Chapter 36: Tough Puppets.

Name:Chaos Devourer System Author:
Chapter 36: Tough Puppets.

A trident slammed from above intent on crushing Zeras as he immediately jumped back, at the last second, dodging the blow.

The battle stage shook powerfully on the verge of breaking but it held strong in the end.

Zera's jaw dropped to the ground as he looked at the damage from a single strike.

The puppet was more than twice stronger than the level 1 puppet.

"The first puppet is just a water tester boy, it's to take note of your strongest aspect. The second puppet will have your strongest aspect replicated in it.

And through your first battle, your strongest aspect seemed to be strength. That's why this second puppet is modeled to have much greater strength than you.

It's a special training program, that makes you not only improve your strongest aspect but also others as you'll have no choice but to use your other aspects which will cause massive growth. Make good use of this moment boy."

The old man said to him from below but Zeras couldn't afford to be distracted unless he wanted to be flattened.

He finally understood why this one was so strong, compared to the first one.

"You tried replicating my strongest aspect, huh? But unfortunately, strength is not my fort."

The trident moved with speed towards Zeras, but he was already gone in the next second as he appeared behind the puppet's back.


Slamming the trident on the puppet's back, the puppet took three steps forward but there was not a single scratch on it, as it quickly turned and slammed its trident on Zeras who was already gone in the next second.

Zeras rapidly looked for answers in his mind as he discovered his attack was useless. The puppet was physically stronger too.

"The trident is not a staff, boy. What are you thinking slamming the trident on it, it's for piercing not slamming." The old man said as Zera's eyes narrowed before shooting off the ground and moving towards the puppets.

The huge trident moved past his face, and inch from kissing it, but Zeras dodged in the last moment as he arrived before the puppet piercing forward, as the trident dug into its stomach.

Zeras pulled his trident out, but he noticed the puppet wasn't down yet, only having its movement slightly stopped before it slammed its second hand on Zeras's face, sending him flying into the distance.



Each robot is a combination of his best attributes and therefore pushed him to his absolute limits before he could overcome them. This was an opportunity that he had to make good use of.

"Congratulations warrior, you have defeated the level 3 puppets."

"You've done good boy, you should give yourself time to re.." the old man said but he was shocked and speechless in the next second.

"Begin Level 4." A cold voice rang out on the stage.

The battle stage opened swallowing up the fallen puppet as another one emerged.

This one was even different as it didn't have a red-coloured armor. Instead, its entire body was a blue color.

Zeras's hair stood on end, seeing the puppet but he wasn't afraid and instead held his silver trident tightly in his hands.




An extremely brutal fight occurred between a man and a puppet as the battle stage continuously shook from their power.

-- -- --

3 hours later

Two figures stood in the battle stage their body held tightly together in a hug position.

The throngs of a trident could be seen piercing out of both their backs but a slight difference could be observed.

Zeras silver tridents were piercing out of the puppet's heart back but the puppet's trident was piercing out of his stomach.

Zeras moved backward as the puppet collapsed on the ground.

"Congratulations warrior, you have completed the level 4 stage."

The system notification panel kept appearing in his sight but his eyesight was already growing blurry due to his injury, the blood oozing out from his left eye made it even worse.

Zeras fell on the ground, but before he could lie face-flat, a hand grabbed him and he swiftly felt himself descending into the darkness. The last thing he heard was:

"You're a strange one, kid."