in "disobedience", although a group of people didn't say it clearly, they probably guessed 7788. Except for the children of Ning family and Mo family, the rest can't be found.

As they talked, they walked all the way around the mechanism traps they arranged, as if they were out for a spring outing.

Just after starting from, Jian Haixi has been very silent.

A Zhuo and ha Mu walked in front and whispered about the children's achievements in the training. They didn't notice the silence behind them. Dou Ge glanced at Jian Haixi and whispered, "what's the matter? What are you thinking?"

Jian Haixi frowned, shook his head and said, "two days have passed, and the three teams have been calm for two days. I'm afraid something will happen next."

Dou Ge patted her on the shoulder with a gentle light in his eyes: "don't worry, aren't you very confident in them? I think the strength of several children can afford your confidence."

"I can trust my children naturally." Jian Haixi frowned and hesitated for a moment. "It's just... I'm just afraid I don't think well enough and ignore something."

"Then there's no need to think more." Dou Ge smiled. "We follow here in person. There's shadow and Qi'er on the base. There won't be a problem."

Jian Haixi brushed away the branches and leaves in front of him, nodded and said, "I hope I'm worried too much."



Through the French windows, the bright sunshine covered the whole living room with a bright coat. JOYA stood in the hall and looked silently at the man on the terrace.

This man seems to be in a good mood today. He is cooking tea leisurely. Only looking at his side face, he can see the arc of his mouth.

JOYA has understood that most of the time, his happiness is just the misfortune of others. I don't know what new games he thinks of

The thick long blanket under her feet absorbed her footsteps. The man didn't see her. She didn't know how long she stood there. Finally, she hesitated and walked towards the terrace.

See her, eukins. Yan Wei waved to her with a smile and said, "ya'er, come and sit down."

Joey walked over and just wanted to sit down opposite, eukins. Yan has reached out to him.

The meaning was self-evident. Joyarden hesitated and put his hand in his palm.

"Good," eukins said. The radian of Yan's mouth became higher and higher. With a force in his hand, he pulled her to sit beside him, took her hand and gently said at the tip of her nose, "the tea is almost ready. I'll let you have your first drink later."

JOYA pursed her lips. Without answering him, she asked, "Why are you in the mood to make tea today?"

"Why, is it strange?" eukins. Yan Mei tip picked and looked at her.

JOYA nodded, "don't you usually drink red wine? And you always think these things waste your time."

"Hehe." eukins. Yan chuckled, "I grew up abroad and have never been familiar with these things. I have only slowly liked these traditional cultures recently. I think I have a different taste."

I just like it recently

JOYA looked at the tea, her eyes flashed and her heart moved inexplicably.

She knows that Jane Haixi is used to drinking tea.

She was very upset, next to eukins. Yan pretended not to feel it, scooped up the tea, brought it to her, smiled and said, "tea is good. The first cup will be given to my little beauty."

Qiaoya took the cup and looked at the ripples of the tea, but she didn't drink it. After a long time, she suddenly asked in a low voice, "is it because of the sea stream?"

"Huh?" eukins. Yan paused slightly in his hand and looked at her with his eyebrows.

Qiao Ya took a deep breath and looked up at the man in front of her: "you are in such a good mood today and are interested in making tea. Is it because of Haixi? What happened to her?"

Eukins. Yan's deep eyes narrowed slightly, and a faint light passed from the bottom of his eyes.

He raised his hand and stroked JOYA's hair. His face became more and more interested: "ya'er, where did you hear that?"

JOYA shook her head. "It doesn't need anyone to say that I'm a woman. My intuition will tell me."

"Intuition?" eukins. Yan repeated softly, smiling even more in his eyes. "Don't you really try the tea I cooked myself? Maybe you'll like it very much."

Seeing that he avoided answering, JOYA's face was slightly cold and put her tea cup on the table.

White porcelain knocked on the table and made a clear sound, and the atmosphere between them suddenly became solidified.

Eukins. Yan chuckled and reached out to hold her hand and said, "are you angry?"

His breath was so close that he almost threw himself on her skin. JOYA stiffened, struggled violently and was killed by eukins. Yan clenched her hand, but felt more and more strength. She snapped, "let me go!"

The more she struggles, eukins. The tighter Yan held, she stuck to the back of her hand, gently kissed it, and whispered, "ya'er, even if you can deceive everyone, you can't deceive your own heart. You have me in your heart, otherwise how can you intuition?"

"You're talking nonsense!" JOYA retorted subconsciously, but her heart beat a lot faster involuntarily. Even she couldn't figure out where the subtle feeling of guilty conscience came from.

Eukins. Yan shrugged: "it's nonsense..."

JOYA paused, pursed her lips and stopped talking.

Eukins. Yan Song opened her hand and said, "don't worry, Jane Haixi is fine for the time being."

"For a while?" Julia stared at him. "What have you done?"

"Shh," eukins said. Yan put his index finger gently on her lips and whispered, "you'll know soon."